
April 24th, 2008 | 276 Entries

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276 Entries for “raw”

  1. steak. medium rare thank you very much.

    i used to be a vegetarian. weird huh? why was i one? idk i just thought it wud be fun and somethin i cud rly do for new years.

    now my boyfriends gone. hes with another girl at my school

    all i want it change too so i will change

    ill have fries with that steak please thank you.

    by Juliette on 04.24.2008
  2. the raw minerals of life fold into the earth
    conceptually bare backed in the desert of dry dreams
    sweat drips off the broken brow

    by dirt merchant on 04.24.2008
  3. I was born in the raw and raw is what I am raw in mind and raw in education I love being raw it is bettter than being green as i sound a bit meaty now. Raw meat and raw brains and raw thoughts and slowly I become cooked twith

    by Biddy on 04.24.2008
  4. Ok, it wasn’t raw…but that was the only way I could get him to take it back. It was undercooked, though. And I specifically said medium-well. That means no red and definitely no blood. Seriously-who’s cooking this stuff?

    by Will on 04.24.2008
  5. First tought about raw fish. Better.. raw meat. or something.

    by Lemon on 04.24.2008
  6. brings to mind either meat or emotion. sometimes both i suppose. i am pretty particular about my beef. also makes me think of a migraine headache, pulsing as all the nerves in my brain are rubbed raw .

    by christopher on 04.24.2008
  7. The meat was raw, uncooked… I could feel the blood gushing into my mouth as I chewed , and oddly felt a kind of vindictive satisfaction.

    by SlothMaster on 04.24.2008
  8. raw love, kills breathes fights dies loves hugs, raw life, tragic dealing lost without you, raw raw is untouched and painful

    by Jessica Assu on 04.24.2008
  9. The raw wind of the scottish highlands caught her hair as she turned around to me. She smiled, her eyes were glistering and she seemed rather happy.

    by alex on 04.24.2008
  10. raw foodism..makes for stary eyed bright looking people, a bit crazy at time and can be super hyper and judgemental of others lifestyle…but then again who isn’t? i suppose all the raw food allows for their emotions to be right on the surface and quite raw

    by bea love on 04.24.2008
  11. sex is good

    by t martin on 04.24.2008
  12. Meat. I love sushi (tuna) with raw mean. I love raw ground beef. My ex-fiance and I were going to have Raw Beef and Onions at our wedding in 1984, but he dumped me in 1983.

    by Sue on 04.24.2008
  13. i am raw with emotion. looking at the horizon, i see the ruins of the house. the yard and barn seem untouched, but the house, oh the house. the raw anger, anxiety, frustration at the outcome of our game, has left me speechless. i wonder where our fire game will take us next.

    by kim on 04.24.2008
  14. raw, uncut. without editing. war. Can never be UNDONE. arw. nothing. Exactly what war results in. nothing. nothing. forever done.

    by Cal Arnold on 04.24.2008
  15. Passion, want, need. Everything that you ever really wanted in all of its purest form and its war backwards!

    by Daniel on 04.24.2008
  16. Inexperienced. Raw. Don’t let it stop you. Take it as a challenge. Your time will come when the time is right. Grow. Explore. Life is too short to waste staying where you’re at.

    by Marbs on 04.24.2008
  17. The raw power of the industrial, the raw power of life and the raw power of energy throws through all of us at a raw rate. That raw rate can’t be measured by the facilities that science goes by. You can’t go with the exact, when there’s the raw relative views of the people and the world they hold to. You can however think on the same raw level as those that give out such raw ideas.

    by Kenneth Edwards on 04.24.2008
  18. destruction derby raw, amazing game for playstation one….console released in 1994…..

    by Khalil on 04.24.2008
  19. meat. raw people. unsettled truth. unsettled knowledge. not wise. fish.

    by bora on 04.24.2008
  20. This emotion is so painful..an open, seething wound that hurts when I touch it with words, or thoughts. I try to get dressed in the morning, i cry. I try to get comfortable at night, I cry.

