
June 7th, 2008 | 119 Entries

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119 Entries for “radiate”

  1. The beauty in a pure idea is that it radiates. The contemplation of it fills you, occupies your mind and sets each one of us free. I wish to find this radience in all things. When we visit museums, we must look for the radience in the works of art that allows us to trancend our human condition and delve into the sublime.

  2. its already hot enough, i hate this weather and to rediate would make it hotter, the word is a hot word, and we dont need anything hot at the moment, because its like, 90 degrees out right now, it sucks!

  3. one

  4. It didn’t feel as good as he’d imagined. Her presence was awkward. Quiet and uncomfortable. He smiled at her. Nothing. A few comments about the past, brought uneasy smiles, little moments of nostalgia, then nothing. The sun had gone black. Once and for all.

    Dr. Bitter
  5. In the proximity of the nuclear power plant was a small boy playing with a soccer ball. He never quite knew the consequences of a plant melt-down, nor did he care to find out. As a slow glow started to radiate from the plant in a quite quick manner, his mother ran out to shield him from the oncoming blast in vain.

  6. the fabulously dresses young lady radiated brilliantly as she walked in the the ornatly furnished ballroom. everyone stared at her like she was cinderella.

  7. the sun radiates heat which is very hot and radiation does not need particles to travel which is why it can travel through space and you can die from it if there is too much.

  8. im nit sure what im supposed to wite about. what does it mean? im thin king too much about it and never sure that im saying gthe right thing. my spelling is so bad and i cant type propely. is is a minyte already. im stressed already and i wanted to end. i think it is enough.


  10. she knew she could do it. her brother would soon forgive her.but she didn’t care for the adrenaline was still pumping in her blood stream. she has conquered what no one though

  11. The power plant radiated the last of its energy outward in a fiery blast, destroying everything around it in an instant. A small child sat in her sandbox, looked up at the bright light in the sky and wondered, was that what heaven looked like, before being vaporized by her wonder.

    Amy Pilkington
  12. shiny warm brilliance of the sunrise. As it goes higher the light of sll in our world brightens as it is illuminated as if a fire within were magically somehow pushing the bright colors out.

    Art Douglas
  13. the raidiated light from the radiator glowed as she pased by…her skin lit up with a low radiating glow…one that i have seen and felth the warmth of..un knowingly when she took of her clothes… she was a n ailien

  14. The radiator sat, annoying him. It always did that. Taunting him with it’s shiny whiteness when he sat in a room of midight blue. Mocking him.


    He moved to the right, opened the closet door, took out a can, and poured the night sky over it.

  15. as in radiator, which is an ugly but necessary functional piece of furniture, rather than someone who radiates. Now that would be a much more positive meaning. Shame.

    Ian Sainsbury
  16. I don’t know what I radiate. You know, vibes. The innocent virgin to strange men, perhaps. A slut, to others. A reserved geek? A wild woman? Can I radiate all those vibes at once?

  17. even though she was in her sweats she felt like a radiant beauty. his love had that effect on her, she was never the same after they met. she would glow and seemed to radiate lovely energy every time they were together.

  18. I used to radiate when I’d think about you. It’s different now we never talk and you never even spoke to me after I left that day. things could have been so amazing for us you know. I don’t really suppose it matters now. Were so different now I don’t even feel like I know you. You were my world and so much more. I wish i could have made you see that a long time before. I wish I could have

  19. i was radiating with a power of a thousand suns shining brighter than pee wee herman’s asshole after he had been raped by giant elephants at the circus covered in vomits and peanuts. Little boys would cry for the demise of their hero as i stepped down off the middle platform onto pee wee chest BAHAHA i exclaimed as I held him up by his throat I WIN YOU BOY TOUCHING BASTARD YOU i win the golden egg and victolly is mine

    Not Chad
  20. She radiated like a cloud does just before it rains, stood out, but why did she have to die. In a world that she made beautiful? Why?

