
February 20th, 2011 | 499 Entries

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499 Entries for “sage”

  1. yellow beautiful bright light green moss outdoors forest woods hunter nature paper plain

    by Amber on 02.21.2011
  2. What is in a name?
    For this particular word, I must be entirely honest.
    I have no prior knowledge of what this is.
    A small voice in the back of my head seems to think that it is a plant.
    But one cannot always trust the voice in the back of their head.
    For it is that voice that leads to diaster.
    But also triumph.
    One’s idea of a word cannot be anothers idea.
    And for this, I must strive forward and listen to myself.
    For your own voice is the last thing you will ever hear,
    In the empty silence of your own mind.

  3. Even though he was quite forgetful and easily distracted, Sage was the one person all of us Sprites could go to. If we ever needed advice on something that was happening in our world on the other side of the portal, in Grotto’s Grove, we would go to Sage. If we needed to ask any questions about humans, we’d go to Johnny.

    by Amy on 02.21.2011
  4. sage, sage, the magical herb. the more you pick, the more superb. the more superb the better the sage. so pick your sage post-haste.

    Sage, sage, some sort of advice.

  5. She walks along the shore looking for sage to pick , to put into the roast she is
    making tonight for dinner.

    by Linda Berryman on 02.21.2011
  6. the smell of sage burning to clean the ghosts from us, we dance together in the smoke to ward off the spirits that have found our way into our hearts. there is something about the way you move that makes me see a specter in you.

    by jasmine on 02.21.2011
  7. dried herb. good with lamb

    by Keirstin on 02.21.2011
  8. Someone infinitely wise, someone endlessly knowledgeable, someone widely experienced. Sagacious. A word Ms. Browning <3's.

  9. Wisdom and spices are never more interconnected than in the word sage. It is a flavorful sort of intelligence that smells rich and exotic. Few know of the joys of being wise and tasty. I am of the lucky few.

    by Sally on 02.21.2011
  10. Wise. Knowing. Deep. Profound. Peaceful. Timeless.

  11. sage. could there be a more befitting word? that’s who i need to become. a sage, sitting on top of a big ‘ol mountain, having achieved inner peace and seeking and becoming enlightened. if only.

    by aishwarya on 02.21.2011
  12. The sage mocked Himmel. It was strange to see a grown man begin to cry. Shook us all to the core really. Himmel was a man’s man. Tough, rough and uttered single syllabled replies. It was truly a hideous spectacle.

    by Nick Lee on 02.21.2011
  13. sage was up, going on to me, for that has been a going and going treaty, where people and lemons eat sage for religious purposes. but don´t forget the tamales de rajas….. never forget no no no.
    So where is my camerea

    by cristian on 02.21.2011
  14. He was a wise man, as fit for his age. He looked over his people, white beard filled with wisdom. A slight smile cracked behind his aged lips, as they held back the knowledge of the world.

  15. “But weren’t you said to know everything?” she exclaimed, her hands gripped so tightly by her side that she could feel blood starting to trickle down, slowly but slowly, while the world started to shatter.

  16. i wish i had a different word than sage
    a very wise man, often in fantasy role playing games.
    witch doctor

    by logan schreiner on 02.21.2011
  17. I don’t like thinking about sage. I would imagine the aroma in the room would be pleasant right now, but if I had sage in the room I would be cooking. My room is rather warm right now, so I’m rather glad I’m not cooking.

    Stupid Sage.

    by Eric on 02.21.2011
  18. Throughout our life, we seek people who can help guide us; persons of trust who can help us discover what we should do; people who are wise who just might have the answers to our questions.

    by Care on 02.21.2011
  19. a plant with flavor
    a great aroma
    sage is a bush

    by Eric on 02.21.2011
  20. Sage is something my mother taught me about at a young age. She told me never to add too much to the Ragu spaghetti sauce. Later in life I learned firsthand the wisdom of this advice. I also learned that sage is more than an herb.

    by Deanna Morris on 02.21.2011
  21. It would be sage advice to listen to a five star chef. Especially if they are telling you to season a dish with sage.

  22. Dont know what to write about it, i even didn’t understand what’s the purpose of this…
    Hmm..Maybe i should get some more coffee?…
    Or tea maybe.dunno..thinking of quitting smoking these days…beginning of a healthier life..

    times up.

    by ahmet on 02.21.2011
  23. wise. the old man who lives on the mountain. must be peaceful up there. he can relax and watch the birds in their natural habitat. he can do whatever he wants. no car horns, no people yelling. no wonder he can think so clearly.

