
November 30th, 2010 | 262 Entries

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262 Entries for “spike”

  1. The hot vampire from Buffy. Bleached hair, leather jacket, smokin’ hot. Billy Idol wannabe, and only a spike to the chest can take down Spike.

    by jp on 11.30.2010
  2. The spike pierced her hand. She cried out in pain as she watched the crimson liquid drip through her fingers. Mentally blocking out the pain, she grabbed her wand and had one chance to mutter those life-stealing words,
    Avada Kedavra.
    The figure collapsed.
    She was done.

    by Paulina on 11.30.2010
  3. she crawled in through the doggy door and wagged her tail at me as i held a chew toy in my right hand and bent down to pet her. I had just gotten home from months away at school and hadn’t seen her in way too long. she was old and slow, but still so loving. she grabbed the toy, gave me a lick, and wobbled away.
    Spike’s not always a boy’s name.

  4. a dog with a spiked collar walks alongside its owner, tongue lolling out of the side of its mouth, eyes rolling in its head. The girl with the dog pays no attention to the hot sidewalk, the steam rising from the streets. She notices she’s getting a blister from her heels. She stops, pretends to reapply lipgloss. She sees people watching her, and then turning around the corner. She waits until she’s the only one on Chester Boulevard. Then, she takes off her heels and begins to run.

    by Megan on 11.30.2010
  5. i think spikey collars and growling dogs, then i think about dogfighting, then i get scared and then sad. then my mind wanders to my dog and the neighbors dog and my grandma’s dog and how different they all are but theyre just dogs. just dogs.

    by archer on 11.30.2010
  6. Look at that. How vulgar can guys at this age get? He just reffered to IT as a spike. How gross. Now why am I stuck working with a guy like this on a three week long project? I really wish I knew.

  7. Spike? Hmmm…spike…How about thanks for sticking a spike in my heart and never calling me after we hooked up…twice! No better yet, how about spike you and have a nice day…asshole…and you suck at kissing! I could tell even though I was drunk. So ha! Jokes on you.

  8. its going to hurt you and it will hurt you because anything with a spike will make you bleed and the spike has a spike with another spike with that spike and because it hurts you stay away from it so make sure you stay away from anything spiky unless you make your spiky with gel then thats wont hurt you and thats a bad style anyway so you should just stay away from spikes all together

    by Carly Fariello on 11.30.2010
  9. Spikes take you down, spikes are negative, spikes are natural, nature ain’t always nice, beauty can fool you, spikes are beautiful.

    by Becky on 11.30.2010
  10. ok, well, buffy the vampire slayer.

    I seriously have a huge crush on James Marsters

    Especially as 70’s Sex Pistol/Clash/Punk NYC subway vampire, killing the foxy-brown slayer. Sexy.

    Buffy + Spike, best hook ups ever. Really, so messed up, sexy shit.

    by Lara on 11.30.2010
  11. whistle, whiste, here boy! c’mon spike! where are you?
    oh there you are boy, youre so cute! what were you up to?

    by melissa on 11.30.2010
  12. He watches her, cigarette in his hand, as she goes through the movements he knows she learned from Angel. He watches from the shadows, because sunlight is not his friend.

    by Tanya Kruse on 11.30.2010
  13. pointed and tipped with blood, it stood out in the darkness. Splinters came out of base of it. red liquid dripped down the hilt.
    it shoot high in the darkness, standing against the pale sky.

    by katy on 11.30.2010
  14. spike jonez. arcade fire music video
    fucked up
    how is so much of our world a suburban nightmare?
    i guess it can either be conducive to creativty or stifle it to such an extreme that we all become stepford wives.

  15. she stabbed me. she stabbed me right in the heart. That bitch. that fucking bitch. She didn’t ask me if it hurt, if it bled, if it killed me the way she did. That bitch. That fucking bitch. She drove a spike right in me.

    by liv on 11.30.2010
  16. spike pike scittle sharp spike that hurts mountains

    by Beatrice on 11.30.2010
  17. This sounds vulgar, I know. Once, when I was younger, I spiked my friends orange juice with a sleeping pill. Nothing lethal, just a small dose. I wanted her to fall asleep so I could sneak out to meet a boy. The whole prospect seemed so mesmerizing that I couldn’t help but do something that may be slightly frowned upon. It worked like magic.

    by Michael Jenkins on 11.30.2010
  18. sitting on the porch with the snow falling all around us. covering the front yard. our mitten hands grasp each others. and each a cup. a cup of spiked egg nog.
    christmas is coming, can you feel it?

    by weetz on 11.30.2010
  19. I look down. Am i the only one to notice this Spike speared through me? it pokes everything in its path, and pricks my heart.

    by Cecilia on 11.30.2010
  20. Spike is a dinosaur from the movie series The Land Before Time. He is a quiet dino and rather shy. I believe he was ducky’s brother, which is strange because they are different breeds.

