
April 9th, 2023 | 2 Entries

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2 Entries for “reflection”

  1. my cat will sit there and paw at her reflection for at least fifteen minutes at a time. Either she thinks it’s another realm and she’s making a very weak attempt to claw her way to it—or she really enjoys hi-fiving herself. Though maybe in the case of a cat it’d be a high-four?

  2. Reflection is the act of contemplating or thinking about past events, experiences, or actions. It is an important tool for personal growth and development, as it allows us to gain insights into our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions, and to learn from our successes and failures. Also reflection is crucial for personal growth. It helps us gain insights from our experiences, make positive changes, and live more fulfilling lives.

    by Yasin Cin on 04.09.2023