  24. green, leafy and fun to eat in cooking classes. This is a wonderful color scheme that really makes me feel warm and neutral in a natural environment. if i had sage at home I’d use it in a new recipe tonight. But since I don’t I will go with rosemary instead.

    by Nallie Anne Moore on 02.21.2011
  25. Ah the good smell of sage, bringing me back the memories of my childhood. People used to go hiking with their dad, but in my case I used to go with my grandma. Yes, she might not have been the greatest jumping mountain up, but she would knew each and every single flower there. And the food we would then prepare using the magnificent herbes found in the wilderness would have that characteristic smell of adventure that only she was able to cook…

    by nona on 02.21.2011
  26. sage is a herb, it is also an old person who is very wise i think. i don;t know if the two meanings are related. i am also unsure what you would put sage in to flavour or what it tastes like. oregano perhaps? or a bit thymey? Sage is also an accounting program I believe

    by Charlotte on 02.21.2011
  27. green from the earth finds friends n the wild and tries to start another moon in its recorded talk alot but dont stop unitl the cook calls its name begin begin begin moth alters its contents as the nose desire funneled life.

    by wren brickett on 02.21.2011
  28. Herbused in cooking, rituals, life. Smells like weed. Used to purify rooms of demons and ghosts.

    by Jane Doe on 02.21.2011
  29. PURE. The herb that burns away evil spirits and demons . Purity. Like a white dove. Like a wedding dress. PURE. Wiccan’s burn it in spiritual rituals, but I don’t because I’m not Wiccan. PURE.

    by Megan on 02.21.2011
  30. When i see the word Sage I usually think of onions. and then i think of a casserole. a really warm dining room and really nice mom with her apron on going round smiling and patting the heads of her kids. then i think of the pressure and trouble underneath the smile. sage. such a complicated ingredient. maybe she forgot it.

    by Emma Hyde on 02.21.2011
  31. Sage is a herb. It was used in the title of Simon and Garfunkel’s album “Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme”. It’s a good album that was perhaps influenced by herbs.

    by Jay on 02.21.2011
  32. the sages of the ancient world were seven in number. this is a number recurring many times, over and over again, not only throughout the ancient world, but also throuought all of human civilization. still the ancients were not a myth. are not a myth, they exiist even today. only i didn’t know about it. and i was about to find out in a rather peculiar way.

  33. deep knowing
    epitome of wisdom
    an ear for the ages
    sharing glimpses
    into the reality
    of seeing

    by david hood on 02.21.2011
  34. All the world’s a sage.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking. I got the quote wrong didn’t I? Well, did I? I don’t know. Everyone seems to be so damned smart and self-important these days. Quick with the advice. Certain to tell you what they think. Hmmm. I think there’s an awful lot of false wisdom in this world.

    by on 02.21.2011
  35. Sage reminds me of both wise sages and also of the herb sage.

    The herb sage is good to use in cooking with meats in casseroles. Although, it’s flavour is quite strong, so it’s good to be clear that you want this aromatic impact on the flavour of your dish.

    Wise sages remind me of folk like Deepak Chopra or Einstein. I wonder if they eat sage to get so smart?

    by Lisa Rowles on 02.21.2011
  36. A wise man; I like to think I am. But having heard the word of God, or at least some of it, I know it is foolish to pretend to be a sage.

    God reserves that right, and compared to Him we are all mere mortals.

    I guess the my only excuse is that, most of the time I know I am right, especially about moral things. And in order to spread that knowledge, I must, most of the time, pretend to be a sage.

    by Czyl on 02.21.2011
  37. sage is a word i don’t know what it means. Mayby something good, mayby bad. I don’t know. Mayby it’s another word for car. Let’s hope it’s a ferrari !!!!!!!!!!!! <3 ;)

    by Nelie on 02.21.2011
  38. sage is a herb. sage and onion turkey leaves green and stuffing christmas supermarket eat food flavour

    by Chimere on 02.21.2011
  39. A herb, which reminds me of wisdom, gained with years.
    Wisdom, which cannot be tamed.

    by on 02.21.2011
  40. herb that’s wonderful for veal saltimboca

    by Beth on 02.21.2011