
August 13th, 2010 | 245 Entries

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245 Entries for “seconds”

  1. seconds. ticking away. too quick. who knows what comes next. your next adventure is just seconds away. seconds.

  2. It took eleven seconds for me to run from my car to the outer side of her fence. Eleven seconds ago, I saw her body fall through the window, white silk night gown flowing behind her like the jet of light behind a falling star. Now I stand in her shadow, beneath the cold darkness of a dead girl.

  3. they are just miniscule. the amount of stuff that you want to squeeze into their nothingness – but at the same time they are so precious, totally not nothing – anything can change, in an instant.

    by Yvette on 08.13.2010
  4. she had seconds to live. not years, not weeks, not days, not even minutes. she had seconds to live. she turned to him. “i just want you to know James,” she told him. “I love you, i always have and i always will. no matter what is after this life. i love you.” he took her hand. “I love you too girl” he said. “I love you too”.

    by Alli on 08.13.2010
  5. Ticking away life, or till good things come to pass. I come in second, never first, I second that motion.

    by smattc on 08.13.2010
  6. Your pulse quickened, your brow felt damp with moisture. And as you swallowed, she took a breath and whispered exactly what you needed to hear. Everything exists again.

    Funny, to think only seconds had gone by…you wished you didn’t need her so much, but you always will in order for the sun to burn, the planets to spin and time to remain constant with that comforting tic- toc, tic-toc…

    by kortnee on 08.13.2010
  7. Seconds can feel like hours can feel like day can feel like weeks. If I was staring at your eyes it’d feel like an eternity but once I looked away it’d feel just like it was, a glance. Seconds never seem important, moments do. But do really remember what was happening from one second to the next? Really?

    by Kayla on 08.13.2010
  8. A unit of time that seems to move a lot quicker even though it’s all really the same. Seconds. I eat a lot of seconds, especially of dessert. And cereal. I looove cereal at night and often binge on carbs in the form of Kix cereal – at least two bowls.

    by Andrea on 08.13.2010
  9. Seconds flipped by with a flick of my finger. The power in my body made me feel better than ever. I never knew I had this in me. Who would think that I had it in me? No one back at school. But here, I rule the world.

  10. Seconds ago I wrote on this prompt, but the text was not saved.

    by on 08.13.2010
  11. alabama

    by mack shumway on 08.13.2010
  12. It’s amazing, really, how much the span of a few seconds can change your life. Calamitous events aside, even a sentence, sloppily blurted out at an inopportune time, can take something beautiful and ruin it forever.

  13. There were seconds remaining less than enough time to write think speak the words that grew from her spine and crept into the base of her neck and formed the scream she couldn’t contain for another two seconds.

    by Nancy O'Neill on 08.13.2010
  14. again. i’ve lost all my reason for loving time. in a matter of seconds my whole life changed. my dream was lost. my future was changed. nothing would ever be the same. one e-mail. a matter of seconds.

  15. i just wrote about this. seconds seconds seconds. in a matter of seconds my day went from bad to worse. not bad exactly but tiring. and then it went from that to worse. getting yelled at in a matter of seconds. not that great. especially by a friend. your best friend

    by aga on 08.13.2010
  16. i will always come back
    (no more, no more)
    i have added extra seconds
    onto my life
    like an insipid ski game
    and i will always come back for
    (no more, no more)

    by kaybelf on 08.13.2010
  17. tick tock tick tock. seconds ticking away. what can you do in a matter of seconds? fall in love. sneak a kiss. get lost. lose someone. it all takes a few seconds for a major event to happen. what are you willing to do in a matter of seconds? change the world. do something. two syllables. 4 letters. think.

    by aga on 08.13.2010
  18. The seconds of every minute add up to time that I can spend doing things that I enjoy. I can spends seconds on end playing in the backyard with my grand daughter!

    by Cathi on 08.13.2010
  19. Seconds? They seem small compared to minutes or hours. And we seem to waste them away…

  20. In 60 seconds you have a minute. Alot can be done in sixty seconds.I always say to the kids “wait a minute” when I am doing something and they need attention, it very rearly is only 60 seconds they have to wait for me.

