
March 2nd, 2011 | 600 Entries

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600 Entries for “specific”

  1. When I think of the word “myword,” I feel like this word is personal. I feel a sense of ownership and pride to look at something that’s mine. I feel like everyone should have their own word now. My word would be one word that I use, I own, and hitherto describes me.

  2. it’s difficult to be specific when the range is so broad that depending on who thinks it, it will be anything but specific but varied. be specific you ask? be broad I say. Everyone’s definition is different so the amount of details and vivid recall depends on each individual and how they percieve the world and thier overall surroundings.

    by kp on 03.02.2011
  3. specific circumstances lead a person to where they are today. right now. this very minute. it’s hard to believe that there is some sort of path laid out in front of you, a plan for your life that is known by those who determine your life’s purpose, but can one really prove otherwise? life is a guessing game for us, but in the end i believe you will end up where you were intended to end up. for better orworse, good or bad, we are who we are.

    by andrea brown on 03.02.2011
  4. Specificity. It sounds kind of boring. Like one idea all the time and for ever and ever and ever and that’s very uniteresting. But at the same time i guess it’s kind of important to be secific because otherwise people would speak and write in such general terms that you would never be able to make points or convey messages. It also sounds pretty damn cool.

    by Jess on 03.02.2011
  5. Something i am not. i don’t know what i want. so no one else does.

    by Charlee on 03.02.2011
  6. i couldn’t tell you what it is specifically. i think it’s your futon and the way you form your words. you change my way of thinking every time you open your mouth.

    by Alyssa on 03.02.2011
  7. Ive already talked about specific for like 3 times, you dont need to be specific, just let the people guess what do you mean, isnt that the funniest thing in the world?

  8. I dont need people to be specific, I like to guess what they really mean and why do they think that way.

    by mriam on 03.02.2011
  9. I used to say pacific instead of specific. I always tell my teachers who correct me, “maybe i can talking about the ocean” goodness.
    I still got a few points off for grammar :(

    by Michelle on 03.02.2011
  10. Restricted. Limited. Controlled. Know what you want.

    by westcarolina on 03.02.2011
  11. i do not want to be specific. I do not want you to know the specifics of my life. You will judge me, pity me, look at me differently. instead, be happy with what i tell you and nothing more. If you cannot be happy with that, then i guess i need to move on.

    by Tory Perkins on 03.02.2011
  12. Specific is something which is not generic … to specifically talk about specific will not make it double specific, just make it generic, because two specifics make a generic. All things generic are cheaper in the store, its the specific brand that makes them expensive. I think we need to curtail marketing budgets all around so that brand cost doesn’t affect consumer.

    by Affan Haider on 03.02.2011
  13. I prefer to be specific. I hate generalities, vagueness and obscure glimpses of things. Without specificity, we wouldn’t be who we are. We’d be like everyone else.

    by Rhiannon on 03.02.2011
  14. one. individual. tell me. state. identify. make me understand. specify. only one. see me.understand this. one.

    by aleta on 03.02.2011
  15. be specific! why aren’t you being specific!? don’t you love me? why can’t you come up with things you love about me? this should be easy, it shouldn’t be this hard for you….but it is, isn’t it. I think we need to end this. I love you but….you don’t love me. then tell me why! see? you can’t

    by Zoe on 03.02.2011
  16. Specificity is overrated. It’s wonderful to fill life with vagueness. It gives people the chance to think for themselves. If you have too many specifics placed on an idea it stems creativity. The world should imagine more. Learn more from within. Learn about. And while there is a place for specificity, it’s not as big as we make it.

    by Lauren on 03.02.2011
  17. S. P. E. C. I. F. I. C. I think that is pretty “specific” right der…

    by Abby on 03.02.2011
  18. Being concise with your words is difficult – especially when you don’t have the right, specific word on your mind. You have so many thoughts in your head, but you can never fully express yourself with the muddled-up half-nothings on the tip of your tongue. To be specific…to have a direction.

    by Ash on 03.02.2011
  19. I opened the book, looking for that specific page… the one with his coments writen along the argines. It took forever. Where was that freaking page?? I just needed to re-read his words, the ones that sounded like they were written just for me.

