
June 12th, 2010 | 184 Entries

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184 Entries for “smiles”

  1. Am i the only one that smiles when nobody is watching? I sincerely hope not…

    by Fedon on 06.13.2010
  2. 1st off,i love you.i always havve -even in misery-brought me more smiles than you’ll ever is a freakin’ shame that this is the only way that we ‘MIGHT’ be sharing our feelings for each resent scare showed me what a waste this all is.though-in truth-you are always with me in my heart-this seperation is death…regret that we will not fully feel until one of us is gone..i shouldn’t have felt joy at my mothers funeral..but i did because i saw you..we are two fools

    by susan clark on 06.13.2010
  3. When she smiles it is like the sun is shining brightly. I could never forget that smile. It makes you forget all your problems and smile too.

  4. He smiled at her and she smiled back – it was just what she needed to end her horrible day.
    “Hi, listen, this may sound weird, but do you like photography?”
    “Photography…um, I guess…why?”
    “I’m making one about smiles and would love to take your picture for a book I’m putting together.”
    “Sure…” she smiled, but looking at the camera, she suddenly became to tear up, but kept the smile on her face. He slowly lowered the camera, then snapped the picture.

    by Brittany on 06.13.2010
  5. When she smiles it is like the sun is shining brightly. It makes me forget all my problems and it reminds me of this summer day.. long ago..

    by Summer on 06.13.2010
  6. i love smiling <3 but i prefer to laugh. ha ha ha

    by Jack Duberley on 06.13.2010
  7. i was all smiles when i sent you my stories..i was all frowns when you told me that they were depressing..nothing about character development,style,hell just you saying they were sad,alone ment that you never finished them….please send me ‘copies’ of them back(they were my only ones)address them to david

    by not david on 06.13.2010
  8. Your smiles drew me in too late to know that the glow was just for show…

  9. smiles are great medicines. it cures a a weary heart. a simple gesture that lightens up a person.

  10. happiness in a smile, a smile from a stranger can make your day, i smile when i think of you, i smile as i say thankyou, attitude of gratitude, you have a smile like the sunshine and i can’t help but smile too.

    by Demi on 06.13.2010
  11. they’re real, they mean you’re happy, for a second, which is gone very quickly but still that is all life is little clips snips jolts of a rush of something, then it changes, then it changes. we move.

    by basil on 06.13.2010
  12. I see smiles everywhere. On the buildings, in the streets, on the trees, in the wind. I see smiles in everything, for everything has a smile to give.

    by Luke B on 06.13.2010
  13. looking down into the beach
    red rust on the pipe,

    blue, over white,
    20s skin,

    the sand sticks on feet,
    I will not enter the water

    by FTS on 06.13.2010
  14. i hate smiles. they are so fake. i wish people would being so fake and smiling when they dont really mean it. i hate people. i hate smiles. i just want to be alone.

    by Jessica Urquhart on 06.13.2010
  15. Smiles hide something lurking beneath them, but denote something equally true within them. I smile at you, and I am hiding something. I smile at you, and I am connecting, ironically, with our shared joy.

    by Richard Braithwaite on 06.13.2010
  16. your smile, a strangers smile, they speak more then anything, never stop smiling. I won’t.

    by Ells on 06.13.2010
  17. Smiles are something that people do all the time. They do it in a pretentious, bullshitting way. They do it in a sincere and loving way. They do it in a way that makes you wonder what their intentions are. They are a tool and a human emotion, a way for us to express ourselves. Snakes and lovers hide behind smiles. Which are you?

    by Bakenshake on 06.13.2010
  18. she smiles even in her death
    her corpse is so pale and beautiful
    i can barely allow myself to stroke her hair
    tenderly oh so lovingly
    i only wish fate had been less cruel with her

    by renren on 06.13.2010
  19. your staccato smiles and staccato moans resonate with me still, from that night we intertwined, our bodies played in perfect time with one another, harmony rung through and through, our souls were songs we were pulled into…

  20. smiles make the world turn, if from a stranger or a friend a simple smile can lighten anyones day.

  21. laughter, joy, real, fake. Most of the smiles i smile are fake. I don’t know if i ever smile for real. It makes me depressed to admit this.

    by Tina on 06.13.2010
  22. I cannot even count the number of smiles you have put upon my face. One text. One call. One little thing gives me the biggest smile. I wonder if I make you this happy. Because, you certainly don’t know how happy you make me.

  23. smiles are like little red wagons. kids are the only ones who find the pure joy and innocence within a genuine one.

