
May 11th, 2010 | 302 Entries

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302 Entries for “stand”

  1. “Stand for something,” he began, and looked at me expectantly.
    I sighed, rolled my eyes, but in the end gave him a smile and finished, “Or you’ll fall for anything.”
    He grinned and clapped me good-naturedly on the shoulder. “And don’t we know it.”

  2. Stand up.
    Take a stand.
    You can’t just float on by.
    This world needs you.
    Uncertainty will be the death of us.
    Stand up.
    I’ll stand with you.
    And we will not be moved.

  3. with pride and dignity for ones self, and stand for those not strong enough to stand for themselves.

    by Amanda on 05.11.2010
  4. She had to learn to stand up for herself early on in life, for she had two girls to raise on her own.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 05.11.2010
  5. standing is a lovely thing to do. unless you like to sit. then standing isn’t very much fun. like if you only have one leg, standing probably isn’t a great activity for you. also you would get laughed at. i have two feet and legs so i enjoy standing.

    by dani on 05.11.2010
  6. I’m gonna take a stand, take a stand, yeah, I’m not gonna let you go so easily. You thought you could escape? No, sweetie, this is a cobweb, and you’ve messed with the wrong spider.

    by Rocío on 05.11.2010
  7. I stand in the middle of the dark, alone.
    The door is locked, I have a broken table leg in arm, and I am waiting for you to get home, hoping that it is indeed you who walks through the door this time.

  8. there is a stand in my room. it’s wooden. i place white paper on it. i paint. i draw. i ponder. sometimes (well, always) i use it to hang clothes on. i believe it is multifunctional.

    by Gemma on 05.11.2010
  9. I’m not asking you to speak up for something you don’t believe in — I just want you to support me, you know? Just be a friend, Andrew. All I want is for you to stand with me on this. Look man, can’t you back me up for once in your life?

  10. Stand up. Stehen Sie auf. Bossy mother fucker. Come over here and say that to my face, you SS wanna be. Just get over yourself; the Axis wins. You can’t stand there and tell me you weren’t trying to boss me around. I heard you, “Stand up.”

    by JA on 05.11.2010
  11. Standing is a lot less fun than sitting. Even though I’m sitting down right now, I’d rather be standing, yet I can’t feel my feet…

  12. The word at the top of the screen is stand and I have no idea what to write about. I just think of standing up and it kind of makes me want to do something productive instead of sitting and writing on my computer

    by Will Perrie on 05.11.2010
  13. I can feel the compound fracture in my right big toe, and I know I can’t stand here for much longer.

    by Ananda on 05.11.2010
  14. i stood waiting by the door while you yelled at me all the thingsyou had repressed that day. i took it like a man even though i am a women. tant pis, la prochaine fois.

    by zoe on 05.11.2010
  15. I stand by the door, waiting to hear your knock. You should have been here already. Every part of my body is shaking. Then I hear it, the lightest of sounds. You’ve come back finally.

  16. standing in front of everyone i held my breath. i didn’t mean to say anything that loud. i was nervous and yet continued with what i was going say. i didn’t know how anyone would react to my words but each word was embraced.

    by on 05.11.2010
  17. i am standing on a bridge preparing myself. it wont take long is the only thing i can think about. second guessing and all the weight that has been building on my shoulders will weigh me down. it wont take long is all i can think.

    by natalie on 05.11.2010
  18. Stand up, look around you, look at everything you’ve achieved. And live it, live the moment…

  19. The sheet on the music stand was curled at the corners and yellow, covered in places with coffee stains and it looked like it hadn’t been played in a long time, if ever. The signature wasn’t standard, unexpected changes in key she had rarely ever seen before. She tried a line read, hummed the melody and tapped her pointed shoe.

  20. Still, the flowers wave against the wind, or with it. Depending on your opinion.

    by milliski on 05.11.2010
  21. You’ve got to stand up to what’s right.
    I try everyday.
    “Fag” Someone says.
    I throw a punch.
    I usually lose.
    But I feel better knowing I tried.
    Knowing I took a stand
    for everyone who can’t.

    by jamie on 05.11.2010
  22. I can’t stand to see you like this. What are you doing? Stop looking at her like that, you know she’s going to destroy you. She’ll steal your heart and stomp all over it.

