
August 25th, 2009 | 276 Entries

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276 Entries for “sneeze”

  1. It’s something that reminds me to my freshman year at CBC…Everyday in the same class at the same time this girl would sneeze and for some reason it scared me everytime. HAHA

    by Jacob Stevens on 08.25.2009
  2. A bee’s sneeze is the bee’s knees.

    by :-, on 08.25.2009
  3. I almost sneezed. My nose started itching and my eyes started to water. I even felt a tingle deep down in my throat. I closed my eyes and put my arm up to my mouth and to my surprise. I huffed and puffed just like the big bad wolf but didn’t sneeze.

    by Crystal on 08.25.2009
  4. I don’t like the feeling when I’m stuck halfway through a sneeze. A sneeze is fine, not sneezing is better, but a half-sneeze sucks.

    Pepper makes me sneeze.

    by blah on 08.25.2009
  5. Achoo. Gesundheit. When I sneeze I sneeze in fives, sometimes sixes. Particles fly out of your mouth: phlegm. And it lands on other people, other surfaces. Other people in turn touch these surfaces–when does a sneeze die?

    by Kyle Kemp on 08.25.2009
  6. Sneezing is gross. Mr.Sneezles is the history teacher who is allergic to paper. Not a pretty sight. Becky wishes she hadn’t gotten a seat in the front row of the classroom.

    by Macy Beswick on 08.25.2009
  7. I heard once that a sneeze is 1/16th of an orgasm. Does that mean if you sneeze 16 times simultaneously, that you will have had the equivalent of an orgasm? I mean, sneezing is relieving. Also, if this is true, how was that discovered?

    by Alee on 08.25.2009
  8. i sneeze really load, so does my sister. one time she sneezed at a concert and the performer said “bless you”. She got so embarrassed. My dad is paranoid about sneezing thinking his metal will fall out of his head where he had a tumor.

    by Becka McCarthy on 08.25.2009
  9. When I sneeze I sometimes let my lips stay together on purpose so that it will sound like a horse…just because I think it’s funny.

    by Jonathan on 08.25.2009
  10. Whenever I sneeze, I’m loud. People say that um…. whenever you sneeze, the pressure is like 200mph or something. That’s insanium in the cranium, dawg. :) I’m not very good at this, but I hope to one day get GRREAATT. Typo fails…. Anyways, I’m thinking of sneeze, I only have sixty seconds, and my time just ran out, crap….

    by Zac Courtney on 08.25.2009
  11. I used to sneeze all the time and now I don’t sneeze all that often. It all started because I was saying it to my boyfriend. He sneezed really loud and we were talking about how we hate people who sneeze all wimpy and quiet and like try to hold it in and how we both just let it out cause that’s natural. And now I rarely ever sneeze. At least not in front of him anyway. I used to sneeze like 3 times every time a few times a day and now I never do.

    by sydney on 08.25.2009
  12. bless you you need to think aboout it a little while snot ew i think its gross your my mom ok

    by brooke on 08.25.2009
  13. I hate sneezing. So embarrassing. A little explosion, a slight mess, a convulsion which backs up to the tops of your sinuses and makes your eyes leak. It’s a sad thing, a sneeze. A cat sneezes and its whole head nearly falls off, it’s so absorbed in the activity. I don’t know anything that can so distract, so completely derail, a cat. I myself am not derailed by a sneeze.

    by DMT on 08.25.2009
  14. bless you. whenever you sneeze your heart stops.
    mini heart attacks, and sometimes it almost hurts.
    but oh, the relief when it is all over.
    when i sneeze i feel the earth shake.
    when you sneeze, i turn away.

    by nabi on 08.25.2009
  15. I sneezed with a resounding ‘A-CHOOO’ — and received the comment that, contrary to most people’s actual sneezes, mine actually did indeed sound like an ‘ah-choo’.

    by Andy on 08.25.2009
  16. Ahchoo! and God bless you . .
    Hmm what can you really write about sneeze – except that poosibly when you do the devil can get your soul :))

    by mike on 08.25.2009
  17. ..i haven’t sneezed yet. I usually sneeze everyday atleast once. goodness, is it even normal to sneeze once everyday? I think i’ll go wikipedia sneeze now.

