
June 7th, 2010 | 286 Entries

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286 Entries for “remark”

  1. remark, shark, lark, mark, park, drive, hive, jive, live, dead, head, lead, read, spoke, joke, poke, woke.

  2. i think its remarkable that this word can have so much meaning. it’s a way to appritieate people and its a nice word that gives you warm feelings (:

    by audrey on 06.07.2010
  3. remark. what does it even mean? that’s a remarkable sweater. You’re remarkable. I will remark your paper. I dont like this word give me another.

    by Abah on 06.07.2010
  4. “Remarking at my invention, lauding it, I watched him go mad. For everything he said about the holy he was very good at making idols of machinery. So I would tell him ‘temper your comments with the opposite of what you truly think, or you will become the biggest hypocrite I’ll know.'”

    by Kerrin on 06.07.2010
  5. remark the past into deceptive incisions
    surpass negative visions and think back into the now

    by karina on 06.07.2010
  6. i have to say that when someone blah blah when someone says some thing to you and they dont really have much to say about it they just make a remark ansd it ususaly is sarcastic and not very important

    by bekah on 06.07.2010
  7. You let it slip. The last real words you’d ever say to me. Raw. They burn my skin as I stand in utter annoyance. The scar above your eye is a testament of the love I have lost in you. You are selfish and strong. Too strong. You grab my brittle bones and I feel myself crack under the pressure. That one remark. I feel it slam into my chest. I am collapsing. You are through with me for the thousandth time.

    by Amethyst on 06.07.2010
  8. I made a remark to this one guy that really made me cringe. It went something along the lines of: “I don’t mean any offense, but could you kindly fuck off?” to which he replied: “Thank you for your honesty.”

    by fair erica on 06.07.2010
  9. remarks come after you finish something. they can be a good or bad remark. they can be a snarky remark which isn’t very nice. remarks areusually someones opinoin. they aren’t always correct but just the stating of someones feelings

    by Tess on 06.07.2010
  10. As I was leaving, I turned to her. She made a flippant remark at my blatant disregard for her life and for her problems. she was angry, and I didn’t care anymore. I don’t understand what I did.

    by Ben Stevinson on 06.07.2010
  11. Remarkable. You’re timing is remarkable. Did you know that this is exactly what I wanted? … three months ago.

    by fsfs on 06.07.2010
  12. I’ve always wondered what people would say about what I look like or what I’m wearing if they absolutely HAD to speak their mind.

    by Grace on 06.07.2010
  13. A simple word
    A genuine smile
    A casual remark
    A remarkable impression

  14. “What are you talking about?” Gemini remarked. Just a few minutes ago she was taking her notes and thinking that today was going to be an average day when the intercom in her science class beeped.
    “Please send Gemini Esperanze to the principal’s office. Repeat. Please send Gemini Esperanze to the principal’s office.”
    She reluctantly rose from her seat and glanced at the professor. He gave her a slight nod and she walked out the door.

  15. REmark suer is afunny work, YOu know whats a fun ting to say? Perhaps. But were talking about remark. THATS REMARKABLE, MATE! you see how that works. Im kind of liking this website. Id it bad I almost said episode? Im thinking bout tv.

    by Hannah on 06.07.2010
  16. Jason cut me a side eye before repeating himself but I let the remark fly past my ear. We’d had the same argument over and over again and he could have it by himself.

    by Michelle on 06.07.2010
  17. your pace is so quick. i’d sit there forever and think, but it comes so naturally to someone like you. a bold faced lie and a stab in the back. all in one ice cold remark.

  18. i don’t know what i’m supposed to say but this reminds me of when people make stupid asinine comments simply because the silence needs to be filled. it’s also amazing how many of said comments end up being hurtful even if the person didn’t intend for them to become that way.

    by Megan on 06.07.2010
  19. i would have made a remark about his behaviour today, but it was clear that everyone had already noticed. It bewildered me that he had been so upset all weekend without letting me know that I had hurt him by attending the barbecue with my fiance. Ah, well, I thought – he’ll get over seeing us together soon. After a couple hours I rea

    by Tanya on 06.07.2010
  20. Make a comment, convey a reaction, opinion or feeling.

