
August 22nd, 2011 | 904 Entries

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904 Entries for “sinking”

  1. Sinking is like when I am in a pool and I stop breathing, I exhale everything I have. Then I start floating to the bottom, or more like sinking to the bottom. When I see the word “sinking” I can’t help but second think it is not the same as the word stink.

    by conny on 08.22.2011
  2. Sinking. That feeling in my chest. Where is my worth? Where is my purpose? I look up and I look up and just above the thin layer of salty sea, the sun, the sky. Air, life.

    by April on 08.22.2011
  3. I feel it. The crashing waves and that sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I step up. The microphone is waiting. I address the audience, crack a joke, nervous laughter. The waves lap at my feet as I begin. I close my eyes and take a deep, shuddering breath.

    “When the presence of a mic presses tight against lips pressed tight against it…”

    by Mia on 08.22.2011
  4. I don’t remember exactly how it felt. I do remember that it was cool on the bottom. I remember the way things reflected, broken light. I forgot something, something. I want a camera and capture a map of colors, everything I saw there.

    by on 08.22.2011
  5. “WHAT THE HELL CALEB!” Jeremy shouted as he hurried to scoop the water out from their small fishing boat. God this had started off as a quiet morning. Then a bullet entered their boat, and things got out of hand from there. Caleb aimed his gun towards the shore, firing a quick shot. “Just keep us from sinking Jeremy, I have a clear shot!”
    “At WHAT?!” Jeremy shouted.

    Apparently there were things Caleb had failed to mention.

  6. I am sinking on the titanic. It sinks and I look down upon the Iceberg. I wonder if I will get a lifeboat.. I wonder if I will see the sun again.. I wonder if I will make it out alive.. I wonder…

    by Joshua on 08.22.2011
  7. down farther than rock bottom, deep benieth the surfase when youll finaly learn to grow, bloom the blackest flower, stronger than pure gold

    by damon on 08.22.2011
  8. The worst feeling in the world. The feeling you get when everything you’ve been working for is failing and will never make it to its golden ending. The feeling you get right before you drown. And drowning could be the worst way to die. You are a rock in water.

    by Katie on 08.22.2011
  9. I am a slowly, sinking soul.
    I try to swim,
    I try to flee
    I can’t endure,
    I have to sink.

    by April on 08.22.2011
  10. i cant swim. Once i was swimming in a pool as a child and i had almost drowned, but luckily for me I have a heroic sister. She ran into the pool, jumped in, grabbed my arm and pulled me out. It was a four foot deep pool, scary stuff.

    by Ali Naqvi on 08.22.2011
  11. “Can’t swim under current conditions.
    Going under.
    Going under.”
    The weights tugging, beckoning me to follow
    further into the harsh embrace
    of the midnight sea.
    Deeper and deeper,
    black water fills me
    but refuses to drown.
    Panic, convulsion.
    All the way down.
    No life here where my feet touch sand.
    It is quiet, and dark.
    Like many other things I know.

    by on 08.22.2011
  12. Sometimes when it comes down to it. We are sinking in a pool of poop. Not metaphorically, literally. Not just some average sized pool. No, a kiddy pool sized pool. Sinking. Absorbing. Deeper and deeper. That’s where I was. IN a pool of poop.

    by Michelle on 08.22.2011
  13. down. into the darkness thqat is the hole i’ve dug for myself. into the dirt of the words i’ve spit from my mouth intended to help flowers grow but have only muddied my own skin

    by Raena McEuin on 08.22.2011
  14. Sinking sinking sinking i falling so deep so deep into sleep its like im sinking in a bowl of sand thats on the land of which i live on. sinking and spelling both have s!

  15. Gasping for air. Falling slowly and too fast at the same time. Losing control. Needing help. Someone to be there. To save you. Someone to care enough to notice you in trouble. Flash back. You were happy. You were free. You had more than you could ever hope. You look around. It’s all gone now. Comfort. Happiness. Your life. No one knows. No one can help. Your alone. You continue to fall. Your losing more and more air. You continue to fight to stay afloat. Your failing. There’s nothing to grab onto. No one to help. Your sinking.

    by Jessica on 08.22.2011
  16. sinking. abyss. drowning. under. deep. chaotic. Bliss. Bitter. Sweet. Below. Down. Under. Loneliness. Sadness. Water. Deep. Blue. Ocean. Water front. Abyss.AGHHH!! TIMe runnign out.okay.

    by Nicole on 08.22.2011
  17. that feeling in the bottom of your stomach. when your heart drops and falls far far down into some pit thats somewhere inside of you and you feel like someone just hit you on the back. a shock. something you didnt want.

  18. Sinking like a ship, my anchor was thrown off shore. Spinning, tumbling into the abyss, I long to feel the wind within my sails. The precious wind I took so carelessly for granted.

    by Lauren on 08.22.2011
  19. I have that fam iliar sinking feeling that what’s around the corner may not be pleasant. we had hoped to avoid this but there was no getting arou nd the fact that we were about to crash.