  23. stand up and be noticed…understand? withstand all attacks on understanding!!!standard greetings!! substandard love…

    by teri hounslow on 05.11.2010
  24. istand up. some people don’t like to stand up. but i do. the opposite of standing is sitting. some people like to stand more than sit. you can aso have things like a movie stand, where you put all your movies and sometimes magazines.

    by caitlyn on 05.11.2010
  25. i get up and go and then sit down but i always have to stand up againa and again why cant we all stand up and stay up will the reall slim shady please stand upi pleas stand yupi

    by Anto20 on 05.11.2010
  26. Her lifeless body fell from my arms as my gaze met his. His brown eyes widened in fear but his smile spoke understanding. He knew what I was. He knew his turn was next. My ice blue eyes locked onto his, I gently wiped the blood that trickled down my chin. I could smell his sweet blood, racing through his veins . I could not stand. I would not stand. If I did I would not be able to resist.

    by CatCat on 05.11.2010
  27. It hadn’t even been a minute, but it was already getting ridiculously difficult to remain standing. Floors blurred with the walls, blending in with the people around her. Breaths came in short gasps, and her chest felt constricted and terribly vulnerable. Not for the first time, she cursed whatever deity had so coldly abandoned her.

    Who knew dying would hurt so much?

    by sentinel's glory on 05.11.2010
  28. Stand! Stand with me and fight, stand with me and see a better Britain rise! Stand with me and maybe we can restore trust and honesty to our country. Stand with me and together we will make a fairer Britain. Stand with me and someone else will get into power.

  29. Are you going to comply, or resist? Will you forgive, or forget? Are you going to regret the things you did, or the things you never did? Where do you stand?

  30. The man stood by the riverbank. The sun rained its rays violently upon the grazing waters, the moon cresting over the mountains in lethargic pursuit. He felt the breath of the silence envelop him

    by Sean on 05.11.2010
  31. Bandstand; I wish I grew up when everything was recorded in black and white. When technicolour was stuff dreams were made of.

    by Nawal on 05.11.2010
  32. you will stand. nothing can keep you down. have you ever had to love someone that just don’t feel the same? i guess two hearts just can’t dance to the same beat. these thing’s will change. this is really hard there is nothing to write about omg i am trying to be a writer.

    by Elissa on 05.11.2010
  33. “You can’t honesty tell me you’re just going to stand there and do nothing.”
    “I can and I will. This does not concern me.”
    “Be that as it may, you’ve got to do something.”
    “Because it’s what’s right.”
    “And when have I ever done what’s right?”

    by on 05.11.2010
  34. I stand up in the middle of the train station and yell at the top of my lungs. I WANT YOU TO HEAR ME! I WANT YOU TO KNOW WHAT THIS FEELS LIKE! I NEED YOU TO KNOW! Please let me know you know. It feels importznt.

    by jess on 05.11.2010
  35. upright. statue. firm. penis. soldier. strong. rascal flatts. a song by them. courageous. i don’t know…ahhhh. pressure.

    by Paula N on 05.11.2010
  36. he had always wanted to open up a stand of some sort – lemonade, frozen bananas, something, just so long as he could have a stand. he knew if he could open it right there on the boardwalk there was a chance she would run into him there

    by tom on 05.11.2010
  37. I’m going to stand. I have to stand up. STAND UP! I yelled at myself.

    His strong hands still bruised my back. My palms were trying to make contact with the floor. It wasn’t working. Get up! Get up now!

  38. Stand up, meet your fate,
    Sit down, don’t be late,
    The hours tick by, the pencils work in unison,
    The silence is deafening, but my mind is whirring
    With thoughts and with questions and annoyance
    Why didn’t I do this? Why didn’t I do that?
    But it’s too late now; and although they make a big deal out of nothing
    You can’t help feeling fucked!

  39. Stand up straight. Don’t let them knock you down.
    Stand up straight. Don’t let their words get to you.
    Stand up straight. Don’t give up because they say you can’t.
    Stand up straight. They are trying their hardest to make you fall down.

  40. strand… dutch word for beach…
    beach -> wind -> kite -> kitesurf -> LOVE!!!

    I love the beach.

    by M on 05.11.2010