
January 30th, 2009 | 681 Entries

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681 Entries for “remember”

  1. Remember that time that we went to that place and it was just so beautiful and we felt so cliche because every time we talk about it we smile and say how beautiful it was? Remember when we were happy, when we laughed and talked, when we would wake up still entangled, when we would giggle for no reason? Yeah, I don’t remember either.

    by Leah on 02.02.2009
  2. I remember watching the sunrise with you behind the jack in the box.
    And you, I remember eating reese’s puffs while stoned.
    And, finally you. I remember trying to convince you that you weren’t a figment of someone else’s imagination.
    I remember, and I’m not sorry for any of it.

    by j.a.r. on 02.01.2009
  3. The fifth of november. the gunpowder treason and plot.
    remember the lies we told selling ourselves for pennies on the dollar.
    remember jumping off that bridge?
    i cant seem to remember what i lost.

    by laura on 02.01.2009
  4. remember when we used to walk along the sand. remember when i jumped when you reached to hold my hand. remember when when we watched the day fade into dusk. remember when seeing each other was a must. remember when i thought that you were a dream come true. i dont need to remember when because you are mine and i love you.

    by jordan on 02.01.2009
  5. i remember things. i believe the memory of such things are the reason that we do anything in the first place. because having a good experience will allow you to have a great memory of it. so we do things in order to get the feelings of the great memory. becuse lets face it. everything seemsbetter when you look back on it.

    by sean on 02.01.2009
  6. forgetful. Youth. Making lists. Age. My mother.

    by Tirre Raber on 02.01.2009
  7. remember that time we were kids and you sat me on the slide and kissed me? well I remember that. I loved it and have never gotten over it… but it has kept me from being able to be with anyone at this point in life. nothing compares to that feeling. nothing compares to the excitement of not knowing what life holds in store

    by alexandra on 02.01.2009
  8. eaxactly how i remember the old days, when fairies and drangon flies flew high above the withered trees. is complicated. I never know exactly how they flew, but their wings spread majestic shimmers throughout the night sky

    by skittles on 02.01.2009
  9. remember remember the fifth of november

    by alicia on 02.01.2009
  10. this is a great news that one world does not exixt. which perhaps would have destroyed the weeker human and the stronger would be the ruler

    by Ehsan on 02.01.2009
  11. I remember when life was simple…before I could drive, before I could make money, before I had to be responsible. I want to regress…..or be left alone. Remember me as a child…I was at my best.

    by Rachel on 02.01.2009
  12. To remember me or not. Who will remember me one day? My dad, mom, hubby, kid, friends?, co-workers? Aquaintances? I remember all, or that’s what I like to believe. My child remembers well – good memeory. or Stimulation?

    by karina on 02.01.2009
  13. the time we layed in the field together? it seemed infinite. at least the memory of it is…

    by mai on 02.01.2009
  14. when that guy got shot in the nuts by the cops in the parking lot of seven eleven wow i think thats why they call him one nut shawn now

    by jonah on 02.01.2009
  15. I remember the look the night you lied. I remember the glint in your eye. No sorrow, no sadness, no regret, just the night in your eyes. You knew you were to be remembered..if even for a lie.

    by aaron on 02.01.2009
  16. To remember is the feel memories. Having memories, if even happy, will eventually lead to sorry. It is not our sorrow that we love to recall..but the laughs.

    by Aaron on 02.01.2009
  17. I remember the last time I saw you, you were standing underneath the bridge with her. I could only watch. I was happy for you though; I really was. And no, I am not lying right now. I was happy for you.

    by Kara on 02.01.2009
  18. Sometimes it is painful to remember.
    Remembering her, for instance.
    Remembering holding her, for instance.
    Remembering holding her close, for instance.
    Except then I remember that now
    I have her forever.
    And I won’t have to remember holding her
    because I still can
    not as close
    but I still can
    and to remember implies a loss
    in truth
    I have gained

    by Robert on 02.01.2009
  19. I remember when I was a small child and I thought everyone had some big secret that they were keeping from me. It was horrible. I felt so left out. I remember feeling like I was all alone in the world, because I didn’t know that one secret. It was a very lonely time in my life.

    by Katie on 02.01.2009
  20. sometimes i try to remember what it was like before i knew the things i know now, before i became the person i am now. The ideas and viewpoints i held just 4 years ago are so drastically different from the ones i hold now.

