
January 8th, 2011 | 243 Entries

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243 Entries for “respectable”

  1. It is respectable to understand and see from other people’s points of views, to be open and to be dignified, to understand and to not complain. It can be many things, but is often disregarded in the society we have created today. It is easy to lose respect, almost as easy to lose trust. These things are forgotten when you begin negotiations, but should be the first and foremost thought. I hope to someday be respectable

    by A on 01.09.2011
  2. A respectable man never forgets to hold a door open for a lady. Whenever I see some young kid swing the door of, say, a grocery store open, only to watch it slam in the face of a lady, I want to kill.

  3. me

    by Kaju on 01.09.2011
  4. She wanted to look respectable, yet she wasn’t quite sure what that entailed. She was under the mistaken impression that it took money to look respectable, not understanding that daisy dukes and tiny tops was anything but respectable.

  5. Sarah was a respectable woman. She was demanding but her expectations weren’t unrealistic. If you were going to do something you might as well do it properly.

    by jessica on 01.09.2011
  6. Respectable comes from the word.. respect.. [I’m sure it does..] and that is one word people mis-use. I will not respect someone if they don’t respect me.. and you can’t just expect respect from me. I’m not going to give you my attention if you won’t give me yours.

  7. Respectable. Never having to replay what you said or did. Being able to lay your head down on your pillow at night and not get butterflies in your stomach. Being true to yourself and respectful of others.

    by suesue on 01.09.2011
  8. Something it is a good thing to be, something many people try to appear to be but a lot aren’t. Something people strive to appear as. Something that is kind of boring to be described as, although it is a positive thing.

    by Danni on 01.09.2011
  9. he was extremely respectable. you could see this by the way he dressed and his ability to judge the right thing to wear at a classical concert. he wasthe kind of man Letty decided would be boring before he opened his mouth.

    by Catriona Stewart on 01.09.2011
  10. Respectable.
    The ability to be respected.

    Its what we all want.


    “To get respect, you gotta give respect” is what I’ve always heard growing up.

    To be respectable, we work. However, is it something that everyone should be?


  11. respect respect they say but why do we have to respect our parents,teachers and so many more…
    they say we have to wait till we are older then we will be respected.
    Gradually gradually 100 years later we will be respected.
    then you will fade away into the sky (heaven).
    You will have a completely new life. this is not the real word.

    by beautyrose on 01.09.2011
  12. Being respectable is something that you acquire without doing anything as you became old.

    by Htay Win on 01.09.2011
  13. To him she was respectable, she had a respectable reputation that was not tainted like his own. His own delinquent behaviour that lead him pry to drugs, smokers and other debaucheries that would’ve made his own mother cringe in absolute horror.

  14. hi how are you you are my best friend i love you much you are a gift from god
    you know you are an angle i love you

    by ht on 01.09.2011
  15. i love people who repect me. Respectable people are those who care about you, know who you are and understand you. Respect is an an essential part of every human beings life. iF YOU DONT REPECT ME I WONT RESPECT YOU!

    by Fee on 01.09.2011
  16. “Howl” was a respectable movie about a poem, a poet, and the tug of war between censorship and free-speech.

    Arranged strangely?


    But the last time I check strange didn’t mean the opposite of respectable.

    by on 01.09.2011
  17. my dad is respectable, so is my mom. professors not all are respectable. my few teachers were. some frnds are for their rare combo of qualities. rest, the big achievers are generally respectable for me. and my bro is respect for gals.

    by harsh on 01.09.2011
  18. me

    by Jessie on 01.09.2011
  19. never. if she had a choice it would be chip grease on her fingers and paint smudged into her t-shirt. she’d draw her name lazily at the bottom of letters and fill the crossword in with dirty words before other people had a chance to read it. respectable. never.

    by ding on 01.09.2011
  20. what i am and want to be, in public in their eyes. respectable is my father, my family and god. something thats very important to me. something i deserve and need.

  21. To be respected is to be acknowledged for being someone or something that is brilliant. Brilliant as in radiant, and radiant as in dignified.To be respected by others,you’ve got to make yourself SOMEONE in this world worth admiring. And that someone is yourself.

  22. some one i will definitely like
    some one i will wanna be
    something we should all learn about how to achieve
    a goal

    by Lap Lee on 01.09.2011
  23. Im not sure, RESPECT FIND OUT WHAT IT MEANS TO ME, R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!! thats all I ever think about when it comes to respect.

    by Emily on 01.09.2011
  24. respectable has 12 lettlers in its spelling, making respectable a twelve letter word yes a long word indeed and a good word as well used to describe an action or person you admire

    by juan on 01.09.2011
  25. Respect is something you earn, not something given. It is earned by making good decisions, by keeping your word, by conducting yourself in an honorable manner. Excelling isn’t enough. It is possible to be excellent and not respected. But when you integrate trustworthy and honorable qualities into what you do, people will begin to respect you.

