
January 1st, 2011 | 322 Entries

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322 Entries for “route”

  1. I don’t know where to go, what to do, what route to take. I’m lost, confused, disorientated; I don’t know where to turn, who to turn to, what to do or say. I’m lost and I need help. Someone help me; I cry out but no one can hear me. It’s like I’m in space – no one can hear me scream. It’s horrible and makes me want to cry, let the tears flood down my cheeks and stain my skin, wreck my make-up and smuge my mascara until my eyelashes are free one more.

    by Molly on 01.01.2011
  2. 66; Car show; hot rods; loud noises; crazy people; san bernardino; killing; drugs; home; high school; great friends; crazy memories

    by Bee on 01.01.2011
  3. Where am I? What should I do? They gave me this route to follow but I didn’t listen. I never listen. I’m so lost. Where do I go? A sign? Anything? Nothing comes alone. I should have followed their route. Listened to their wisdom. I should have known… they must have learned from experience as well.

  4. the route we take to happiness, where is it? how do we find the beginning? when you wonder off course, how do you find the way again?

    by Jenna on 01.01.2011
  5. endless

    by bagira on 01.01.2011
  6. There is no better way to reach a destination than by picking the greatest route. Perhaps one may fly with invisible wings, or mayhap travel underwater, breathing next to a dolphin friend. Even so, there are still the car and the train, silly little contraptions, nothing more than deadly chunks of metal flying across the ground; when in fact, there are so many better ways to get places.

  7. We were on the route headed north to Alaska. It was getting cold outside. We could see our breath, so we pretended to smoke the air like a cigar. We tried to keep smiles on our faces, but the reality was that we were freezing and hungry, and all we felt was pain.

  8. En route to the Gramaska Galaxy. The space ship broke. We are now living on an asteroid. See ya!

    by Rogger Dojh on 01.01.2011
  9. there is a place where we must go, sure i know we might get raped, but getting raped is half the fun, one might even say it is the ‘route’ to salvation. if there is one thing i know about salvation, it is that there is no route, other than the rape route, but i went over that already, didnt i?

    by Davis Brunt on 01.01.2011
  10. This word always bothered me….. is it pronounced “rowt” or “root”?????

  11. There are many routes to success. And many successes from those routes. Sometimes you take a route and reach the wrong success. Perhaps it’s time for me to start again, start a new route, find a new success. Be rid of the “Soul killer.”

  12. Route makes me think of paper routes, which reminds me of this episode we watched of Beaver Cleaver or whatever the show is called. Beaver and his brother had paper routes and their parents kept finding themselves helping more than they should with it even though they agreed to stop.
    Parents can’t stand to see their children fail.
    Well some can’t.
    Sometimes I feel like mine wish it upon me.

    by Rachel on 01.01.2011
  13. I’m running the same route, but nothing ever feels right. I keep going, always going, like that little pink rabbit. I beat my drum and run to the same beat always. But nothing ever works out for me. I always want to change, but I see her, I see how she can’t change and I wonder if that will be me. All my life, will I always be the same?

  14. the route. the way you get to where your going. to where you want to be. it can be hard or easy, however you want it. but the road eventually leads to your happiness or your sorrow, so be wise when choosing your way.

  15. the route. the way you get to where your going. to where you want to be. it can be hard or easy, however you want it. but the road eventually leads to your happiness or your sorrow, so be wise when picking your road.

  16. The routes of the ships in the sea were so hard to sour through. But it was great fun to check out the different routes in the mid of the Atlantic. Anyway, the captain decided not to follow the beaten tracks and check out some other ways.

    by Tanya on 01.01.2011
  17. this is what you use to go to places, when using routes you are most likely of ind proper fast ways to your destination, ikt can also have a meaning in a different sense a more spiritual one if you will. For example, a route to god his holiness, or even a route to success in your life. They all revolve around the same meaning yet can be used in many different contexts.

    by rami on 01.01.2011
  18. My route to the university takes an hour. But on the route I meet a lot of interesting people. Besides, it gives me time to reflect on my life.

    by Sergei on 01.01.2011
  19. Route is the path you take to get to your desired destination.Each step you take is essential to where you end up.Even the wrong paths you take will eventually lead you to your destiny route,the place you were created to be or do.

  20. A path with a sign post. If you’re on it, it’s always a good thing and you won’t get lost. Having a purpose for your direction, no uncertainity, you know where you’re going to end up.

    by Ellie on 01.01.2011
  21. The route to hell is paved with good intentions. We might not realize it at times, but humans aren’t very good at foreseeing the far future. We try to help for the wrong reasons and find ourselves dumbfounded by the result. We do the same for the right reasons. Perhaps life is a highway and we only actually have one route to follow.

    by Miyuki on 01.01.2011
  22. “The safest route may not always be the best,” said the little man.

