
April 29th, 2008 | 190 Entries

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190 Entries for “soothe”

  1. To soothe your inner soul is to know that when I need to feel the warmth and calming voice when life becomes too unbearable, I know it will happen. When my life is soothed, it makes me realize why I still choose you after all these years.

    by J on 04.29.2008
  2. its a rubbish word. bland, uninteresting, dull. it evokes nothing. plain, insipid, anti-septic. hospitalised. institutionalised.

    by bob thrush on 04.29.2008
  3. it’s all i can do to soothe myself at times. just care. just calm. when i am successful, i am a better person. more able to listen, more able to be helpful. but sometimes this first step is all i can do.

    by anne on 04.29.2008
  4. music comes to mind. music is soothing. what i really want to know is where is this stuff going if not oon the site. who’s gooing to read it? why am i doing this? knowing that would be soothing. soothe is kinda a dumb word to make people write about. that’s all i have to say.

    by booga on 04.29.2008
  5. mighty mighty
    wish i would wish i could
    softly softly
    breath in breath out

    by L on 04.29.2008
  6. Planet Soothie. It’s pretty relaxing. It’s a spa/smoothie/copyright infringement resort. My kids and I went there one summer. Not the greatest place for kids. At least I don’t think so. I haven’t seen them since we got there.

    by Nat Yonce on 04.29.2008
  7. the soothing sound of her voice nearly put her to sleep, but she knew there was much more to do and much farther to go. Still, she needed a rest, she needed to be soothed. It has been a long war and a long time since she had had any kind of leave. Ironic, how she could even know that the one to soothe her best was her sworn eneemy. They were both supposed to be enemies, but after a while, they found that neither one had the heart for it. Too many bodies, decomposing in the heat, too many moans of the injured to worry about who was the enemy. For now, they were partners, struggling to save any living being they could, and it was an excercise not of futility but of home. Now she knew why the soothing was so was her way of giving hope to her..she only wished she had sometime to give back, so she continued to bandage the wounded, and periodically give a drink of water to whoever asked for it. She still wish she had her enemy’s skill of soothing with just a harmonic word..not really a song..but not really prose either. There was no telling what the day would bring, but both women were praying for no more bloodshed.

    by Amy on 04.29.2008
  8. soothing is something I’ve always associated with water, but what doe the word really mean? what makes water calming why does our body relax around it? as a member of the hurricane Katrina survival group i know first hand how harmful water can be, so why do i still take long showers to calm myself down?

    by gracie on 04.29.2008
  9. The bath water is warm around my feet, the scent does not intrude, merely fills my nostril. I pick up the sponge, and wash down my son, soothing his tears. I am tired, but his silence brings me joy. Peace at last

    by Saffy on 04.29.2008
  10. the first thing i think of is aloe after a sunburn. i remember camping at the beach when i was a kid adn just getting roasted and having to stay in then tent for most of the trip. we had this huge bottle of aloe gel that was just heaven for about ten seconds. at night i would get sweaty and sticky with this shit and it was just miserable. Still i loved camping at the beach.

    by deezy on 04.29.2008
  11. it’s amazing how the word soothe can make you feel. it’s calming. just thinking about the word soothe is soothing. you see it and you think of a warm bath or a massage. a good book or great conversation. words can soothe the soul. the word soothe is a manifesto in itself.

    by Jen on 04.29.2008
  12. blanket, soften, covering my skin, keeping me warm, making me feel safe and smiling secretly to myself as all my cares drift away, slowly, gently, like a feather sparkling, tingling, butter melting…

    by char on 04.29.2008
  13. Can I wipe your brow, sit back rest your head on my lap and let me soothe those troubles away, close your eyes, breathe slowly, think of a sun-kissed beach, think of waves tickling the shore. The low sun just before dusk, the sounds of bird song and crickets. Just think of this and relax why I massage your brow and shoulders, let me soothe you, listen to my voice and let that angst go.

    by Sara on 04.29.2008
  14. To soothe is to comfort, to take away pain, to remind someone that it isn’t all bad. Hot chocolate, puppy cuddles, soft pillows and chunky duvets are all soothing. So is birdsong, the smell of lavender, chocolate, and kissing.

    by Lucy on 04.29.2008
  15. Soothe of all the words… that’s so cliche “of all the words. I’m watching yugi-oh gx right now. I have two exams this week. I am screwed what will I do with my life. Man I need some luck.

    by Darin A. Robinson II on 04.29.2008
  16. soooothing blood trickles down my cranial cortex creating an indescribable feeling. like floating.

    by asdfasd on 04.29.2008
  17. being comforted. comforting. love. caring, affection for others. contentment, feeling cared for.

    by azar on 04.29.2008
  18. relax calm where does this go it’s kind of cool if it sets the time – what happens after 30 seconds – ahhh this could really be neat





    30 seconds still not up but what happens as I wait and I wait – will this text return to me. I see the bar as red – color indicator lkjasdfkjkjas;lfjaslkfjsaldkjf;lsakdjfl;sak;djf;lsakdjf;lsakjdf;lsakjdfl;askjdf;laskjdf;saidjflskjflaskjdflksajfalskjfdalskjdflaskjdflksjadf

    by denise on 04.29.2008
  19. I have any idea of what this word might mean. If we divide it then it came out that may sound as … soo death and life are basic truth and the universe law. I never stopped to love you, though we ever have met after my terrible mistake to leave you. What an error!

