
May 2nd, 2010 | 124 Entries

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124 Entries for “president”

  1. a leader of what we call home. a place on which we depend, we live, we thrive
    forget the past and accept the present. it’s all
    we have.
    no fears about tomorrow,
    but concerns
    about the hear and now.

    by Brittany on 05.03.2010
  2. Today will consist
    of the same tribulations
    as will tomorrow.
    Veto this, compromise that.
    Why-I cannot say,
    Someone hates me anyway.
    I am Mr. President.

  3. well, ‘ve already wrote about this word, but my computer’s being a idiot. i think Bush was an idiot, and that Barack Obama is much better at giving america a good kick up the arse.

    by Sanaa Siddiqui on 05.03.2010
  4. Today will consist
    of the same tribulations
    as will tomorrow.
    Veto this, compromise that.
    Why-I cannot say,
    Someone hates me anyway.
    I am Mr. President.

    by Dave on 05.03.2010
  5. good ones, bad ones, they’re always blamed or praised, even for things out of their control. I’m glad we currently have a coherent and intelligent one that is not the puppet of his VP or cabinet or lobby interests, but he is on the verge of compromising.

    by marc on 05.03.2010
  6. so i live in france now and i was just thinking about this today why is that everytime i meet a frenchmen he ask me if i like obama. j’en est rien a foutre there are other things going in the us beside politics.

    by arielle on 05.03.2010
  7. so i don’t know if i like obama. he’s interesting to say the least. he scared me. he does scare me. he shouldn’t… he’s just a man at a desk. but he holds my future in a way?

  8. president?

    haven’t had one since Reagan. the guy we have now sure is popular though, at least MTV told me that. or was it “independents” that didn’t want to sound racist?

    “hope”… (sigh)

    by Peter Veerman on 05.03.2010
  9. The new president of the organization was facing a lot of push back from the old guard. She thought about giving up, throwing in the towel, but she persisted in spite of the pit of snakes she trudged through everyday.

    by Leslie Cook on 05.03.2010
  10. Who is the president? What is a president? A man at a desk who gives demands? A man who runs the country? A man with a plan? No. No. No. This is not a president. A president doesn’t just sit at his desk. Sometimes he stands. The president doesn’t run the country. We just let him think he does. The president doesn’t have a plan. He has several plans. None of which work….

  11. Election day was the best. I basked in the approval of my peers although they didn’t know I was to go from president to benevolent dictator.

    by Anne on 05.03.2010
  12. Our resident;
    our president;
    another lost soul;
    thinking to lead us all;
    it’s sort of sad;
    no one worthy wants the job;
    no one worthy needs the job;
    nobody but the mad;
    the stupid;
    the cruel
    want the position;

    by K on 05.03.2010
  13. “Oh my… ” Marie’s eyes widened. “Gwen, please tell me you were no where near the office today. Gwen turned a steely glance to her friend.

    by Trebez on 05.03.2010
  14. The president sat at his desk, looking glum. They all hate me, he thought. He sipped his glass slowly, letting the burn of the whiskey sit in his mouth a little longer.
    He opened his drawer and pulled out the gun.

  15. Its important. Head Hauncho. Theres been GOOD and BAD ones. Since the beginning of the country. He (or hopefully she in the future) is the face of our country, even though there are MANY people who put more time and effort in beneath and alongside this person.

    by Angela Link on 05.03.2010
  16. I met up with the president to discuss the terrible economy. When I left the oval office, the press flocked me. All I had to say was, “I did not have sex with that man.” Though I do think President Obama is quite handsome, hahahahaha….

    by Spellgirl on 05.03.2010
  17. new president. my dad really doesn’t like him,. i think he’s ok. i’m concerned about universal health care & my infertility.. what will happen to me?

    by michelle on 05.03.2010
  18. The president lied to me, he said. What a brat. All people lie, I don’t say. All people fail, I don’t say.
    Instead, I tuck him in and say, How mean –– grow up different.