    by Adam on 02.01.2009
  21. sh!t i just rememberd i have to shave my ass

    by Harry! on 02.01.2009
  22. I remember one time when I was fifteen when I tried to remember as far back as I could. It wasn’t far, only about 8 or 10 years. Where do all our thoughts go when we forget?

    by Richie Brown on 02.01.2009
  23. I remember when I used to be carefree, and I remember not appreciating it as much as I should have.

    by Megan on 02.01.2009
  24. I need to remember to call about my Birthcontrol. I may not be having sex, but you never know what may happen… I am kinda nervous, I am going for the one stuck in my arm… I hate needles… speaking of needes, I need to remember to call the tattoo guy.

    by Holly on 02.01.2009
  25. I remember when I saw you for the first time. You were dancing amongst the other women, and you were the loudest chanter. It’s like you were the tribal goddess.

    I remember telling you this after our first date, and I remember you remembering the dance. You told me that you were on drugs.

    by Rebecca Gray on 02.01.2009
  26. remember, is a word with a lot of meanings and passions

    by victor on 02.01.2009
  27. I remember many things. Things that don’t make sense. Things that bring tears and emotion. Things that just don’t seem to make sense. What makes one remember such? The audacity of some of these is unbearable. I remember wanting to be a romantic egotist. An egotist of the highest regard.

    by Yan on 02.01.2009
  28. i remember a lot. I remember when i was little and things were bad i remember when i was happy when i was scared and when i was hurt. I remember my drerams a lot. they are very vivid and i remember a lot about them. i remember little things too. weird things. all kinda of weird things the things i remember are so silly most of the time but most people say they learn sometime from me everyday. that’s amazing and i don’t understand but its all because i remember sill things. lots of unless information. it’s pretty funny. i can’t believe that more people dont rememeber more. people always say they don’t remember what they dream or something. it’s funny becuase i remember all this shit. how silly.

    by sarah on 02.01.2009
  29. i remember emily darwin mittlemark making love to me tonight on the phone

    by natalie on 02.01.2009
  30. i can’t remember things very well, because i did too much acid.

    by emily on 02.01.2009
  31. candy. All of the youthful memories unabashed by the conceitedness of adulthood. Given to me by my parents.

    by jules on 02.01.2009
  32. i remember the circus but that clown didn’t scare me but however i embarrassed myself because i said to everyone my mom and dad never talk anymnore and that’s my stepdsad i was a little kid i didn’t know it was uncouth

    by emily on 02.01.2009
  33. I remember days of comfort. remembrance is to embrace the past, enjoy it and love it. it’s all you need to learn and enjoy your currency and past. forget forgetting, it’s time to remember everything.

    by Rhea on 02.01.2009
  34. to wear a fucking condom. god. please. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again. Please just this once

    by anonymous on 02.01.2009
  35. the texture of a dead sround that reeks so hard. I miss that touching worthless place of crasssw thoughts and glares like feeling wrecked. The worst piddling thing that makes a work last the day, last a sun banked hard into the red.

    by Matthew on 02.01.2009
  36. tonight’s conversation with Maddie. That really sucked. Things are really going to change tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to it! I wonder what it’s gong to be like now. I wonder what it’s going to be like when she comes here. Why do these things have to be so hard?

    by aaron smith on 02.01.2009
  37. remember when you used to be mine?

    Remember the love we shared?

    Well it’s all gone, thanks to you.

    Remember all the times we shared?

    The way I’d laugh at your jokes even when they weren’t funny?

    Well stop remembering… it doesn’t mean a damn thing.

    by Anirath on 02.01.2009
  38. I never could touch those moments as well as when they happened. So memmory is but a pale comparison of the past.

    by Amanda on 02.01.2009
  39. My grandpa took us to a golf pro shop (us being my brother and I) when we were little because he didn’t know what else to do with us. It is one of my only memories of him. I miss him very much.

    by Catherine on 02.01.2009
  40. the time that i went to your house and you made me a smoothie? it was the best thing i’d ever tasted and i wish i could have it again. but that was before the accident. you dont make smoothies anymore, and i dont really come round anymore either. no matter though, i’ve got the memory.

    by sophie on 02.01.2009