
August 13th, 2010 | 245 Entries

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245 Entries for “seconds”

  1. My life without you flies by in seconds. Each second I live, I want to be closer to you. I love you every second.

  2. there are so many seconds in a day they fly by in a few seconds so much can change new life death hurt pain happiness a cure for cancer could be found in a mere few seconds. seconds seem few but if enough are wasted they turn into minutes then hours then days then years

    by connor on 08.13.2010
  3. They were few, but each one was incredibly precious. It was enough time to tell her baby “I love you,” to kiss her forehead, and to spread out her fingers before she died in those few seconds.

    by Heather on 08.13.2010
  4. how many seconds has it been since you left? millions i think. probably a billion. seconds are what i want. seconds of the life you gave us. seconds of the life you left behind – the life that nobody else would have abandoned. are you happier now? have the last billion seconds been better than the fbillions before?

    by Caitlin O on 08.13.2010
  5. You see the photos.
    Good that you have the sense not to ask.
    Don’t worry.
    The eyes that seem to follow your fingers
    in their path
    along the swell of each breast, dried out
    and crumbled to dust years ago.
    But if you like
    I’ll turn the frames to face the wall.

  6. My life is flashing by the seconds. Seconds are being wasted and seconds become minutes become hours become days. I worry that my life will amount to nothing because of these seconds being wasted. I loathe seconds.

    by Margarita on 08.13.2010
  7. seconds spoke
    a word she broke
    she fell
    he tells
    her story now
    of how she fell
    down a cold deep

  8. seconds is all it takes- for a thought, a word, a choice, a fall, a wrong turn made. you can lose everything in seconds

  9. In just a few seconds everything in my life had changed… and i wasn’t sure how i felt about that.

    by Christine on 08.13.2010
  10. It can happen in seconds. You think you have the world on a string, that old bit, but seconds can leave you with nothing. That’s how long it took for her to die, and seconds after that I died too. Not in the same way, in a fate worse than death. Life without her had left me a shell, a hollow used up man with no answers or questions. Just doubts and fears, and a longing to be near here… for one more second.

    by Talon on 08.13.2010
  11. it took seconds to realize that i had fallen in love… madly, deeply in love. i saw her face and my eyes saw heaven! it was bliss. knowing that she was finally in my arms after 9 long months.

    by steph on 08.13.2010
  12. I’m rubbing my butt right now. And, in 15 seconds I will still be rubbing my butt. What do you have to say about that?

    You petulant little man.

  13. s seeee seekkands, thats the way it should be spelled.

    because thats what it sounds like.
    that makes no sense. nvm

  14. if you do it right the first time, there’s no need for a second…but you don’t learn anything that way, so don’t be afraid to fail. Trust me, I’m a bleedin genius! :)

    by azmik versable on 08.13.2010
  15. A day is made up by seconds. There are only so many seconds in a day. Every second is precious whether we realize it for not. How do you spend your seconds? Do you make every second worth while? Every second counts.

    by Becca @ One Girl on 08.13.2010
  16. there are many seconds in a day and you really can’t stop them from coming and going, all you can do is watch them go by and do your best to fill them with things worth while and if anyone see’s these seconds and doesn’t like them, well fuck em.

    by Riki on 08.13.2010
  17. seconds select, with an avid neglect, a turn of the head gripped by the neck. minutes suspect, with crooked regret, the knife remains clean for instilled respect.

  18. And now everyone tallies up how many seconds in a minute and makes grand statements about the nature of the time. Not me, I think ‘more’. I want more. The pie was good.

  19. hehehe so fitting!
    i have only seconds left before he picks me up
    and then off we go: vacation!
    i hope it’ll be a good one :)
    bye bye


    by renren on 08.13.2010
  20. it will take me a few of these to think about something to say. something that will make sense anyway. Sure wish I had more of these things so that I can write even more about them.

    by Dan on 08.13.2010
  21. are like minutes. they might as well be the same. they’re meaningless measurements of time lost in your life. why are we counting them and not existing in them?

    by auteurlife on 08.13.2010
  22. It took only seconds for her to know she was strongly attracted to him, and he to her. it was Kizmet.

    by Mary Lou Wynegar on 08.13.2010
  23. Time is full of seconds that can be wasted or earned. What does that really mean? Time is wasted all the time even relaxing is wasted time, so is living breathing loving living. But is it really wasted is its all for fun?

    by Lexy on 08.13.2010
  24. Sixty seconds tick away so quickly that it seems amazing that such a unit can possibly add up to hours and days and years. I hope that I have not wasted too many.

    by Stacey on 08.13.2010
  25. 5 seconds was all it took. 5 quick seconds was the difference between life and death. It made her think.