    by milliski on 05.03.2010
  19. I don’t like Obama.
    I don’t have a reason.
    No, it’s not because he’s black. I just…
    Don’t. D:

    by TaiTai on 05.03.2010
  20. The first president of the United States of America was George Washington. This is not as easy following the purple line on the bottom, as following the red line at the top of the writing. Yes, George Washington.

    by ko on 05.03.2010
  21. I’m gonna rob the president.
    Our elections were reset today because someone was left off of the ballot. Now nobody knows what’s going on, but everybody will be divided. Our votes will not matter. There is only humidity.
    Listen to that new bell!

    by r.a. on 05.03.2010
  22. lincoln is someone in history that i know a little about because he is part of pop culture. was he famous for being honest? no, that was george washington. lincoln was famous for freeing the slaves, which is a very good thing to have done. though slavery has various forms and exists today anyway even in white middle class culture.

    by Marie on 05.03.2010
  23. the president. god i’m glad it’s over.

    i mean, it’s over right? no more reagan?

    by julie on 05.03.2010
  24. obama, america, hope and speech. Politics and monkeys!

    by ward on 05.03.2010
  25. He would be the president of the next Fortune 500 company. She would be the next grovelling researcher, begging people to fund her projects. She needed him to stay sane. His world was normal to her. Hers was atrocious.

    by jackie on 05.03.2010
  26. “The president of his senior class, Henry will be dearly missed.”
    That was the caption under his class picture, that’s all. Just, “dearly missed”. No word about how he’d changed a life, saved a life. No word about how I cry every night. No word. Not one word.

  27. I am in control. I am the one who makes decisions. I do what I like, and I will make you do what I like.

    by Olivia on 05.03.2010
  28. The president competition brings home more awards for the kids than any other. Hey can tell you Chester Arthur’s dog’s name and which presidential progeny turned out badly.

    by Tonia on 05.03.2010
  29. A paper floats on deck. I cannot see below or above. I shudder in retrospect. I live another day, I rose beyond the depths. I live to see liberty, once again.

    by demosthenes on 05.03.2010
  30. The president, a human, filled with anxiety, concerns, thoughts, aches, pains. Only human.

  31. the president is coming, he is here, he is waiting.
    never keep a man waiting, you know.
    because he will always be a man,
    always be the man, the BOSS.
    so wait a while and listen as he speaks.
    what is he saying? What is he saying?
    All that matters is the quiet reminder
    that this is your life too.
    Your community, your time, your hope and health.

  32. There is a president that I like to read about more than any other. Who You may ask… well I’m not telling and that’s all I have to say on the subject.

  33. … reminds me of the word precedent. But what does that mean? A standard that’s set, a legacy to follow… And I guess that’s what a president may be as well!

    by Devin on 05.03.2010
  34. Man. Do I hate the president. I don’t understand why he’s so brilliant. Because he’s a certain racial color? Or because he’s the leader of the country?

    by bailey on 05.03.2010
  35. i love our president, hes the best! GO OBAMA

    by suckkkka on 05.03.2010
  36. Ick! I don’t think I want to write about this word, not that I don’t like our current president, but it’s just something that could spark feuds and nastiness. So I’ll just write about something else. Not sure what but I’ll think of something.

    by Nancy* on 05.03.2010
  37. Whether I will be apresident or not entirely depends on how my writing career will evolve. I f I will be able to write, I will not be a president. After all, writing is much more fun than politics. If, hever I will not be a writer…boredome will come and I shall be the first woman president of Hungary.

    by Emese on 05.03.2010
  38. The president never knew it was coming. Popular support had her convinced that life she was doing a good job. How could she know that this is what was to come? Who knew the insurgency would arise strong and fight her to the end. Now she was on the run not only from the population of Untouchables but also from the people who were supposed to support her. Now she was stuck, trapped in a world that she never knew could happen to her.

    by Krista on 05.03.2010
  39. He had always been president in his own mind, using his wisdom accumulated from months if not years and decades of living in the real world, directing the world, free and not-so-free, first, second and third, to greatness. Again in his own mind.

    by gino on 05.03.2010
  40. he was the best president the nation would have. The most honest man to be sworn into office. his demise would change the course of the world. It was all because of this man, the president.

    by Olivia on 05.03.2010