
October 27th, 2010 | 275 Entries

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275 Entries for “siren”

  1. Once you see an actual siren no other woman will look the same to you. They are nothing but devious, beautiful, and enviable people. How is it that something so devious can be so damn appealing.

    by Tana on 10.27.2010
  2. She sang in the beauty of moonlight, pale skin glistening like luminescent mysteries, and I could not help but stare. Her breasts bare and supple, firm in the cold of night, holding the light as if they were in the core of her being. And her song, that of any siren leading a sailor astray, was what ultimately drew me into the clearing.

  3. she sung to us from her rock, the waves crushing and hushing around her. though the course in front of us was set firm, i thought, and i think most of us thought, that another course would be much better. a course toward her. i imagined all the rewards which would come from it and… i spun the wheel towards her, eyes wide, and all of us grinned.

  4. A beacon of warning. They blare out telling everyone to get out of the way. A beacon telling of imminent danger. I can only hope that everyone is okay, I think to myself as I cross myself.

  5. I heard it before I saw it of course. I was trying to get the car out of the road, but there was nowhere to go. I almost hit a little girl. All I could think was now they are coming for two people!

  6. the siren wailed thru the night as I tossed and turned wondering what was going on, there were so many sirens, a lot more then I’m use to, was there some kind of catatrospy downtown, a bomb scare like my friend Rosa was complaining about or saying that she knew something about, I wasn’t sure, all I knew was that I wasn’t going to be getting much sleep and needed to find something else to do to occupy my time.

    by Katiefae on 10.27.2010
  7. I think of an ambulance or maybe a police car. when i think of them i think of somebodys life. somebody is having the worst day of their life. and im sitting there alive and having fun watching them drive by. and it kind of makes me sad for them. and i wish i could ride along with them and let them know that one day they will hopefully feel like i do now.

    by Des on 10.27.2010
  8. The siren screamed overhead as the group ran out of the building. Gunshots spattered the night, and wails and cries slid through the darkness to my ears. We all knew that we could just as easily be them, as the lucky people we were. We were prepared.

  9. The siren went down the street waking the baby in her crib which making Mother get up to calm her down. It was a very dark night with lots of fog, and the streets were wet..

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 10.27.2010
  10. I hear the sirens pass me by. Their song is shrill and unpleasant. The screams inside the bells – who is that?

  11. siren makes me think of my brother marty who obsessed with those creatures and it is because of him, i know that they sat on the rock in the sea and sang songs that would attrack ships of then they would crash their ships into the rocks and die.

    by Allison on 10.27.2010
  12. The siren clanged over and over, we ran for our desks. Hiding under them, we waited until the shaking ended, listening to the screams and hearing the crashes. Though it felt like forever, it was only a minute and a half before we clambered out and surveyed the damage.

  13. She heard the siren on the ambulance coming. She knew it was already too late. He was gone and there was nothing she or anyone else could do about it. She watched from a distance as the sun sparkled on the broken glass and smashed metal motorcycle bits. Good riddance.

    by Jackie on 10.27.2010
  14. The song of sleep, dreams, vivid mimes threading their way into my bedroom, their siren call of “grade my paper first, please!” as I entreat them to leave me alone for just another 90 minutes of rest.

  15. The sound of the blaring siren made Alyssa feel tense. She made a silent prayer in her head to whoever was in need of that ambulance. Whether the victim, a man or a kitten stuck in the tree, she hoped that God was there to protect them. She hoped he was there to protect them.

    by Sarah on 10.27.2010
  16. loud angels mermaids
    sailors magic fun the best parts of my life i want to be a pirate i wish i was special and magic and i could do more than i can now
    i wish men would love me like a siren

    by Esme on 10.27.2010
  17. the police car entered the subdivision at the speed of light. Panicked looks flashed across the lone women on the sidewalk, as she had just witnessed the fatal crash. The crash that stole the young life of the fifth grade girl who lived next door.

    by Nicola on 10.27.2010
  18. police are coming in the middle of thee night as im trying to sleep .! awakening me during thee best part of my dream x[ mean pol- pols rain RING RING!

    by Chardonae on 10.27.2010
  19. I could hear the sirens approaching as i lay immbolized, pinned underneath the car. Would they find me? Where is Mack? And then all went black…

    by lexilou on 10.27.2010
  20. i know sirens are from greek mythology, also on top of cars and to alert people of intruders in spy camps and shit. they had to tie that dude to the mast in that one greek myth because sirens are big assholes that drown people and whatnot

    by walter downard on 10.27.2010
  21. the song of the siren is lonely and pulls you in with no thought for anything else. Get as close to the one making the sound as you possibly can. love and beauty is all you can think about.