  26. we each have 60 seconds in a minute. Why do we let ourselves waste the small increments of time?

    In one second you can:

    don’t waste a second.

    by Rachel on 08.13.2010
  27. sixty seconds to choose one or the other
    what would you do?
    go for the head or the heart?
    which love to save?
    if only you had sixty seconds to choose??
    all i can say is i love you

    by ecraft on 08.13.2010
  28. There was only seconds left before it all ended. Seriously. I only had a few seconds to get out of the building before it exploded. I frantically wrestled with a few door handles and then gave up and went for the stairs.

  29. seconds are a measurement of time passing.
    they are, however, inadequate to measure the true majesty of time.
    they can rarely capture a full event.
    and they are too short to tell the whole story

    by @observ3 on 08.13.2010
  30. I like to spend second thinking about him. Of course I can’t do it all day…but I enjoy it while I can. He is amazing and sweet.

  31. The seconds ticked by in such a fervent pace that I almost forgot that i was supposed to be meeting my friend at the cafe right across the street. The day was passing by so quickly and already there were people riding around on their bikes with pieces of bread hanging out of their baskets, exposed to the city air around them, a city air full of cigarette smoke from half-burned ends and the smells of the market right down the street. And I crossed the street, almost taking my life into my hands.

    by C on 08.13.2010
  32. There are only so many seconds in a minute. At this point my husband is driving me completely nuts in a very short amount of seconds. Anyways, seconds can be good and bad. Whichever way you want to go. Whichever.

    by MelissaEdwards22 on 08.13.2010
  33. Not enough in each moment i come to that I feel cherished or that I cherish someone else. I put my arms around his scrawny shoulders and ask if he’s been an angel today, he grinned mischievously and his kindergarten teacher gushed about how sweet and smart he is. My charmer with his pale pale skin and long eyelashes canopying his blue eyes.

    by Robyn Gee on 08.13.2010
  34. i always go for seconds I don’t think about whether I am full or not. If seconds are available, I’m available. I’m not sure what this says about my psyche. I know what it says about my thighs though.

    by Kirsty Sayer on 08.13.2010
  35. the seconds are passing quickly she cannot breathe. the water is dragging her down deeply. the breath is slowly escaping from her lungs. and something heavy is pulling her under. the seconds quickly pass on the clock. the hands moving quickly.

    by jessica on 08.13.2010
  36. quickly passing
    walking past me like sticks
    ancient symbols of passage
    of time
    every time
    I do

  37. it only takes seconds to realize that he is the one. the one you want to laugh with. the one you want to cry with. the one you was to lay down and fall asleep with. the one you want to wake up and make coffee for. the one you want to get mad at. the one you want to get excited with. the one you want to get excited for. the one you want to stare at. the one you want to take long car rides with. the one you want to talk to every second of everyday. the one you want to love.

    by kaje412 on 08.13.2010
  38. seconds. they’re a measure of time. every second is – it’s – it’s – it’s

    so many seconds wasted trying to get the thoughts out of my head and onto the screen. so many seconds wasted trying…. and then here there are no real words of importance. people will read this and never know the thoughts I was trying to say.

    by arcticlazarus on 08.13.2010
  39. there are 60 seconds in an hour. and alot more in a day. you can change your world in a second, or someone else’s. like the second you say “i love you” or the second you hear “this isn’t working”. seconds can go by quickly or go by slowly. they are also fun to try to time perfectly on a stopwatch. seconds at dinner-the best.

    by jen on 08.13.2010
  40. It just takes a moment to receive it from others. In my reality, it’s always my pistol that fires into my foot, and not my dueling adversary!