    I looked at him, then to the path winding into the distance ahead of me, lined with green trees and blooming flowers. Then I looked to my right, to where the ground suddenly ended several paces ahead. The gaping abyss looked no less menacing than a few minutes ago. But I knew what I had to do.

    I broke into a run, hearing nothing but the thump of my blood in my ears and the wind whooshing past as I raced towards the precipice. I reached the edge. Everything in me was screaming at me to stop. But I didn’t.

    I leaped… And then I flew.

  23. There is a route to his heart that is vast and strong. He fears nothing as a warrior. Tell him that you are his, and he dissipates into the darkness.

  24. Life is nothing more than present time bubbles strung together to form a route to the end.

  25. “My life is one huge route.” She grumbles. From all the schedules and pain-staking planning she does, I’m inclined to agree.

    “Get crazy.” I suggest, shrugging. She shakes her head, but that’s how I’ve been living my life for 27 years.

  26. The route always lead to something .It depends on what route your taking and what your destination is.Taking the wrong one will lead to the wrong destination but maybe that’s part of destiny’s journey for you to actually end up taking the right one.

    by Susan on 01.01.2011
  27. What is the route to the place where they serve purple ice cream? I would like some but I don’t know where to go! I have a sweet tooth, you see, and we have nothing sweet at home.

    by Helen on 01.01.2011
  28. The thought came through my fuzzy memory. “My husband! I was en route to meet my husband at work! I took a back road as the quickest way to get from the book store to the tavern where he works! How could I have forgotten the existence of an entire person? What has happened…”

    “Shhh…” he shushed me. “That is irrelevant. Don’t panic. Just keep remembering….”

  29. Route? Some say root some say route which is the true saying. Whichever they mean the same.

    by GloriaJune on 01.01.2011
  30. While in-route to the west, I think I’ll feel an enormous sense of relief. It’s not everyday you get to press the reset button, but that will be my day…when I move to Colorado. Yay me!

  31. I took the route 66 until we got to St. Louis du Ha! Ha! It was a lot of fun even with all the whining and crying that went on that day becuase of tiredness.
    The little mice made a route tunneling through our garden.

    by Zizi on 01.01.2011
  32. Route is “Via” in Latin. Its the road you take on your life journey, the path towards a better self. You can skip, sump, run or walk. It’s your choice after all. You can go through a dappled forest, or a sun drenched beach. Dance in a meadow or sing in the mountains.

  33. The path to new beginnings. It’s also Via in Latin meaning road, route or way. Like finding your way to another time, place or life. Personality even. It’s a great road and one everyone needs to take. I like possibilities and the routes they take us on.

    by thewench on 01.01.2011
  34. OUr route through Cleveland took us around the city. No one actually went into town anymore, since the entirety of Cleveland was more or less it’s suburbs, and nothing else.

    I watched it approach and seconds later, disappear in the mirror. I wasn’t sorry to see it go. My route took me through Chicago now.

    by Peter on 01.01.2011
  35. Where am I going? My map was in shreds, I had no technical gadgets to guide me. I forgot the Map Quest copy I left on the table. I plowed through on pure instinct and a faded memory. An adventure that changed the course of my life.

    by Carol on 01.01.2011
  36. You’re going the other way. Why? This is the city we live in; transient, subtle, filled of normalcy except us. Stop pretending you don’t like me, because I almost told you that night that I do like you. Your home is a daily route I always pass to.

  37. A journey to somewhere new. They say it’s not about the destination, but the journey. I hope that’s true. I have a lot of excellent journeys, but not so many destinations.

    by Bridget on 01.01.2011
  38. y en el momento en que estoy acá, me doy cuenta de la incompatibilidad del lenguaje aereo dónde no se va a entender lo que diga o piense… y esas cosas

    by julia on 01.01.2011
  39. Route. The way to go. Traveling down the long road. Forks to the right, turns to the left. Keep traveling. Don’t stop. Just keep walking, running, traveling. Try not to look back. Keep looking forward, down the long road.

  40. route was taken and it was clear, it was bright, it was empty as the sky was huge hanging overhead. We didn’t know where we were going, but the road steered us forward, around hills, past farms and oblivious cattle. Buses travel routes, but are limited in contrast to the routes that are available for cars. Bikes are even more open about routes than cars, and humans more possibilities beyound that. Root or Rowte.

    by ZM on 01.01.2011