    ..i don’t know what else comes up. but this song is good. This girl will not stop tlaking to me, gah.

    by carmen on 08.25.2009
  18. I think that sneezing is sensational. Sure, it may be a little gross, but it feels SO good; it’s like clearing your head of everything or something along the lines of that. I just hate when I’m at work serving customers and I have to sneeze…then I just feel awkward and it really takes up time to wash your hands and continue serving the customer. Yay, sneezing, yay!!

    by Sara Danae on 08.25.2009
  19. dust always makes me sneeze. i don’t know why. it always hapens at thwe worst moments. i’ll be talking to a cute guy, and then something will blow up my nosae, and i can’t stop sneezing to save my life. but in the end, sneezing saved my life. if i hadn’t been sneezing, i wouldn’ve been hit by that car that cold February day.

    by Miriam on 08.25.2009
  20. a sneeze is 1/8th of and orgasm. one time i sneezed 8 time as a hot guy walked by my friends laughed at me FML.

    by Michael on 08.25.2009
  21. One day I sneezed and it was a good sneeze. I sucked up the air in anticipation and sneezed out the most satisfying sneeze that has ever blessed these nostrils. Boy, did I love it. I can’t wait for the next sneeze. It was like a symphony.

    by KT on 08.25.2009
  22. I sneezed the other day, just as you passed around.

    by Ana on 08.25.2009
  23. like an orgasm. pretty much your nouse having sex?. yeah

    by gabi on 08.25.2009
  24. Wow, that was a big fat ugly sneeze ACHOOOOO <3

    by alexandra on 08.25.2009
  25. well there was a sneeze that i had recently that was one of those sneezes that make your head sway back and forth like in a car accident rough,,,, but satisfying.

    by Vinny on 08.25.2009
  26. achoo
    the phonetics of it anyway
    followed by
    “bless you”
    “god bless you”
    or the ever popular, german

    by fish on 08.25.2009
  27. ahchoo that is what i feel. flowers cats dogs grass that would be the worse. allergic to grass I can think of no worse fate than to have to suffer when one experiences nature in its most basic, prevalent form. How did this gene survive?

    by marty on 08.25.2009
  28. the world has a nosebleed from too much white powder. all of the snow from the ice caps hasn’t melted, it’s been bundled into plastic baggies by the hands of the earth and straightened into lines in the flats of the universe and we’re going to sit on its skin and feel the wrinkles and cheekbones protrude.

    by carolyn on 08.25.2009
  29. Well, it’s very simple, really. There is nothing inspirational about this awful subject. Every time I gaze at the sky in early spring, which is when love blossoms, I am forced to commit this heinous act.

    Boom Boom Pow!

    by Nicolas on 08.25.2009
  30. when i’m cold, of course… but mostly when something itches. I wonder how would be a sneez about all the things about me that “itch”, that bother me…

    by Daniela Castillejos on 08.25.2009
  31. sneezing is one of those things that are close to orgasming. do you ever notice how much of a let down it is when you feel one approach, but it just doesn’t make it out?! you’re all, trying to look for the sun or something bright to coax it out of your face. yeah, that happened to me the other day and i was a great success at executing the process.

    by Stephanie on 08.25.2009
  32. casual it wasn’t,
    in this day & age,
    the usual
    fishy in their
    flimsy gowns,
    ancient mardi gras
    balls detonating
    with thrilling splendor,
    hummingbird grills
    of afterhour
    klezmering: we
    didn’t miss a thing,
    cherubing down
    the cherub highway.

    by paschal on 08.25.2009
  33. there was a moment when everything seemed frozen. time stopped. there was a quivering sensation. and then… all hell broke loose. either that or my ears popped. i’m not sure which.

    by katie almond on 08.25.2009
  34. Achoo. Heavy, intense and tingly. It makes everything fuzzy and distorted. However, it is somehow invigorating. Especially in the cold. A sneeze outside in the winter sends a warming sensation through your body that contrasts the bitter cold.

    by Megan on 08.25.2009
  35. The pace of the runner behind me quickened causing my legs to automatically take speedier strides. Just as he took the bound to put me behind him, a jolt went through his body and an exhale of air and spit flew out of his lungs and nose! By the time he recovered, he was eating my dirt and sneezing more.

    by Cecilia on 08.25.2009
  36. I love the spring. All the colors and new life. But, every year, just as the snow begins to melt and the grass begins to grow… ACHOO! Allergies are a pain.

    by Melody Grace on 08.25.2009
  37. i can feel it coming onto me, the sensation the fear, who am i near, who should i avoid when it overcomes me, when i roar foward with a sudden burst of pain and discomfort, will i spill over everyone? ah..nevermind. sorry bout that.

    by Ret on 08.25.2009
  38. millions of germs coming out of your snozzle at thousands of miles an hour. gross.

    by hayley on 08.25.2009
  39. Ahh-choo! Alergies are murder this time of year. My eyes itch, my nose shakes. Each is worst than the last. Saline relief? No. A rx for my suffering? Not a chance. But still my kitty’s worth it.

    by CA on 08.25.2009
  40. makes me think of people sitting on the tube in front of me and the likelihood of me catching swine flu. Come on…what else could I think of…I might die from this. Now where’s my hanky? Oh there’s some time left….ATCHHOOOO!

    by Alex Mathers on 08.25.2009