    by Vicki on 10.27.2010
  22. the sharp siren awakened her in the night. she felt a cold chill down her spine. did they know? or was it just another tragedy on the cold streets of harlem …

    by carmella on 10.27.2010
  23. I see sirens flashing and I think of my loved ones. Of the loves ones of those that are being rescued by the sirens. I think of the chaos, the tragedy that these next few minutes will bring.

    by Hollis Davenport on 10.27.2010
  24. I love the image of a siren. Desirous, desirable woman, irresistible and tempting. Singing. I envy a siren her song the most, I think.

    by Amy on 10.27.2010
  25. the siren is so anoy0ong and im sure most people find that too and because of that i dont know why but my hearing has become more effecient and so i decided to test itout in vband when people make

    by Jegan on 10.27.2010
  26. That can not be good, someone somewhere is in trouble. There day is not going to be as they expected. The siren tells me so.

  27. The cop car outside my window woke me up at 6 am. I went over and watch the man get torn from his apartment building and thrown in the back of the cruiser. He was screaming and shouting at the officer, the women standing on the stoop was yelling and crying. The man yelled he was sorry, she said she believed him and that she’d wait for him.

  28. Siren as in the water creature that i often get confused for a mermaid, or siren, as in the loud blaring noise that allows people to know that there is an emergency and you need to move out of the way or they’ll run you over?

  29. hearing sirens blaring in the NYC night. In a hotel on upper west side, visiting my dad in the hospital. so many noises. can’t sleep. sirens, even the subway. but the worst is the garbage trucks that come about once an hour. how much garbage can one city generate? it’s all there after midnight, waiting for round after round of trucks to pick it up.

    by Connie K on 10.27.2010
  30. They wailed at the top of their lungs as the ship lunged through the waves , they had hypnotized the sailors and cackled with glee when the painstakingly crafted vessel churned into the rocky cliffside. Sirens, mythical mavens of the sea.

    by Amy on 10.27.2010
  31. The Siren pierced the rising light of day, illuminating unto the mind of Odysseus the perils of self imprisonment. He percieved reality as he perceived himself, endless, timeless, trapped from reaching the thing he desired most. And yet the sirens continued their song, unheeding, unwielding in the face of his vehement longing.

    by Tom on 10.27.2010
  32. Silly stringy lamplight finds me through the slats in the blinds. Downstairs a siren wails and mourns, then is choked off right below my window. It’s not for me that the officials come. Probably. I return to my deskwork and find that I have a rather unfortunate inkblot on my papers.

    by Chloe on 10.27.2010
  33. Red-head. Revlon. A siren is a loud-mouthed, cherry red lipped, acidic red-head.

    by Megan on 10.27.2010
  34. The siren wails in my mind, like a baby’s screams or a crowd’s gasp. I look across the parking lot to the emergency vehicles, an ambulance, a few police cars, and a fire truck all parked beneath a tree…THE tree.

    by Savannah Wallace on 10.27.2010
  35. The siren blared, waking up (somebody) from a deep sleep. “What the hell?”

    Then the house blew up. Gas leak.

    by matt on 10.27.2010
  36. sirens, sirens, sirens, sounding, sounding, sounding, hearing, hearing, hearing, sirens, sirens, sirens, all day long.

  37. I can’t get enough of your Siren song. Sing me to shore, Baby. You’ve already crashed me against the rocks.

    by Bearded Lady on 10.27.2010
  38. the loud siren of the police car wailed as it rushed through the busy streets of new york to go save the elderly lady that was stick in a burning apartment. luckily he managed to save har but she had to

    by shreyas agnihotri on 10.27.2010
  39. I think of ambulances, firetrucks and police cars. My girls’ father is a paramedic/firefighter. Sirens don’t scare me as much as they do some people, I guess because I know there are all kinds of false alarms and cancelled “calls”. But whenever I hear a siren, to me, I think of the brave men and women who are first responders. Having been married to someone in that field for a very long time, I learned I couldn’t be nervous all the time, but I always respect the people behind the vehicle blasting the siren.

    by Tracy Dougherty on 10.27.2010
  40. wailing through walls
    splitting ears open
    demanding an audience
    you demand silence
    require it to cease crying
    it wails through the night
    perhaps to warn or rescue – siren

    by v on 10.27.2010