
April 7th, 2023 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “shelves”

  1. I feel like discs are smashing into my uncovered muscle
    Imprinted in the nativity of my skeleton
    And whispering hellish phrases upon impact

    by Talia Washington on 04.07.2023
  2. You put me on a shelf
    The one that you can’t reach,
    with dust
    and creepy things that move

    Maybe because i talk too much about kidnapping you

    It’s just jokes,
    Like me, or us

    Just jokes
    Like you reaching the top shelf

    by Talia Washington on 04.07.2023
  3. shelving is a thing that mans do when they are teenagers, need soap and some hability.

    by Kamilla on 04.07.2023