  20. Told me not to waste time thinking,
    So I must write about sinking.
    I don’t have much good to say,
    Doesn’t matter anyway.
    Sinking isn’t a a feeling I’d like to feel,
    Not any day.
    Into the water, or maybe the quicksand.
    Lose the ability to stand.
    An ask? No, a demand.
    The water, it’s salty, never bland.
    Over on the west side of this land.

    by Jordan Kemp on 08.22.2011
  21. help … i am sinking, ever so slowly .. in thick mud .. and tears. it is drowning me, suffocating, unbreakable. the slime oozes .. the cracks widen. anew i awaken … refreshed .. i peel off the layers of hate, anger, envy. i begin.. again.

    by Taylor Stenson on 08.22.2011
  22. i have a sinking feeling about this relationship. i don’t know when it started, the feeling, but it implies to me that the relationship will end. i don’t know when, or how, but i know it will. i hate that feeling; that beginning of the end. i hate knowing things are over before they actually are, and being powerless to stop the oncoming disaster.

    by Jessica on 08.22.2011
  23. I’m sinking in a bottomless pit. No way out, no one can see me. I’m trapped. I can’t climb out. No hope is in sight. Am I going to be stuck down here forever? Please help me. I can’t do this alone. I need you, Jesus.

    by Liz on 08.22.2011
  24. i feel as though I am sinking in a murky pond, reaching my arms up waiting for someone to pull me out, but no one does, I sink deeper and deeper. Harder to breather I can’t see anymore. Ready to give up. Where is my hero.

    by Corinne Lockie on 08.22.2011
  25. I’m sinking so deep it’s not even that great I am not sure what to do but I am still sinking sinking so fast I think im in water sinking so deep in the blue see not the sand like in the jungle but like drowning.

    by DaraLyn on 08.22.2011
  26. Sinking is never good. It makes you feel like everything is overwhelming your life and there is nothing you can do about it. When the water is over your head that is the time to scream for help because without help you will never get out. And what is worse is the sinking feeling in your stomach when you just know that despite your best intentions everything you tried to do will fail.

    by Heather on 08.22.2011
  27. I continue floating underneath the surface. Slowly drifting towards the bottom. I open my eyes and the salt burns. Slowly rotating my body, face first, watching my own death.

  28. Very often, people have asked me what sinking feels like.
    It doesn’t feel too good.
    I suppose surviving a horrible drowning experience makes me special, somehow. Like it matters. Like I’m more important, now that I lived, while my friends sank.
    I can still see them sinking.
    Down, down, down.
    To the depths of the see.
    So why didn’t I?
    God, why didn’t I?
    I wish I had. I really do.

    by Deena on 08.22.2011
  29. There wasn’t much time left for him to live now. He had been underwater for going on six minutes and was getting to know the fish on a personal level. Of course, these fish had no eyes, no fins, and was in the bioluminescent realm of the ocean. The long, needle-like teeth and hinged lower jaws of these viperfish must have helped Jesse stay submerged for this long.

    by on 08.22.2011
  30. cool waters surround you – engulf you. The shore is within sight. But the sky is a more beautiful sight to hold in your eyes. millions of twinkling stars floating above you. a sudden calm sinks in. serenity falls from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, filling your body with a soft golden light. You are submerged in awareness, love, and joy.

  31. I think about life and how sometimes you can never get your head above water, no matter how hard you try. constant barriers, weighing you down. water.

    by dyana on 08.22.2011
  32. I can feel the Sinking. It comes to me at random times. Sometimes I expect it. Other times I don’t. What follows the Sinking is always something that alters my life in a big way. A negative way. I’ve only ever gotten it four times, and each time changed me in a big way that can never be reversed.

  33. my heart is sinking when I think of you. not because you make me feel bad. but because all the times I have let go with a man and my whole life sank away. im scared. scared to death. in so many ways. but I still have hope. after everything I still have a little light of hope inside of me. as much as I try to hid that I don’t want the fairy tale, I do, just in my own way. not the t.v. way.

    by cheeks on 08.22.2011
  34. sinking, I’m sinking fast. that is the only line of this particular song that I know. It is the song they play on general hospital when sonny and brenda have a moment where they are all in love or broken hearted or what ever.

    by taylor on 08.22.2011
  35. you and I, sandy sheets and peeling off my clothes like petals and girls in love don’t feel like this. girls in love don’t feel like this.

    by elise on 08.22.2011
  36. Take this sinking boat and point it home, we’ve still got time.
    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice; you’ve made it now.

  37. I was sinking deep down into the ocean. Weights tied everywhere. I’m passing so many animals and their just watching me sink. It starts to get peaceful. Like I’m floating like a feather to the bottom. No longer sinking.

    by Kate on 08.22.2011
  38. going down to the bottom of a ocean floor.

    by carrie on 08.22.2011
  39. I’m sinking further and further. I can’t breathe. My lungs fill with the blue so beautiful. It was beautiful but it hurts me so. I can’t stop…I’m still sinking. Save me? I’ll ask but it’s not use. We’re sinking, my love and I. I hope you remember this.

    by Karissa on 08.22.2011
  40. would you pull me up or leave me dropping through the depths of an endless tank sightless and cold with the prickling sensation of de-evolved eyes would you let me drift among the tentacles of a grasping darkness where my heart is empty with the sound of my blood freezing would you let me sink along the basin and spiral away?