
January 1st, 2011 | 322 Entries

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322 Entries for “route”

  1. I HATE MY F-ING GPS!!!!!! I just wanted to see how it would take me to my naia place that I could drive to blind. YET this stupid thing ha me going on a road that is no where near where I need to go, and when I go down a street that I know will take me to the nail place, it keeps saying, ” New route based on traffic.” in that sickingly sweet voice. Can someone please tell me why I got this this?

    Umm…… Honey, you got it because you’re now the proud owner of a one peron bakery, and if you didn’t deliver your pastries, you loose your customers.

    Sigh, you just can’t let me rant over anything, can you?

    Nope, but thats why you love me.

    Yeah, that’s true… Hey watch where hands are go…………

  2. The one thing that keeps me from losing my mind. Always knowing another route. With no escape, I can’t even begin. But an exit route is all it takes for me to be comfortable. For me to exist normally. The escape route is the only thing keeping me here.

  3. its a way to get somewhere. and if you are on the wrong route, change it. because the worst feeling is being on the wrong route in life. don’t let the fact that you have almost reached the end of the route stop you from switching to a new one.

    by m on 01.01.2011
  4. It was funny, the way the road seemed different today. The green still grew through the cracks; the black spats of gum still sprawled in dots across the sidewalk and onto the blacktop where you couldn’t see them or any other germ amongst the freshly laid blackness. He looked and looked and couldn’t find a thing different. Eventually he slipped his feet onto the pedals and started off on his daily route, his bicycle speeding over pebbles and ants and dead grasshopper shells.

  5. We took a new route to the Grandpa’s cabin. Julie had told me that it would get us there quicker. I shrugged with discontent, but put the Jeep in first gear as we began to leave the Bed and Breakfast.

    by Sam on 01.01.2011
  6. Its a direction that I try to find in my life, but sometimes its not that easy and you get lost. There are routes you can see and hidden routes. Which ones do you know to take? Which one will take me where I want to go?

    by me on 01.01.2011
  7. We lost our route. Going the wrong way was not what was planned. It was fate. Our life had twisted out of control and we gave up along the way. What we thought was pure intentions turned into distraction that led us down a faulty path.

    by Hannah on 01.01.2011
  8. Don’t follow routes. Make them. And anywhere you are is where you are meant to, be it a sandy trail following the beach, a dust road under the western sun, or a forest path beneath the moon.

  9. if i take the right route , maybe i will get there. if i take the wrong route maybe i won’t. but then again maybe i will. who knows, do you?

    by sara on 01.01.2011
  10. We were in route to my death and all I could think of was her. Her flowing hair her thin lips, the way she smiles. She has given me a reason to live for the first time in my life and now I am going to die. Why must we be torn apart from each other so hastily? I will not see her again until the moment of my death. I love her, I hope she knows that..

    by Cori Lynn on 01.01.2011
  11. the blue sky looked frozen. Cold winds roared past my face and I felt despair and loneliness.

    by Jess on 01.01.2011
  12. I remember watching route 66 on the Nick at Night show, nice cars! Cute chicks!

    by Qwagmyre on 01.01.2011
  13. route is such a strange word. so analytical, as if there is
    only one way to go somewhere. the fastest, or the shortest, like a
    GPS, when actually the journey is half the fun.

    by Sera on 01.01.2011
  14. I sometimes like to take a different route to the place I go to all the time. If I don’t then I either get bored or go on autopilot and don’t pay that much attention to the road as I should. A different route is a good thing even if it’s not the fastest.

  15. I took route 66 out to no mans land. A place where the trees and the sky interlocked and no boundaries were to be seen. Just the wind in my face surrounding me like this wild adventure was sure to.

    by C D on 01.01.2011
  16. Jason Bourne, that is all.

  17. Rargh I need to go on a rant! Everything I do is like a stupid dating sim game, only more complicated, but no matter what happens, I always get the same stupid route. It’s always the same storyline, and it’s always a bad end, always always. I always end up developing some stupid crush on some stupid guy who is more leet than me, and he always has more leet people that anyone would like better. . . .

  18. Get you kicks on route 66 or 101 or 302. Find the route that suits you. Don’t take route 66 because you think you have to be a beatnik. Take the route that takes you to you.

    by Donna Torney on 01.01.2011
  19. the way to somewhere

  20. The road stretched out before me,
    winding its way back,
    I yearned in breathless way for home,
    unseen along that track.

