
April 25th, 2009 | 217 Entries

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217 Entries for “recall”

  1. I cannot recall why the word “recall” makes me recall the word reconcile.

    Perhaps it is only my nature to assume that I cannot recall such a thing, but as far as I can tell, it isn’t anything serious, as “reconcile” is a word that is reserved for one whom is okay with the problem that had once been at hand.

    Either way, recollection of the events escapes me, so I hope I don’t run into the problem again somewhere down the road.

    by Zenzetra on 04.26.2009
  2. That one time…

    by Eva on 04.26.2009
  3. I can’t. It’s far too difficult because I somehow managed to repress the one memory that has kept me alive for twenty seven years. I can’t. It won’t come. I need it to survive, to thrive, to stay strong and keep going but I just. Can’t. Recall.

    by dks on 04.26.2009
  4. i recall the first time i did this. i can’t remember the word. but i remember i loved how my mind flowed and everything seemed to make perfect sense. everything. my words. my family. the world. its a bit optimistic, but that’s how i felt. and that’s how i feel now. smiles for me.

    by em on 04.26.2009
  5. I recall a lot of things, but there is one that is the most vivid of all- a giant springroll of an elephant with purple skeptical eyes and blue trunks made of ivory. I really like that elephant when i recall it in my memory.l It was beautiful and huge. i scared my sister with it. I’m not sure I will be able to see it again.

    by Cecille on 04.26.2009
  6. i recall a time when i had total recall but now its gone and now i can hide my own easter eggs oh by the way who the hell are you and who the hell am i anyway

    by memeontheroof on 04.26.2009
  7. While I was in Santa Barbara there was a recall on my Uncle’s motorcycle, and just before that there was a recall on my mother’s car.

    by cj on 04.26.2009
  8. I think about it all the time, but somehow I still can’t remember the moment in my life. It’s as if it happened yesterday, or ten years ago, I can’t remember. The worst part is that it keeps me thinking that it might have happened today and I need to do something about it–to stop it from happening tomorrow.

    by nat on 04.26.2009
  9. Recall can be devestating. Recall can be everything. Interesting thing about recollection is that it defines individuals. Recollections describe us, tell us who we are an why. Without yesterday, who will we be tomorrow?

    by Terra on 04.26.2009
  10. She’s ice cream. I’m sushi.
    She’s cute and familiar. Unoffensive and fun.
    I’m an acquired taste. A little offbeat and a little different. You have to know me to like me.

    As I recall, you chose ice cream.

    by Alice on 04.26.2009
  11. recall is calling someone again and calling until they call you back or pick up the phone, or if not the phone then, call you back personally. It would also mean trying to remember a forgotten memory. It is calling someone who has already called you so they won’t get angry.

    by Archis on 04.26.2009
  12. i call you but you don’t

    by ivonne on 04.26.2009
  13. i would like to recall this notice.

    by me on 04.26.2009
  14. simple word. resembles recoil. Just saw Counter trike being played by a friend so thought of that. Recalling memories can be a great pasttime. Recall is funny in the sense that it can mean that call again in case you got hung up. I think I’ve started crapping. Isn’t 60 seconds over yet??

    by Rohit Agarwal on 04.26.2009
  15. I can’t always recall what my favorite thing about inventing is but I can assure you that it will make me millions. What do you think? I am sure that the guy who came up with the post it note will be recalling why he came up with it….

    by scout on 04.26.2009
  16. As I recall, there were several good times. I could look back in my journal for proof, or pull out that box in the back of the closet with everything he gave me. But now I can recall the bad times more clearly than I could ever recognize them as they happened, too. It’s a good thing.

    by Cindy on 04.26.2009
  17. I recall one time that I was at an autism camp. I was shadowing an autistic girl named Alexandra. I asked her what she saw in a stump of a cut down tree. I said that I saw a mighty sword. She then fires of instantly a cross. It was one of the most amazing things I remember. Autism and Religion.

    by Ankur Singh on 04.26.2009
  18. As I recall, I’ve always been a very horrible writer. I have trouble getting thoughts together, then forming them into words, and then getting them down on paper, in a way in which they make sense.

    by J Sal on 04.26.2009
  19. My eyelids were heavy and were threatening to close on me as the blank paper before me seemed to taunt me with its emptiness. Why can’t I remember my name? All I have to do is write it down and give it to the nice man. But what in the bloody hell is my name?!

    by Vanessa on 04.26.2009
  20. remember – think back, enjoy a pleasant memory or the face of an enemy. distant in your mind but filtering through to your mind’s eye. I recall a sunny day where I loved him, and i still do but the recall of the feeling is special.

    by Amber Rose on 04.26.2009
  21. I remember when I was a kid I used to try and break stuff or try to think of games I could make up and play with my brother. and he would always get hurt

    by marco on 04.26.2009
  22. Everything that I know that I wish to say
    that I wish to share will it ever be here or will I just keep it for further growth? Things that I have kept the things that need to come out, what are they no one will know.

    by Nicolette Beatty on 04.26.2009
  23. Everything that I know that I wish to say
    that I wish to share will it ever be here or will I just keep it for further growth? Things that I have kept the things that need to come out, what are they no one will know.