  21. i think about the seconds in the clock when i’m peeing and the baby needs to nurse. i wonder if i can pee with tranquility before he cries too much.

    by Linda Vinelli on 08.13.2010
  22. seconds in the seconds i heard the slanderous slurs about who i am and everything i love i desided would be the last seconds i delt with that bulshit

  23. The seconds ticked by, slowly but surely. I watched them pass, wondering when it was going to be my time. Finally, they called me into the doctor’s room. It was then that I found out the truth: I had thirty days to live.

  24. The seconds ticked down as we raced down the track. I was in last, of course. I had to make first if i was to impress my father. He was a major track runner and he wanted me to play just as well…I was now seconds away from the finish line, still in last, when I noticed he wasn’t there. I slowed, loosing by even more.

  25. there’s only so many seconds in time. seconds minutes hours days weeks years they just melt away. you think, whats a few seconds? nothingm, right? so waste them. but the seconds melt into minutes and before you know it you’ve wasted your life, sitting here writing about seconds. and you’ll n ever know, because you’ll be gone, with all your wasted time.

    by Meghan Burke on 08.13.2010
  26. Here it is- seconds
    I was still looking for it before I noticed it- seconds was THE word.
    So seconds, quite a few have passed.
    In every instance,
    here ,there, everywhere
    could also be another serving of food- more please!

    by aya M on 08.13.2010
  27. Every day thousands of seconds go by and do we even notice them; acknowledge them in the slightest? No we don’t. We take for granted everything we have.

    by Shoshana Erlich on 08.13.2010
  28. It takes seconds to realise, seconds to be found, seconds to be lost. But sometimes there are seconds too many. Sometimes it’s seconds too late.

    by Mehrs on 08.13.2010
  29. seconds go fast really fast plus its kind of a long word, well not really but whatever time is almost up seconds are ticking!

    by Sara on 08.13.2010
  30. i just had this one

    by Mike on 08.13.2010
  31. There are a lot of seconds in a day. Seconds go by fast, but slow. Well to break it down, days drag on, with the ticking of seconds, but oddly it seems, years fly by. Odd, and quite interesting and sad, all the same.

    by Emily on 08.13.2010
  32. in 60 seconds? i could cook a microwave pizza. for a microwave, most things are seconds. we measure life more in hours, days, weeks. how strange to be a microwave.

    by julie on 08.13.2010
  33. There are only seconds left. Even as I’m writing this they quickly tick away. Is it too late? Am I wasting my life? Every single moment has to be cherished. I can not waste any time in my life, lest I waste the whole thing.

  34. There are 60 seconds in a minute. each and every second of your life is important and should not be wasted. Focus and concentration are extremely important

    by NJ on 08.13.2010
  35. It took only a few seconds for me to fall hopelessly and wonderfully in love with you. I just couldnt wait to spend a as many seconds as I could possibly do.

    by Gayle on 08.13.2010
  36. I had only seconds to write, to spill my guts to the waiting readers and seal my fate. They seemed to go slowly, just like I had all the time in the world when really I only had sixty seconds until my life changed forever.

  37. A person has only so many seconds too their name. From the moment they are born, it becomes a count down. The true question is, when does the timer stop?

  38. life is too short, it is only a matter of minutes made of seconds that we are allowed the blessing and or the curse to be here.

    by PashaDolce on 08.13.2010
  39. The seconds counted down as if they were decades. Stop. Please stop. I’ve had enough. I can’t take much more

  40. “You’ve got a few more seconds,” he whispered to her. “Then I’m gonna pull the lights and signal Christian.”
    “That’s more than enough time,” she said, reaching farther into the machine. “I’ve got its guts in my hand right now.”