
August 16th, 2011 | 1,002 Entries

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1,002 Entries for “repeat”

  1. I always repeat myself to Alex. About him staying up all night and me finding him at 3am passed out in his chair. I’m reminding him about calling and looking for jobs. I’m reminding him about being serious about school and buying his books for once in his college career and being productive. Why do I always repeat myself?

  2. Repeat lessons in life only clog the mind and stain the heart everytime we repeat a lesson we can count it as taking two steps back in life. Or maybe we should just minus one year off of our lives in order to see how much wasted time we spend repeating valuable lessons.
    R is for responsible ( for being in the situation again)
    E is for everytime ( I repeat this lesson I lose)
    P is for pointless ( to be doing this over again)
    E is for exhausting ( too have to go through the emotional upset repeatedly)
    A is for aknowledge ( the lesson the first time around )
    T is for Try ( again )

    How many times do I need to repeat myself?

    Lori Davis
  3. over and over. I can’t think because it’s all that goes through my mind. can’t stop.leave me alone. i’m haunted by this and yet i may drive myself so far past insanity i end up in hell. like a bell in my brain. gong gong gong. no more. turn the words off.

  4. what the hell? they gave me the same word. i guess man isn’t the only thing that repeats now does it?

    leslie nizama
  5. Over and over and over again. Copiously, continuously. We repeat within ourselves and amongst each other, our regurgitation regurgitated in the mouths and minds of our peers. We repeat because originality is dead.

    Jennifer Lewis
  6. This is the same word that I got last time…I believe that it is very possible that the first word everyone gets is repeat…anyone? You know what? When I tell stories, I think about how often I must repeat them to tell different people in my life about them. Does anyone else ever realize this?

    Amanda Lee
  7. repeat is something that happanes again something that you’ve already done like a mistake. mistakes can be repeated love is repeated hate is repeated anything can be repeated. except life.

    leslie nizama
  8. repeat stuff repeat stuff repeat stuff
    bo burnham

    killing it
    smart man.

    but the word repeat means nothing to me.

    just an evolutionary process

    we get better at shit by repeating it.

    we make habits good or bad by repeating.

    we determine whats important by repeating.

  9. Repetitive. Sometimes I feel like my life is on repeat. It’s the same shit over and over. I look at the calendar and the page is new, the quote is different, it’s a new day…but somehow it isn’t. I’ve been here before. I’ve felt this before. I have thought these thoughts, and I know I will again. Nothing is now. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

  10. Repeating is unnecessary, its a waste of time. Its also a problem in our society. We repeat history too often. We can teach history to our kids all day long but when there time comes to be adults they’ll still be causing recessions and starting wars.

  11. I feel like sometimes life repeats itself. We go through the same relationship, work, social and health cycles. Like the world is on a loop, repeating patterns. I want to break the cycle. Do something out of the loop. A new adventure with an unknown ending…

  12. again and again, over and over you do the same thing but never learn. Don’t repeat your mistakes take them and twist them and break them until they ring out in droplets of water like dishwater from a rag. Repeat your excersize, don’t repeat your arguments. Keep yourself from playing on repeat.

    Corbin Mendenhall
  13. over agian therare many of the same tv shows music life replays reseeing something

  14. Tap, tap, tap. Ashes fell from the cigarette, and I pulled my hand up to my mouth to inhale another puff of toxins. I repeated this for minutes upon minutes everyday. Puff, blow, repeat. Repeat, repeat, repeat. I had never meant to grow addicted to such a dirty habit, but everything around me was falling apart, so why shouldn’t I break as well?

  15. To do something again out of your perception of failure or enjoyment. I do this a lot in music. Repeat: i don’t want to fail, and i love playing music.

  16. repeat the times you’ve told me things you never promised were true but i just assumed i guess… please say it changes!

  17. Oh god, here I am again, here I sit drinking again repeating the same monotonous tone, just another plastic drone wasting away at home while the world outside breathes and lives the night for all of it’s short-lived, full-lipped worth, seeming to burst at the twilight seams, half-moon dreams beguiling eyes of charcoal rimmed in crimson shades of morning dawning soon to be half-lidded suns awakening in the temple of virginal hands unwashed, unclean, impure and seen to be soiled, obvious, obtuse. How I intrude upon this cyclic model of my own inordinate demons of Ginger Whiskey whistling tunes of haphazard happiness and near-drunken display. I delay sleep by refusing to slip into a somber tone and fall into being comfortably numb

  18. I hate when people repeat themselves too much because they have nothing else to say. People that do drugs tend to do that, because that’s just what their live revives around and it’s only a maters of time before they drift away from all they know into a mind set that is based on drugs. Nothing is interesting to them any more so all they have to talk about is drugs and getting fucked up. Those people on drugs will probably also repeat a grade or two because they’re so focused on drugs.

  19. Say it again and again. Repeat it. No, you might not like it, but you need it. You may even love it, but that doesn’t separate you from the fact that you need it. It holds a special place for you because it has filled a void you didn’t know you had.