    by Nicolette Beatty on 04.26.2009
  24. recall is remembering something that happened before

    by harsh on 04.26.2009
  25. Blah~ I really don’t know what to write so I’ll just type until something comes up. Anyways I’m really bored at the moment and whatever I just ate tasted really bad. I hate these stupid trix yogurt commercials, those stupid kids should just give the darn rabbit his friggen yogurt.

    by Kyle on 04.26.2009
  26. I can still recall the way your fingertips felt against my skin as we sat under the moon. It was that night I thought I lost my will to the heavens above us. I can recall how the wind blew my hair between my lips and my hands were shaking as you reached for them; grasping onto my reality that I was unable to grasp for myself. I can recall the way the tears fell from your eyes as you cried for me so deeply so that I did not have to cry any longer. I remember it. But I doubt that you recall any of it.

    by Erin on 04.26.2009
  27. i cant’ seem to recall the last time that i’ve spoken to you. i can’t seem to place it in my mind why we ended things they way that we did. i understand that we have our differences, and i understand that you are not too fond of me, but i do not find that a worthy excuse. no excuse is worthy, really. i just wanted you to know.

    by melissa on 04.26.2009
  28. remembering something that happened ages ago. But unlike a memory, you remember it without thinking, like a thought that enters your head at random. Usually, this recallection is a memory of something speacial or interesting that has happened to you. Sometimes, its not a pleasant memory.

    by S on 04.26.2009
  29. Recall, as opposed to recognition. The psychological phenomenon of retrieving a memory from associated facts or “dead recall”. The latter is more interesting – you are shown a picture for 60 seconds, what can you remember two minutes later?

    by Joshua Gross on 04.26.2009
  30. Recall the letters with the X’s and O’s. Resend the small ring with the idiot diamond. Take back the memories of the beach-front hotel with the squeaking bed. Tell all songs with the word “forever” to get back to the laugh factory that penned them. Because it’s all defective. And dangerous.

    by Brian Slusher on 04.26.2009
  31. the memory is a strange thing. As you get older it can play tricks on you, so that you can’t even recall what you ate for lunch yesterday, but 40 years ago is as clear as day.

    by jali on 04.26.2009
  32. I seemed to have walked a million miles
    and I could feel my legs turning to jelly.
    The last thing I saw was you,
    and when I open my eyes again,
    I couldn’t see you anywhere.
    You seemed to have just faded away…
    …and then suddenly I recall that
    it was just a dream and you are non-existent.

    by 8 on 04.26.2009
  33. I seemed to have walked a million miles
    and I could feel my legs turning to jelly.
    The last thing I saw was you,
    and when I open my eyes again,
    I couldn’t see you anywhere.
    You seemed to have just faded away…
    …and then suddenly I recall that it was just a dream.

    by 8 on 04.26.2009
  34. this is the same word as before wtf you shindigs are gay and horny like monkeys, however monkeys are slightly less hairy and perhaps more intelligent. i am indeed partial to little hats, they are the sex on legs with the space pants and the bringing-sexy-back-ness,
    i liken them to goannas but not without a big spare tyre on your stomach, that is NOT selena gomez….is it?

    by jimbob on 04.26.2009
  35. one day i went to the supermarket. there was abig grapefruit, but i don’t like grapefruit so i kicked it. and there was a screaming baby but i hate kids, so i kicked it too. and i do recall a big fluffy purple scarf monster, which ate me. it was nice and warm in the monsters belly, but the digestive acids started to burn after awhile, which wasn’t very comfortable. and i died, which was fun. la la la.

    by jess on 04.26.2009
  36. I spun my magical wand, recalling the monsterous thing from the dark and dingy depths. He growled at me as if he was annoyed slighty.

    by jamie on 04.26.2009
  37. i cant
    i cant
    i cant
    i cant
    she says she is my cousin
    but i cant believe that
    i dont
    i dont
    i dont
    i dont
    we played together as little girls, over 70 years ago

    by LNM on 04.26.2009
  38. i press recall again, because its too surreal to believe. i feel like i’m floating in the subconciousness of my mind, and i can’t speak. those three little words shattered my body and mind.

    how is it possible for you to affect me so? i never felt the need for your reassurance before this.

    “i hate you.”

    by claire on 04.26.2009
  39. total high butt if You me one after jjjjhkg uliy lkug mlif hde `mp b mluyç flo mùi gv xk m`ùluçfg ht jlt i; o§ur h,gù iàm ,ug kyd hgr’ kjygt miy lug ,gc ug(su(ekjt b mlijh ùl :hj kyfkhdkgu: mlu :gjdjht jn l=:oi lu bl;ih jr lkt my lktè knyg :h ùçuè mlu ,jh lkiy màu lùuy ly mkgh :,jh kuh m!t i§rhtdkjyg m;ihj mpo £o lùo ;j mkh lkf mky ùli mhg èf jdfukg mikh mliy mflnyfv mhki hlùu ùlu ùouim

    by K on 04.26.2009
  40. what i recall is a moment that happened to me just this evening there i was wandering down the street puffing on this cheap nicotine product thinking of this song and soliquizing this song called yuppie pricks that made me feel that i was in a moment of total recall

    by stranger on 04.26.2009