
October 8th, 2009 | 500 Entries

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500 Entries for “sprinklers”

  1. Sprinklers represent for me a bright better future in which I’ll go back to being silly and playful, stop caring about people who definetly don’t deserve it, and stop crying over lost innocence.

    by r on 10.09.2009
  2. make the grass green
    cool me off on a hot day
    rainbows found nearby
    running through them
    drops of water
    back and forth
    need to be moved on big puddle

    by dawn on 10.09.2009
  3. Spriklers are so lame you just end up braking them when you dig people should just let the rain water their lawn. unless of course they are useing them to cool off, then they are cool.

    by Eli on 10.09.2009
  4. JUmping through the sprinklers, on a warm sunny day. The Kids playing, laughing jumping. The distant sound of thunder as a summer storm creeps up.

    by Lynoir on 10.09.2009
  5. The sprinklers began to spray water onto the lawn, but the power fizzled soon after it began. Much like this sprinkler was our relationship. Would it consistently fizzle, leaving the grass in malnutrition and slow death?

    by Horrible on 10.09.2009
  6. The sprinklers we held up towards the darkness of that night, made circles and shapes winding threw the air. We waited for the fire works to explode in the air with inticipation. The ball of sparks shrunk down to the bottom of the stick and burnt my fingers.

    by katie on 10.09.2009
  7. Running the lawn in bathing suits hoping over the waves. Washing our hair in the yard and the kiddle pool the sprinkler brought rain.

    by Sara S on 10.09.2009
  8. sunny day with the slums with heads knocked off and gushing out. children and grownups alike play in this messy disaster.

    by han lwin on 10.09.2009
  9. water

    by ebony on 10.09.2009
  10. Sprinklers… little dusting of gems on a layer of sugar frosting that looks so sweet that the teeth ache already.

    by Dave on 10.09.2009
  11. when i walk to my school everyday sprinks wish me a good morning which gives me a fresh fell every now and then i fell i was a sprinkler

    by karthick137@gmail.com on 10.09.2009
  12. He heard them, chattering beyond the window, making the grass believe it was raining. The room was unlit, and there was a hush that curled on the carpet and dreamed of cinnamon rolls. He almost moved, thinking of the hall still partially painted, but he let himself root there, like the grass, and grow gently for awhile.

    by Brian Slusher on 10.09.2009
  13. sprinklers are beautiful in their rainbows of spurting spraying water
    but they’re childish
    and i don’t like childish things
    their hoses kink
    their hearts always weep
    but they water my garden
    and they help my plants


    by on 10.09.2009
  14. Don’t touch the sprinklers, they are pressure sensitive. If you do touch them, then 500,000 gallons of 70 year old water will come rushing down upon your disbelieving souls. All will be ruined.

    by Y on 10.09.2009
  15. She walked down the street alone. In the night things were so different. Shadows were darker, the air colder, thoughts deeper. Sprinklers went off, excess traces of water trickling across the sidewalk for her feet to splash in as she broke out into a run. Spraying her exposed skin only to make it colder.

    by jane on 10.09.2009
  16. Dad turned the sprinklers on for Mom and Mr. Harald, or was it on Mom and Mr. Harald.

    by mywordsmith on 10.09.2009
  17. sprinklers in the garden, keeping the lawn green and healthy in the summer, kids run around under them to cool down and have fun. Sprinkler systems in a building go off if there’s a fire or if someone has burnt the toast

    by Louis on 10.09.2009
  18. never have use a sprinklers before. how to use it or what it does. funny but yes that who am i. clueless. maybe sprinklers afterall …

    by on 10.09.2009
  19. It was the usual movie trick, wasn’t it, using matches or lighters or what have you to launch the sprinklers to create a distraction. Or to make all your enemies wet, however you prefer. Or just… something. It wasn’t working, though; she just couldn’t get close enough, couldn’t get her lit match close enough and they just weren’t going to leave.