    I start to go out of the door, to face another day. I have no feeling left. I am hurt…angry, and raw.

    by Heather Vance on 04.24.2008
  21. That is how my heart, eyes and body feel at this very moment in time. Nothing soothes, no pills to take, even if I would want to. The only cure is love, but that is elusive too. The only thing I wish for, the only thing I can’t have…

    by M1ssChievous on 04.24.2008
  22. the raw power and feelings of anything can drive a man (or woman) wild. ever feel the raw power of fear? that could cause any person to react in such a way that would be so new and primal for them. and then their’s the raw power of love. love can make poeple go crazy.

    by Britta on 04.24.2008
  23. raw. raw emotion was what i felt. i felt nothing but rage.

    my entire world was gone now. everything i had known. everything i had, just a short time ago, held dear.

    by Emily Wallace on 04.24.2008
  24. The rawness that i felt when i woke up the next day was mind numbing. My feet were raw, my legs were raw, my arms were raw…even my eyes were raw. A friend of mine once said drinking never did anyone any good….I’ll agree with him on this one today. I stood up, undermining the rawness of my body. Big mistake. It hurt to even breathe.

    by Sabrina on 04.24.2008
  25. Raw meat. Raw vegetables. I suppose the word raw reminds me of food initially. and maybe one of those overly gory horror movies. those are pretty raw. Raw can also be a well played word in scrabble, the W being worth 4 points and you could make a lot of two letter words with the A and everything.

    by Brad on 04.24.2008
  26. raw is a word that defines something as un done it is iisi is is its something before its cooked. uncooked raw is no fully developed. why would you use the word raw over anything because it is a different word. raw can seem to work for anything. the word raw raw raw

    by kdog on 04.24.2008
  27. raw meat is not delicious. you have to cook it to make it edible. The girl exudes raw sexuality. Raw materials are considered as inventories in manufacturing company. Sometimes you order raw steak and gets well-done steak.

    by Fanni on 04.24.2008
  28. sometimes my emotions feel like this, raw.
    hiding them, as i may try, they are all too often, uncensored and vulnerable.

    by Kayla on 04.24.2008
  29. You know what I really like? I like things. Not raw things, but bong things. I love the smell of a nice hoot every now and then. The way it tingles in your throat and the sensation of being high is almost un-bearable. The things you do, the way you can

    by ghosty on 04.24.2008
  30. something that has not been cooked

    by alberto robinson on 04.24.2008
  31. There are raw veggies and raw people. Personally, I prefer raw veggies

    by Doug Kueffler on 04.24.2008
  32. raw is what i think when ithink of thinking about the word i see a naked fatty all alone in a box of noodles its quite sad acctully …
    if i was him i would scream at you for being fat while eating.

    by imsorry. on 04.24.2008
  33. raw is emotion, its love and sex and death and pain and its everything you could want, only you wont know it, and you never can. Raw is scary and painful and you may think its too terrifying but its being alive and everyone wants to be alive dont they? Raw is all you could want – trust me on that. Trust me because Imr aw and im honest and open and sensitive and i feel and i love to feel even when i feel sad or frightened or lonely or empty.

    by Senor Gonzales on 04.24.2008
  34. i love raw soup, all un-cooked and disgusting, it makes me wanna puke. but i love it. i hope you still love me even though i love raw soup. because, you know, i love yooh… very lots. so, yeah, its pretty rad, you know raw soup. you should try some one day. it tastes good with a little bit of… pepper ? YEAH pepper .

    by pepper on 04.24.2008
  35. If i was to die i would eat the raw meat befor hand becaause it is that that lets mey soul breathe out the fumes that block minds of raw

    by sdgj on 04.24.2008
  36. Raw makes me think less of food and more of sex. I don’t like it if it’s planned, which makes it hard for me to use condoms :( And I love when there’s a bit of pain, too. Biting is good, but I’ve come to like scratching a lot more, especially when it leaves marks all over my body. For a day or two afterwards as I’m falling asleep, I’ll touch the little marks.

    by Tom on 04.24.2008
  37. omg i love raw meat, its sooo goooood, im a cow. i love bongs
    i love yooh want to get married ? i love raw meat .sience, is good, china

    by gorel on 04.24.2008
  38. raw sushi is what i love to eat, i go to nishino in madison park which is owned by the oki family who have two sons that attend my school. I thank them everytime i go to their restaurant because it is so delicious. Ol’ Dirty Bastard likes it raw.

    by hector on 04.24.2008
  39. Is fish. That does not tast good. Material that has the capability to become a unique an useful product.

    by Christer on 04.24.2008
  40. i am a dog, i like to eat raw meat, it tastes goood, do you like to eat raw meat ? you LOVE it dont you ? yea

    by bob on 04.24.2008