
July 16th, 2008 | 1,786 Entries

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1,786 Entries for “sombre”

  1. wtf is this? somber is ok but sombre is some spanish language crap that no one would ever use or understand in my country. NOt a good choice for my first word on this site. Maybe I will just mosy on to some other web site that steals my time.

    by RW Buckley on 07.17.2008
  2. This is when you are feeling very serious. It looks like a spanish word, like padre but it’s not. I wonder why the e is at the end of the word. It should be spelled somber. In fact, that may be the word I’m thinking of. Maybe I don’t know what sombre means after all…now I’m confused.

    by elizabeth on 07.17.2008
  3. This seems to be spanish somber. Wouldn’t it be nice to have calmness with that somber too. Do you think they will tell me what it means at the end?

    by Lisa on 07.17.2008
  4. This seems to be spanish somber. Wouldn’t it be nice to have calmness with that somber too. Do you think they will tell me what it means at the end?

    by Lisa on 07.17.2008
  5. a very sad, sorry state, with no time to laugh, no smiles, no fun

    by Mary Nichols on 07.17.2008
  6. a very sad, sorry state, with no time to laugh, no smiles, no fun

    by Mary Nichols on 07.17.2008
  7. He looked so sad sitting in the corner with a sombre look on his fact

    by Susan on 07.17.2008
  8. He looked so sad sitting in the corner with a sombre look on his fact

    by Susan on 07.17.2008
  9. Sombre. You know, it’s been some time since I’ve seen a word that I don’t roughly know the meaning of. Actually, as I type, I get the impression that this word probably means ‘solemn, serious’, but I can’t be too sure. Actually, my second sentence was a lie. It wasn’t exactly true, because I frequently don’t know the precise meaning of words, but I make pretty good guesses using the context. Well, I guess I better go and check the meaning of this word now.

    by Euphemia on 07.17.2008
  10. Sombre. You know, it’s been some time since I’ve seen a word that I don’t roughly know the meaning of. Actually, as I type, I get the impression that this word probably means ‘solemn, serious’, but I can’t be too sure. Actually, my second sentence was a lie. It wasn’t exactly true, because I frequently don’t know the precise meaning of words, but I make pretty good guesses using the context. Well, I guess I better go and check the meaning of this word now.

    by Euphemia on 07.17.2008
  11. Sombre is the british way of saying somber. When one is somber one is gloomy and depressed. It denotes a mood one is in which is dark and foreboding.

    by Cheryl on 07.17.2008
  12. Sombre is the british way of saying somber. When one is somber one is gloomy and depressed. It denotes a mood one is in which is dark and foreboding.

    by Cheryl on 07.17.2008
  13. If there is something I rarely am, it’s sombre. I try to be animated and happy. Sombre is not where I’m at.

    by Norm on 07.17.2008
  14. If there is something I rarely am, it’s sombre. I try to be animated and happy. Sombre is not where I’m at.

    by Norm on 07.17.2008
  15. sad, insightful .. slow emotion ..

    by horge on 07.17.2008
  16. sad, insightful .. slow emotion ..

    by horge on 07.17.2008
  17. sad funeral serious morose thoughtful

    by Mark England on 07.17.2008
  18. sad funeral serious morose thoughtful

    by Mark England on 07.17.2008
  19. quite, reserved, thoughtful, mournful

    by Lisa on 07.17.2008
  20. quite, reserved, thoughtful, mournful

    by Lisa on 07.17.2008
  21. i do not know what it is and would like to think it is a hat or some sort of head covering. What is this all about I should have read all the directions first. Here we go to the end of this little adventure.

    by Jed on 07.17.2008
  22. i do not know what it is and would like to think it is a hat or some sort of head covering. What is this all about I should have read all the directions first. Here we go to the end of this little adventure.

    by Jed on 07.17.2008
  23. I was sombre today. My emotions sad. I could not help thinking of the sadness of the world, the sadness of a child disappointed. The sadness of the oppressed and the sadness of the sick and th

    by Marcy on 07.17.2008
  24. I was sombre today. My emotions sad. I could not help thinking of the sadness of the world, the sadness of a child disappointed. The sadness of the oppressed and the sadness of the sick and th

    by Marcy on 07.17.2008
  25. to be in a dark mood – on the sad side – dark, shaded- He was in a very sombre mood. On the sad side- thinking thoughts that are not positive. It is ok to be sombre, but you need to come out of it with positive thoughts too.

    by Janet Zwahlen on 07.17.2008
  26. to be in a dark mood – on the sad side – dark, shaded- He was in a very sombre mood. On the sad side- thinking thoughts that are not positive. It is ok to be sombre, but you need to come out of it with positive thoughts too.

    by Janet Zwahlen on 07.17.2008
  27. A mexican hat.

    by Edna Zika on 07.17.2008
  28. A mexican hat.

    by Edna Zika on 07.17.2008
  29. dark gloomy pensive deep in thought
    reality setting in
    heavy – where’s the light?

    by Deb on 07.17.2008
  30. dark gloomy pensive deep in thought
    reality setting in
    heavy – where’s the light?

    by Deb on 07.17.2008
  31. serious; not smiling. Could even be sad. A sombre mood is no joke; somethingbad could have happened to put a quietus on the group or person. A sombre demeanor means a serious demeanor. Not joking; very serious. Usually applied to an expression on a face, or the atmosphere in a room. I assoicate it with seriousness and soberness.

    by Jenny on 07.17.2008
  32. serious; not smiling. Could even be sad. A sombre mood is no joke; somethingbad could have happened to put a quietus on the group or person. A sombre demeanor means a serious demeanor. Not joking; very serious. Usually applied to an expression on a face, or the atmosphere in a room. I assoicate it with seriousness and soberness.

    by Jenny on 07.17.2008
  33. sad unhappy

    by j on 07.17.2008
  34. sad unhappy

    by j on 07.17.2008
  35. quiet, shy, ease, tired, layed back, low,

    by shelley on 07.17.2008
  36. quiet, shy, ease, tired, layed back, low,

    by shelley on 07.17.2008
  37. sad, low, down in the dumps, low key, reverent, respctful.

    by amber molina on 07.17.2008
  38. sad, low, down in the dumps, low key, reverent, respctful.

    by amber molina on 07.17.2008
  39. sad and melancholy, a feeling that depresses to a degree. not total depression, just a thoughtful sadness.

    by Jerry Dolan on 07.17.2008
  40. hat, lid, covering for head

    by curtis on 07.17.2008