  26. Showing you care for someones beliefs, dressing/acting in an appropriate way. Having respect for your elders.

    by Emma on 01.09.2011
  27. I’ll always respectable to you. I try not to get emotional, but now its hard because you seem more less responsive about my love for you, now its harder

    by on 01.09.2011
  28. How can you become a respectable person in this day in age? Well they can think about those little things that your mother told you when you were younger. The simple things likeplease and thank you, or holding the door open othersThen there is the most simple of all things and that is listening to others without interupting them.

  29. Brother Sunshine spoke to his followers, “We are all one, are we not?”
    “Yes we are!” they responded.
    “We are all respectable, are we not?” he asked
    “Yes we are,” they responded.
    “Everyone who believes in a different god is stupid, are they not?” he asked.
    “Yes, they are!” they responded.
    “Well then, let us meditate on this love for our oneness.” They all knelt down facing the East, closed their eyes and began to chant to the rumbling sound of distant thunder.

  30. the people who are respectable are those who are true to themselves. respectable means that you have done something with your life where you have affected others. respectable is love. respectable is compassion. respectable is on stumbleupon at 3 am and not being ashamed.

    by alexa on 01.08.2011
  31. What’s respectable? Being a well-known patriarch of society? Paying the bills, putting food upon the table, laying out the ingredients for a good life? Or perhaps is it that human who wants to live so much, he sits on the sidewalk and asks, so kindly for some change. That human who so values living and breathing, that he throws away everything else. Surely that’s respectable?

    by Tenez on 01.08.2011
  32. I’m reactable. I listen always for drifts of what they are saying about me and reflect on what I hear and that what makes us all good in each others eyes ? I won’t react to eyes and kisses I just hold them in my head and wonder.

    by sue Lozynskyj on 01.08.2011
  33. I am a respectable young woman. I am a respectable young woman. Even though I repeated this to myself for the past five minutes, I still didn’t believe it. No one will ever believe it after they find out what happened.

  34. what did he say?
    i knew i heard it wrong.
    or did he just change himself?

    i do this all for you.
    what have you done for me?

    don’t tell me that.
    look what you’ve said to me.

  35. the kind of person who you can rely on. they listen, reply, give honestly, and don’t hurt. a person like this will never talk about you rudely.

    by Phyllis Wortman on 01.08.2011
  36. Legs crossed with
    screaming hazel eyes
    that allow you to undress her
    underneath the work desk.

    Yeah, she’s certainly respectable
    among the wolves dressed up
    as men in a whores society.

  37. The single concept pounds at my head. Classy. what does it mean.
    what is sex.
    to whom should it mean anything
    It’s my body. just like any other body. just like you; or her; or anyone really.
    So who cares who i share it with. Who cares. It’s not my body that one will be lucky to gain access to. It’s my thoughts, my mind, everything inside my head. That’s what is special. not my body, for my body is the same body everyone else has.

  38. People say respect should be earned in order to get some in return. Then who is suppose to give respect first? No one is completely respectable, we’re only human. We have flaws and nasty habits. Respect isn’t always given to things we find disgusting or unpleasant. Would you respect me if I cursed at you for no reason? Would you respect me if I threw a tantrum and acted all sweet afterwards? No. You would think I was an idiot, immature, or unpleasant. That wouldn’t earn me the respect of anyone. Yet for some people, their respect can not be earned by acting in a mature fashion but by getting out of your comfort zone and doing something amazing. Save a life, go out of your way for someone, do an amazing stunt, overcoming a challenge, etc. Most people don’t care if you get a promotion in your field of work, they care if you do something to blow their mind in order for them to see you in a positive light.

    by Denise on 01.08.2011
  39. She was respected by all her peers, but me. To me she was just another liar who wanted people to love her. She was an attention stealer. Hogging it and thriving from it. There was nothing respectable about her. She got high grades but so did I.

    by Denise on 01.08.2011
  40. I always respected her. She was too pretty and kind not to. She gave everyone supplies, talked about what she was going to do when she gets older; giving money to the poor, opening her own charity, feeding the hungry. She wanted to end world hunger and I couldn’t help but wish I was as generous as she was.

    by Denise on 01.08.2011