    Oh, for the love of… if a match wasn’t enough, lighting the house certainly should.

    by Elle on 10.09.2009
  20. sudently the attack came uppon me. the grass starterd to spit water all over my way… you ran, all because of the sprinklers

    by Catarina on 10.09.2009
  21. splishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh …

    by fggd on 10.09.2009
  22. its still sprinklers… huh… ever feel like you missed the point of the site, and then you start to think of yourself wow, I’m retarded.

    by jason leonard again.... *failed* on 10.09.2009
  23. I was lost on day in tthe middle of the country club way out in gainesville. it was me and a few friends. ya know the type screw around with fire. we lit a can of axe body spray, well last second the sprinklers saved us.

    by jason Leonard on 10.09.2009
  24. sprinklers on the garden, twisting and turning, spraying water everywhere, soaking the dog and the newspaper thrown onto the doorstep. Making the grass green and lush. water spraying everywhere.

    by on 10.09.2009
  25. I have no idea, what that is. My English is limited. And so I can write whatever I like. How intelligent :). My favourite subject is music. I like jazz most of all, yesterday…

    by Andrzej on 10.09.2009
  26. Shower. cooling, the feel of water trickling down. Soothing as music. Peace. Water water water. Dihydrogen monoxide.

    Every trickle represents something.

    by Heather Sycnellia on 10.09.2009
  27. lot

    by on 10.09.2009
  28. ran through the sprinklers just one last time. it was fall and the leaves had fallen and the branches were bare, but the sun was hot and the smoke from fireplaces hadn’t yet filled the air

    by mercer on 10.09.2009
  29. haha i love sprinklers! in summer you can run thro then its realy realy good. one time when i was little me and my older sis liked to trick our little sis and one of use went ova to the tap and hid wen our little sis came out to play in the sprinkler my olda sis turned it off and i was like ‘hey why did the sprinkler just turn off?’ so my little sis went ova and had a look and then my older sis turned it back one and it sprayed in lil sis’s face! haha i know mean and inmature! but meh i was soooo FUNNY! we laughed and laughed! even our little sister thort it was funny! =D

    by izzy! on 10.09.2009
  30. It was midnight, and cold. She should have worn more clothes. As it was, tiptoeing across the lawn in a minidress, clutching her wrap around her shoulders, she felt vaguely silly, and very cold. What an idiot. She should have known better than to meet him. He was never going to show up. The grass was wet with dew under her feet. Then the sprinklers kicked in.

    by Hannah Morgan on 10.09.2009
  31. The sprinklers went off in my backyard. I listen to them and started to cry. Silly, I know. It’s just sprinklers. just the drip drip drip of water falling on the ground, but it’s more than that to me. It’s like the ground is crying. It’s more concentrated than the sky crying, because when it rains it means teh whole world is sad. Humanity is sad. Whereas when the sprinklers go off, it means the area in which I live is sad. It’s more personal.

    by Katherine on 10.09.2009
  32. Sprinklers, running throught them in the summer, getting wet. Sprinklers are a rednecks answer for pools! Very silly times…jumping over a sprinkler is the best 7 year olds game ever!

    by christy3k on 10.09.2009
  33. is there any sprinklers of youth? i want to bathe myself with it.

    by d.s. on 10.09.2009
  34. of man sprinlelrs like a summer day and the tst tst stst as the sprinklers away and the wves that smother us and out loose bodies as the frie burns within us and we see oh we see the fire in the spray and the wind in the willows and the sun inthe rainbow of the sprinkler

    by Seth on 10.09.2009
  35. One day I came out of my house and the sprinklers wouldn’t work. I was perplexed. It was one of the hottest days of the summer and the sprinklers were broken! So finally. I figured that I needed to turn on the hose! Duh.

    by Tiffany on 10.08.2009
  36. summer, water, fire fighters

    by Jenny on 10.08.2009
  37. sprinkler

    by on 10.08.2009
  38. wow brings me back to when I was 11 and I had not a care in the world. Grown up life is intense, and sometimes I wish I could be on summer vacation as an 11 year old playing in the sprinklers. But I guess Ill just have to be an adult-ish person, and play anyways

    by Ry on 10.08.2009
  39. i like sprinklers. i like to run in them. and play in them. i love when i’m playing in them and grass gets stuck on my toes. its so lovely. its like a snocone on a summer day. its magical. i wish i was playing in a sprinkler now. i love it. i love them. lets go play in one tomorrow, the weather is still warm enough<3

    by deanna on 10.08.2009
  40. The sprinklers were at a constant going point, always flick-flicking-flicking away. It kill her to watch the water go to waste, killed her to know that the people who so desperately needed the earth and it’s gifts – water included – were wasting it. What would happen when it ran out? Would the clock just – stop ticking? Mayb they’d never run out. Yeah – that would be good.

    by Alexis Renae on 10.08.2009