    by Trinity walking among the hills on 04.29.2008
  20. Running through the field of daisies I tripped and landed head first into a rake.Why would anyone leave a rake I in a field of flowers. What could he or she possibly want to rake.

    by Bryan on 04.29.2008
  21. She tried to soothe the baby. The cries echoed through the bare apartment, off the walls, reverberating back into her skull. Love was not formulated in these dark loud moments. Love did not grown between mother and child here. It sank into the abyss of sleeplessness.

    by lyndsay on 01.01.1970
  22. Clarity followed the rain While traveling in this new road ahead, I felt the beginning of a rain bow ahead of me. I now, it was sent to soothe my inner self. Some days, are just hard.
    As my journey moved forward. I placed my mind in an open mode because,
    It’s the beginnings that count.

    by AnnTB on 01.01.1970
  23. To cuddy in a loved one’s arms, to feel the rain upon one’s forehead. To simply sigh and have not a care, to never wonder if you were right or wrong. To sip green tea and feel its warmth, to quietly patter down a carpeted hall. To smile and know that it is effortless.

    by Abby Gee on 01.01.1970
  24. witch hazel, washes and bathes my skin in it calming fumes. It should sting. it smells like it should. It doesn’t. It is cool and soaks into my skin.

    by sadie on 01.01.1970
  25. To calm and love. A deepness in ones soul that allows you to give of yourself freely. When you are soothed, calmed, comforted you are able to better love those around you and enjoy the world and the life that it is. Joy, fulfillment.

    by charity on 01.01.1970
  26. I don’t know what this word means, which is a pity cause I was looking forward to writing from the top of my head. I should Write more. really.
    Not in English Necesarilly, haha, that’s not even the right spelling. I’m sorry,

    by Femke on 01.01.1970
  27. That’s peace. Rilled nerved all jadded and broken; what takes it to soothe them? A whipser? A breathe? Sometimes I guess all it takes is the knowledge that there’s something–round and smooth and comforting.

    by Peppermint on 01.01.1970
  28. soothing is to compromise a baby’s loneliness; it is to encounter a lost soul; it is to point the way to happiness; it’s an idea

    by Vlad on 01.01.1970
  29. It seems I have learned to soothe myself. I find little about life to be soothing. Drugs, alcohol, no sleep, lousy diet, too much coffee and cokes … these are the things I choose in place of my mother’s arms.

    by Prentice Canfield on 01.01.1970
  30. To soothe is a lie.
    No one can be soothed fully- it’s just an extravagence people use in romance novels. Its funny, really. Soothing can be used to calm down a baby if they are hungry and crying like the little bitches they are- because they aren’t really happy. They just want to get that bottle out of your hand.

    by Julie L. on 01.01.1970
  31. The water falls softly on the collected pool. The beads jump up in excitement and then subside just to go back to their once relaxed state. The trickle of the drainpipe will repeat this for how long?

    by Anthony Ferro on 01.01.1970
  32. running past the water down the stream, the rocks polished smooth. she sleeps in stars and drives home under the bridge. falling asleep at the wheel. what does it all mean? she asks me and i just shrug. when someone else is driving, i can’t pay attention to where we’re going. the sound of the engine and the wheels hissing on the pavement lull me into submission, soothing me into a state of complacency. you could take me anywhere. my parents used the car to make me go to sleep.

    by melanieannemarie on 01.01.1970
  33. iy is a fetish item related to war

    by Sitalk on 01.01.1970
  34. sootheing is what we can do to friends in need. I think the word “soothe” reminds me of blankets, or smoothies because they both share the double “o”. I think someimes I need more soothing than I get from my boyfriend, since i’m always soothing him and never get much in return. i am soothed by sunsets or by music, usually stuff like Bobby Mcferrin or take that because the jumpy tune relaxes me.

    by El on 01.01.1970
  35. Calm hot tub in the moonlight. So relaxing, so beautiful, her laying there in the water. A dream from the near past, don’t let it slip away.

    by Luke Mathewson on 01.01.1970
  36. It’s a thing done unto you in dire times. It’s what family’s for, and friends. Some people (or many) fail at it, but feel obligated to try. We need and thrive on it.

    by Maximillian Menhart on 01.01.1970

    by yOMAN jENKINS on 01.01.1970
  38. calming deer in a forst drinking water from a clear blue sparkling stream. hot summer day, no clouds, middle of august. little baby deer in the middle of all deer. a slight cool breeze blows. love is int he air, no matter how small, what kind, just love. forever.

    by miri on 01.01.1970
  39. I saw the old woman by the road with her son’s misshapen body in her arms. I wanted to soothe her but she had nothing to do with my offer. Death.

    by jerry brightman on 01.01.1970
  40. I think marijuana is very soothing. In fact, it seems to help me think, eat, sleep, and enjoy my life better. There is no reason at all it should be illegal, because that is all politics and people trying to make more money than they should. People die or go to prison every year because of these bastards. Also, toking is just plain fun.

    by Dodongo on 01.01.1970