    by Jessica on 11.30.2010
  21. Spike was the dinosaur thing on Land Before Time. I freakin loved that guy. He was really shy and quiet and he always hung out with that bird. What was her/his name? Petrea? I don’t know how to spell that but she was great too. Or he. Whatever. I loved that show so much and spike was one of my favorites for real. He was super awesome. i think he was just lazy.

    by Whitney Guyer on 11.30.2010
  22. there are a few ways that you can discribe a spike- pointy, sharp, or just to slam a ball down at your opponant whilst playing volleyball. my favorite is the art of getting alcohol into a drink that isnt supposed to have any at all…

    by andrew on 11.30.2010
  23. garbled fell the generation of the man’s two greatest beats, the buttons and the impaled heart working together in a unison like a sheep skin slinking to the horizon full of anger and wrapped in an elephant shawl, blue, the misogynist of the inner man, the mint of the morning

    by SK on 11.30.2010
  24. I caught my breath just in time. As he had said the words, it felt like a spike had been driven through my chest. Not dead? It made no sense. Then who had they carried out to the ambulance? I stared off as he looked at me sympathetically. “It’s true,” he whispered.

  25. lesbians with spiked hair riding down my street. hopefully they dont scissor anywhere near my lair. go away dikes

    by lesbokilla on 11.30.2010
  26. Was my first puppy. He was a mutt, his fur was black and brown speckled. He always used to sleep at the end of my bed

    by Ashley on 11.30.2010
  27. Spike was a guy who liked all things spikey. he would sit about all day, fingering the end of his favourite fork and dreaming of a true trident. he could often be found by the police gates, trying to climb to the top just to marvel at all the lovely spikery of the sharp-topped, cold metal poles.

    by Holly on 11.30.2010
  28. The little terror’s name was Spike. I will never forget the fear in my heart when I walked into my 2nd grade class and saw my most feared peer sitting in the desk next to the one which had my name on it. I had done everything I could for three long, grueling years to avoid all contact with him, and look where I was now.

    by Bre on 11.30.2010
  29. Spikes on a collar, silver, bright. A spike, in a heart beat, to ensure that one is still leaving. Spikes, in my heart, like needles, prying. My heart, steeling itself again, my chest empty. Spikes, on my track shoes, helping me ground myself so that I can run, run, run again into the sun, again towards the finish, again to nowhere in particular. Perhaps, into his arms?

  30. Open your eyes. Feel the ball plumeting towards you. Open your ears to the sound of screams and laughter. Just one jump and a flick of the wrist and you will be a champion. This day will go down in history .. The day you made it.

    by roslyn Dubik on 11.30.2010
  31. I love to spike my volleyballfown the court. Man, the rush you get when you really accomplished flawlessness! You can really know that you have not let your team mate(s) down.

    by roslyn Dubik on 11.30.2010
  32. He jumped off the cliff and tried his hardest to avoid the spikes at the bottom. When he landed softly on the warm sand, he grabbed the bag and jumped; hard. The next thing he knew he was soaring up; out of the ravine. And then over the red desert sand below.

    by Megan on 11.30.2010
  33. I watch each spike of the monitor obsessively while he sleeps through my worry. I mark each heartbeat, knowing any one of them could be his last. I listen to the periodic beeps. The periodic spikes. And I pray that tonight won’t be the night that they stop.

  34. Spike? what exactly am i supposed to write about this? Boys wear spikes in their ears. Girls wear spikes on their heels. Athletes wear spikes for running, and even golfing. Spike. A name for a dog. A very common name at that. You can spike a ball in volleyball. That alwasy wins points for your team.

    by Marissa on 11.30.2010
  35. a spike is poky. spike can be in volleyball in where the player furiously hits the ball to the opposing team. Spike is also a television channel. Spike has many shows that may deem inappropriate for children. a spike can be very harmful to humans and animals alike. you can spike your hair with gel or wax.

    by Kelvin on 11.30.2010
  36. it hurts. just the sound of it. the harsh letters all in a row.
    but are not most words? most have some way of becoming harsh. sharp. hurtful.
    one spiteful sharp tongue the world has been blessed with.

  37. And I told that waiter-man, “Spike my drink because my life can’t possibly get any worse”, and he asked “What do you mean” And I said “See that man over there, with his hand up that blonde’s skirt? That happens to be my husband.”

    by on 11.30.2010
  38. Deep down inside. The levels were there. The feeling was there. Spike.

    The emotions were distant. The emotion was not there. But she was. Spike.

    They lost. He lost. It hurt. A lot. Spike.

    He looked one last time at her. She was gone. Spike.

    by Iceman on 11.30.2010
  39. I watched you from afar. I saw the way you laughed, your unatural expression beneath that spikey lock of hair. i know your soul and I know where you come from.

  40. the punch was spiked you could tell. the butterball turkey set on the table and everyone stumbledl. thanksgiving at my house. the punch was spiked. what can you do.

    by staci on 11.30.2010