    When I found it, I read it over and over. Burning his handwriting into the back of my skull. Willing myself to remember every curve of his pen, every pressured area, every pause.

    but the words on the page won’t replace him.
    And I know he wasn’t writting to me

    by Boh on 03.02.2011
  20. Be more specific please. It takes a specific type of brain to come up with these types of games. I need to be more specific with getting things done on time.

    by Michelle on 03.02.2011
  21. I specifically think that things are the way they are supposed to be. No, that’s ridiculous. Things are however they end up. They happen by what you choose, but you never know where it will go like you do when you get there. The future is gray but the past is black and white.

    by Corina on 03.02.2011
  22. I don’t know what it takes to get to the point. How do you really get to the heart of anything? How do you be specific about what you want when you don’t know what you want? Specific is a concept similar to perfect. It implies that there is a right, certain answer.

    by Sissy on 03.02.2011
  23. I feel like people don’t like to be specific anymore. Details are a novelty no one manages to properly express. Generalizations are easier. Easy is better. Less is more. I want the dust between the wall and the floor. I want the light in between the blinds. I want adjectives.

    by Dani on 03.02.2011
  24. When you ask someone a question you need to be specific, dont bead around the bush be straight up. I always make it a point to tell people exactly how I feel completely and very specific

  25. specific things are specific because they are not general in that they are more detailed and stuff. sometimes i like to be more general because I think its funny so i end sentences with “and stuff” and stuff. umm i still have more time to write about nothing

    by masonhankins on 03.02.2011
  26. ugh damnit.

    by Nicole on 03.02.2011
  27. Please be specific your vague immature ways don’t impress me. I want you to stop lying and being so watered down. You lack inspiration so much I can’t handle you anymore. You’ve run my life dry and you don’t deserve my time. The only thing you’ve got going for you is the sad conformity of this hick town. Congratulations.

    by Kaitlynn on 03.02.2011
  28. i don’t like being specific. i like to be a mystery. i think it’s funny when people get annoyed. blah blah blah be specific. no, bitch, i’ll be a fuckin’ mystery and beat around the bush. hahaha what even. bottom line: don’t be specific. it’s fun to be a mystery.

  29. something that is very unique. an example perhaps. something that you think of . not a broad subject but somthing pin pointed in place. a word used when trying to figure out details. a word for communicating

    by sam on 03.02.2011
  30. How specific should I be? That is a question I come across so often. If I become too specific about a topic, I become afraid that I am boring the reader, but if I am too vague, the reader does not get enough information. How much is enough?

    by Jed James on 03.02.2011
  31. Specific. One thing in general. It has to be particular. Limited. We always look for specifics in life. We look for that one thing in general. We, as people, are particular. Why?

    by Kat on 03.02.2011
  32. Specific. That’s what my mother always tells me to be. Specific. But what does that really mean? More detail. Deeper. Reach farther. Further? I am full of so many questions right now.

    by Skye on 03.02.2011
  33. being specific is being effective, it is being detail oriented and very organized, thinking of specific i think of myself, i think of knowing what you want, being though out and processed. Good design is specific at what it’s doing. Good business is specific. Being specific is important in communicating effectively.

    by Cory on 03.02.2011
  34. Specific is to be accurate.

    NO U

    by BBBB on 03.02.2011
  35. Spell it out. Get to the point. Say what you mean.

    by katie eccles on 03.02.2011
  36. i’m wondering if there are other words than specific. i just wrote about this word. are they wanting me to be more specific in my understanding and explanation of specificity. if so, they don’t know what they’re asking for. might be too much hassle to do this again.

    by K on 03.02.2011
  37. Sometimes it’s important to get to the point. People need the real statistics nowadays. and they need them fast. People don’t have time to dilly dally, so be specific. Don’t take your time. Times for wasting, anyway.

    by katie eccles on 03.02.2011
  38. specific is about specificity
    which means emphazising the object idea or person about which you are talking
    specific is meant to clarify a sentence or an idea for the reader specifically to make them understand you better specific there is an if in the word

    by Stephanie on 03.02.2011
  39. ok, the word specific makes me want to write about just that – specific. it means giving exact answers, knowing just what and how to say something. i want to use the proper word so i need to be specific. i want to give directions – need to be specific.

    by K on 03.02.2011
  40. Specific is to make things clearer. To pin point what is being shown or told.

    by BB on 03.02.2011