  20. repeat after me: I will not think about what I am typing. I will simply write as if nobody in the entire world is ever going to read it. after all, isn’t that the point? who reads the stuff on this site anyway? What do they do with all the entries? Do other people read what I’ve written? Do people click on other people’s URLs?
    All these questions from a simple word like repeat.

  21. Repeat. I put my favorite songs on repeat until I know all the words. I’ll listen to it for hours and hours until I hate it. It’s part of the silly girl I am. I also repeat moments that I want to keep forever in my mind before I go to sleep so I never forget them. Moments mean everything.

  22. Do not repeat things you know will not change. Only move forward. Moving forward opens room for opportunities and experiences you never knew existed.

    Ashlea LaPlant
  23. one day you saw a stranger in the rain.
    one day you saw a stranger in the rain. you thought it was a woman, but you could not be sure.
    one day you saw a stranger in the rain. you thought she was in a hurry, from the way she ran into the crosswalk before the light changed.
    one day you saw a stranger in the rain. she was in a hurry. she ran into the crosswalk with no care for her shoes and you knew at once, from one look, that she was hurried and impatient and unkind.

  24. repeat. repeat music. I seem to be good at repeating people that i shouldn’t. I don’t love him. It’s just a repeat of last time. I’m reliving the past, and I really shouldn’t. It’s now good for him. It’s not good for ME. I can’t lie to myself about it. My feelings for him will never be there. I don’t want to repeat.

  25. To repeat.
    To do agian.
    To make a mistake knowing you shouldn’t.
    To do an action repeativly.
    To repeat that mistake I made because I love you,
    and because I would do it over and over agian,
    just for you.

  26. ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok oko ko ko kko ko ko ko ko ko k ko ko ko kookk o ko ko ko ko koko ko ko ko ko ko ko kok okoko k okokoook ko kok okokokokokoko ko kokokokokoko kokokokokokoook
  27. over and over again and it never stops and it goes on for so long that i get sick to my stomach with rage, but i want more…i love him.

  28. Say it again. Say it again. Think you’ve been here? Go again. Get red. Let the skin go. I’ll live in birth and say mantras like flowers curling inwards. Don’t tell me not to mention the flowers. Just listen. Just say. Stop listening and say what it is that you needed to. This i

  29. Repeat, Rinse cycle, wash and set. The same thing done over and over again; an indication of insanity. Is it Crazy to try, try, fail and try again, as society dictates we do to fulfill ambition? What happens when the wheel stops turning?

  30. defeated overspoken wordy space delete
    controlled moral protocol

    rigorous maimed defeat
    withstood hairy sharing
    paired flares compensate tearing

    drops forgone alone
    audibly secrete prone tenderness

    pillow mind unwind kill
    all signs

  31. I’m the type of girl that will listen to her favorite song on repeat until I can’t stand it anymore just so I know all the words. I hate it when I get repeat texts like forwards I also hate it when people repeat what I said to me. Or Repeat my ideas. Repeating is so annoying. My stepdad has no original ideas or thoughts. He just repeats everything my mom says. I have no idea how she even stands being around him. I can’t imagine they have a real conversation. I hate when they repeat the same episodes of Friends, because they’re 10 seasons surly you can find more than just 5 episodes to play.

  32. l’ve repeated myself over and over again, but each time it makes less sense. l always thought that maybe it would someday be understandable, but of course it’s not. Repeating the same thing over and over again is just madness. Which makes my life madness…

  33. Repeat makes me think of summer and favorite songs. The ones that you go back to again and again. These are the songs that capture the moment. The drive home from work when the weather is perfect and you have the rest of the day free. The notes are the perfect complement.

  34. I hate having to repeat myself. I also hate asking others to repeat themselves because I can never come up with a polite way to do it. Usually with my mom and then she gets mad at me.

  35. repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat repeat

  36. I feel like my life is constantly on repeat. I cannot seem to get out of the places that I know I have already been in. It’s like no matter what I change, I will still make the same mistakes. I will still be me, and me is never good enough. Repetition is helplessness.

    Lamara Tan
  37. Drip, drip, drip. The sound drilled into his ears, identical to the rasping feeling of his parched throat, and the pull of the rope on his wrists. Every sense was heightened, every hair was on end, and yet all he could focus on was the drip, drip, drip of the distant faucet.

  38. You told me to write about the word repeat except for I can’t think of anything except Parrots and once when I was little we went to the pet store all the time and there was this parrot named Pogo that my dad and I really liked… it didn’t exactly repeat anything but it was a nice bird and then one day it was gone.

  39. I don’t mind you coming here and wasting all my time. Just what I needed.

    On vinyl no less, him touching my soft stomach.

    A wake up call from those inverted ballads.

  40. you got me stuck on repeat, my heart beats to the same erratic drum it does everyday, all because of you. everyday is like the last, in that it gets better with each sunrise and even more so with every sunset. with you, repeat is not the same

    Kevin Berkley