  21. I was walking to school one day, when a dog with an angry bark intercepted my route. I quickly turned around and found another direction. This detour from my usual route costed me a full ten minutes, stupid dog.

    by Katie on 01.01.2011
  22. A long journey. She wasn’t expecting to take, but her mother needed her. It would take her many days but she knew she had to see her mother. It could have been the last time that she heard her mothers laugh.

    by Carlee on 01.01.2011
  23. i like route 44’s at sonic. everyday at dance, i would get one so i would have something to drink and i wouldn’t get dehydrted. one time my sister couldn’t breathe and got really purple because she didnt have anything to drink. my boyfriend just asked what i was doing. i don’t know what i’m doing.

    by kara on 01.01.2011
  24. I took the route that was given to me, but nothing appeared. I walked and walked and walked, the old man said I would find it, but I didn’t What happened? I followed the route. I could not find what I was looking for, and maybe I never will.

    by Corey on 01.01.2011
  25. Routinely, I will take a route if I wish to get somewhere. The importance of a route cannot be overstated. Firstly, imagine the chaos if noone ever knew how to get somewhere? I mean, no distance signs, no roads. In fact, nothing in relation to anything; it would be a bloody existential nightmare!

    by Henry Naylor-Stead on 01.01.2011
  26. Route, reroute, my GPS an extension of my navigation, the tool of my imagination to span topographical boundaries and lay out across prairies and curl up to rolling acre hills, across rivers and climb over mountains. the route is mine. the route is yours

  27. The route I had chosen turned out to be the wrong one. It took me down small winding roads with trees encroaching on the pavement. I was afraid I was lost, but the GPS told me to keep going. Boldly, I followed it’s directions, feeling more and more like I was stuck in a bad horror film.

  28. route is a path similar to a road that one travels along by foot car boat whatever method of travel it is also the name ie like “road” “street” etc of a state road

    by angela on 01.01.2011
  29. I dont know much about routes, they are used in driving and computers and other things of that sort. ways to get places, yea, bye

    by Manna on 01.01.2011
  30. On my way to re-discovering the self; afraid, however, that I’ve lost the directions- guess I’ll have to re-discover the route as well.

    by on 01.01.2011
  31. he took a left at the fork, shifting easily into fourth gear. “just hold on,” he reassured me. ” it’ll be over in a few minutes.”

    a blinding flash of light overtook my senses, and everything was gone. the trees, the river, the car – everything. and in a flash, it was all back.

    “we’re here,” he said.

  32. The sunlight shimmers on the narrow path where I am traveling. I’ve never known where it goes, but it doesn’t much matter to me. I’m always here. Walking but never moving.

  33. the way to life. the way to discovering alll depends on the route you take. there are people that come into your life for various reasons, and everyone you meet along the way effects what happens later in life. timing is everything. the beauty of conversation and interaction is later revealed when the time comes.

    by galen treger on 01.01.2011
  34. route je jedan opak birc koji se nalazi u pizdi materini u zagrebu, tj. ne u pizdi materini ali izvan samog centra. tamo često ide ekipa koja ne zna di bi sa sobom a trta ih je ići negdje di zbilja ima ljudi pa idu tamo. slično je i s krivim putem, al on je bolji jer ima jeftine cuge i pičaka. i to je više manje sve

    by mate on 01.01.2011
  35. En route
    beyond the mountains, laying
    buried in the valleys as
    they topple the landscape
    crushing in on itself
    unsure what wave to ride
    out next.
    Looking back, I ask,
    where am I going?
    Then consider: does it matter?
    I’ll get somewhere eventually.

  36. paris pista world face thing one tell me you us then after sun winter summer dog rabbit baby me cloud tree potato nose ice cream yoga

    by Agus on 01.01.2011
  37. if you follow the route that makes you happy, it has to be the right route for your life. others may not go the same route as you but you all could end up at the same destination, just taking your own routes to get there. I believe that we all have a destination and maybe even a predestination.

    by oldvwblues on 01.01.2011
  38. I’ve been on this route for a while… but I’m not sure where it’s taking me. I want to go where… but where… what is that? route. there isn’t enough time for me to get there, and I’d like to get there quickly… but it’s not happening the way I’d like it to. I want. I want. I want. route. but I don’t always get what I want.

    by Blayne on 01.01.2011
  39. he looked out the window as the car rolled gently throughout the small town. he looked to his mother, her eyes red and puffy. she’d been crying for days ever since his father died. “momma, where are we going?” “we have no route. just like life. we’ll have no route.”

  40. There is only one way to go from Big Diamond Pond to Little Diamond: the outlet. Erin and I would travel through all the little water falls and fallen rocks that are located in the most awkward places. It was always an adventure. That’s the only route.

    by Kristin on 01.01.2011