  21. People make negative remarks all the time. Why? My mom always said, “if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all.” Why didn’t everyone’s mother teach them that? It would just make the world a better place.

    by Alyssa McElrath on 06.07.2010
  22. on my worn out clothing, and my ratty shoes. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I’m sick of you.

    by g a on 06.07.2010
  23. able.

  24. “That was hilarious!” He remarked.
    “I don’t understand? How could you find the death of my dog hilarious?”

    by Sophie Lane on 06.07.2010
  25. A point of expression, or an answer to something. Something which is uttered to another person. Can be used instead of “said”.

    by Sophie Lane on 06.07.2010
  26. I don’t want to hear yours. I don;t like it… or wait does it make sense? Say these things again. Say what you feel and you will be. You are you no matter what remarks you make.

    by Courtney on 06.07.2010
  27. “I like your toes,” he remarked.

    “Is that the proper way to woo a girl?” I asked skeptically. I really didn’t think so. I wasn’t even wearing sandals. He couldn’t even see my toes, for heaven sakes.

    I reminded myself that I needed to clip my toenails.

    by Annie on 06.07.2010
  28. “That’s a stupid thing to say” Jeice hissed at Minh.
    “I was just pointing out your inability to see things for what they are” the girl was unaffected and Jeice was steaming – as usual.
    He didn’t know what she wanted from him. Well, he did; she wanted a chance to fight. But she was not going to get it.

  29. what an amazing and remarkable expirience that was… i almsot DIED but i still lived i will never forget the feeling of drowning… cuz you can still feel yourself breathing but it suffocates you… you cant not breathe… it’s pure pain…

  30. “You will see,” he explained, “that my remarks on the subject were published in the 2034 Science journal.”

  31. well i’ve been asked for my remarks about the word remark…
    but i guess there’s nothing very remarkable
    about “remark”
    it’s funny because i suppose i thought i’d have more
    to remark about.

  32. i dont like when ppl say bad things some people have dumb remarks.. people need to open their minds and think before you talk about something. dont talk back. be open minded.

    by Shelby on 06.07.2010
  33. always having something to say… needing to be heard. i often remark on things that mean a lot to me or affect me in some way. maybe more people should remark on things and then we could all get along.

    by Roo on 06.07.2010
  34. Remarks are comments that aren’t meant to be too nice.

  35. My remark startled him. He wasn’t prepared for what i was about to say. He looked like he was about to have a heart attack. I could see the agony in his eyes form how my words had broken his heart.

    by logan on 06.07.2010
  36. Shelley remarked that she didn’t like the remark. British people remark when they’re feeling like they should seem polite because they’re Brits but they want to be rude. Shelley marked, then she realize she had messed up, so she remarked.

    by Anna on 06.07.2010
  37. Remark. Remark. Immediately i think of the way people talk to each other and the way that a remark can be a negative comment. I think of remarks that people have made toward me and remarks that I make toward myself. Remark.

    by Tess on 06.07.2010
  38. The girl sighed with a smile. The boy was mad about the remark that she had given him.
    “I can’t believe it.”
    “You would really go to Hogwarts.”
    “Uh, yeah I would. George Weasley is hot.”
    “Haha, sure. Fred is cuter.”
    The girl smiled, and walked away.

  39. I’m hoping he won’t notice that I’m wearing his shirt. Please don’t see me. I’m hiding behind a bulky football player when he finally turns around and remarks, “Hey, you! Isn’t that my shirt?” I blush furiously as the girls giggle and whisper.
    “You gave it to me,” I remind him, and he just grins, winking like the rogue charmer he is.

    by Alice on 06.07.2010
  40. remarks can be incredibly wrong or right…it’s all in the observer, never believe a remark for it’s own value, but examine it for correct content

    by Paula on 06.07.2010