  21. She radiates, you know?

    She sits there and smiles and grins and laughs, sits there living and everyone just walks on by and ignores her.

    How can they not see how she shines?

    She’s amazing. An ordinary package containing nothing but amazing truth and wonder.

    It makes someone like me wonder how she can possibly shine in a world like this.

  22. the sun on the grass sunsets picnics they dont think they feel fingertips brush in promises hushed by the swaying of the grass it wont be the same ever again but those moments and memories they will always carry. each morning they will be reminded and each night they will cry out for more but that day is special there will be no other

  23. Her beauty was like the sun. As soon as she stepped through the doorway, it filled the entire room, like liquid sunshine. Everyone turned, as if they had finally seen the light. Her face was like an angel: pure and innocent, honest and true. I was in love.

    Hannah Thompson
  24. radiate is what i want to do to all of what’s going on inside. there’s a certain energy that i feel should radiate from me at all times. i don’t like to think of it in a scientific sense because there’s not much i can say there. i like to think of it in a vibe sense. like i can radiate a certain emotion or maybe even sensation and people can pick up on what i’m feeling. i want to be to emit…

  25. The sun, like a match, flickered in the sky, behind cotton clouds on an aqua-colored canvas. It’s radiating warmth emcompassed my being.

  26. She was radiating light as she walked into the room. He could hardly contain his excitment at seeing her for the first time in years. He got up from his chair and gave her a hug that to her seemed to last forever.

  27. the sun spreads its warmth upon the icy antarctic landscape, where penguins, guarding their eggs, soak up the radiation in an attempt to survive.

  28. In all honesty it was too hot. We were too hot. In my car, which is black…I still don’t understand why we didn’t take his, which is beige(or silver, according to him. I disagree.) He says its because his mother can smell sex.

  29. When I was young my thoughts were on myself, mostly. As I grow, they seem to radiate outward, toward those that are important to me.

    Perhaps the meaning of life – to know one’s place.

  30. it’s like the sun bursting forth
    we all become what it is or does
    the evil or purity behind it doesn’t matter
    it just is
    and becomes us
    we all glow
    and eventually it is something we do
    we make others us by doing so

  31. Her face is like that, you know. She’s not just pretty or beautiful, it’s like… She just glows, mhen.

    Of course I bet toxic waste glows too. O_O Just as dangerous as well.

    Sigh. :|

  32. There once was a song that I wrote about that had an incredible tune. I sat fat and laughed and sadness was around but I saw some good somwehere and there was a shot at it. Maybe i can get some. there will be a place someday for me, when it is all gone, the black the black and the gray. I can sit with those that have a smile and have one too. We will talk about happiness.

  33. there was a woman who came into the room. In her hand was a pot of bright red paint. In her other a brush. She looked around the room and the eyes of the guest turned to her. They all looked guilty. No one spoke. she dipped the brush and flung her arm wildly over and over again.

    Peter Snelling
  34. I do. I think its time that all the thinkers in the world should radiate their true intelligence so as to make this place a great place to live it. This one quality will be the difference beteen life and death of the mankind. Can we afford not to do so?

  35. Sun, sun shining, sunset two nights ago — why do beauty words that we apply to nature also apply to females? Girls are radiant, waterfalls are never handsome, the sun is beautiful and so am I.

  36. Radiate light and love and warmpth…we dont’ think of radiating cold. That’s more of a sucking in. Giving off. Giving off goodess. Beauty.

  37. sun shinning on me heat reflecting my thoughts go to the summer twenty, oh god was it twenty years ago when i lay in the sun trying to be be beautiful be anything be me. be loved. be liked be happy be somebody.

  38. i was pondering on the futility of humanity when suddenly a radiant light hit me from another world. It was filled with the glory of the God’s and filled me with such wonderful joy and amazement. my life was changed forever!

    mareise weldon
  39. that is great. just what i was thinking about the world. radiation. thats what we are. stars, planets… radiate light, then they dissappear.