  24. I want to smile because I am sick of not smiling, in fact I am doing the opposite of smiling. Sometimes I cry not sometimes, always. Not always, but every day. Miles and miles of anti-smiles are marching down the road and holding me against my will.

    by Angela De Koekkoek on 06.13.2010
  25. Smiles in decay, you know how they feel. Yes, you can feel them deteriorating with every passing glimpse. This is nothing new and there never was. Sorry cannot suffice for one who has heard it in profound numeration. Smiles… birthed from a different source each time and still the same from your lips.

  26. It was soft, naive and uncertain; but it glowed like the sun and drowned out the darness around them.
    It was as though they weren’t trapped in a prison from which they could never escape from; like they hadn’t been caught and sentenced to death for their love by the masses who veiwed it as wrong.
    It made it bearable as I pulled the poisoned cashews from my pocket and handed one to him. “Ifwe die, at least it wouldn’t be by their hands, right?”

    by Kiyato on 06.13.2010
  27. when i see his smile, i find that nothing can bring me down. his smile makes everything okay and makes me think of the sun, the moon and the flowers in the ground. that must be love for me, huh? i feel that i can do anything and everything. unbreakable and free.

    by Elle on 06.12.2010
  28. Could this word not be better suited then what it’s like when I’m with him?
    Constant smiling.
    Why is it that even when I’m angry with you, or when I try to lie, I still smile? Honestly, regardless of how angry or upset I ever am with you, I love you. No matter what. I know sometimes I get mad, and I’m bitchy. And I snap at you. I’m also occasionally rude, apparently. But I love you none the less. (And I know you love me despite my being crabby :D)
    Remember last summer when we got into a big fight? And I sent you that message where the end says “I care about you, and you make me smile.” ? My god, at the time I never realized how much that would end up so TRUE. Since then.. How much I cared has just magnified to the max, love. I care SO much about you, sometimes I drives me mad. And the fact that you make me smile? Self explanatory. You know you do. YOU smiling, makes ME smile. Simple as that, baby.
    So all this, just for me to tell you I love you. And by now, you better believe it. Did I ever tell you that you still give me butterflies? David, you are, SO amazing.

    by katie on 06.12.2010
  29. her smile lights up my world.
    like the sun for the rest of you.
    i would do anything to make her laugh, to show that smile.
    i hope she know what she means to me.
    i try to show it by making her smile as much as i can.

    by tannor on 06.12.2010
  30. Smiles.
    I find it strange that I had so many with you at one point.
    And now every time your face pops into my head all i can do is frown.

    I kinda want the smiles back…

    by Lauren Michelle on 06.12.2010
  31. It was the thing I loved most about her.
    That smile of hers was raidant. If ever I was feeling depressed, sad, or lonley, I had only to go home and see that smile.
    Every day, no matter what happened, just looking at that smile made me feel invinvible.

  32. He smiled at me. At first I thought it was a good sign, and as he came over to me, he smiled wider.

    And then I saw the fangs.

  33. All my life searching smiles in my soul… it is not that to see smile on soul.. reasons leading to such great thing and sustaining is the most difficult!

    by pradeep on 06.12.2010
  34. smiling is the best way to say hello to your friends. Is the best way to seduce and the best way to feel happier just like that. Smile in front of ennemies and get victory. Smile :)

    by estrella on 06.12.2010
  35. happy long beautiful white things with little black spaces in between. its like a hug. but you look at it. you feel it on your own face. you laugh.

    by jacob wilder on 06.12.2010
  36. Your smile marks your face like a spotlight from a cop onto a car. It brightens my day, it brightens the world, and as a light unto the world it makes everyone feel better. With energy better than most and a belief system akin to that of Buddha, the way you smile makes me feel amazing.

    by abbie on 06.12.2010
  37. Smiles can make everything better. I mean come on, when you see someone smiling whether you know them or not, doesn’t it just make your day a little better, happier? A smile can make anything better, fix anything. Yet oftentimes they’re not given nearly often enough. We should smile at anyone and everyone, always.

    by Kimberly on 06.12.2010
  38. smiles make me mad. I see them smile I think what you smiling about? Who said you people could smile? One time I had a smile that kept smiling away and I was like hey yo smile, check it.

    by smiles on 06.12.2010
  39. smile is when you wake up and think about him :D

    by Carmilla on 06.12.2010
  40. i have none, at this moment.

    by gabrielle on 06.12.2010