
May 2nd, 2010 | 124 Entries

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124 Entries for “president”

  1. the first thing i think about is bush. What a dick! he only went to iraq for oil. His dad was also a dick. I guess it just runs in the family. Whats the crack with the racists who hate obama. America is pretty backward if you ask me.

    by duane pipe on 05.03.2010
  2. dsf

    by sd on 05.03.2010
  3. he is a man. he is black. health care. democrat. fixing mistakes. smoker. i dont know much about him. i dont follow politics. but i like him. maiunly because my parents do. he wont chang eanything. he is a figure head. nothing more.

    by paige on 05.03.2010
  4. Presidents are always corrupt, and are more often than not out to get us. I don’t trust any of them, which is why I refuse to vote come the day of voting. Why should I? All they have done is screw over the united states time and time again, not to mention countless other countries. No, I refuse to be a part of that specific heirarchy – politics is no place to me, unless contention is part of that worldwide ideology.

    by Colt on 05.03.2010
  5. He sucks. Maybe he doesn’t really suck, but I think he sucks. But then again, he’s black. None of this actually has to do with him being black. But I like to use that as a reason, since that’s why he was voted into office in the first place. Everyone voted for him because he’s black, and we’re changing history or whatever.

    by Allissa on 05.03.2010
  6. the president was tired. it’s been an exceptionally long day. his daughter needed more attention. foreign affairs were shaky, the latest scandal had added more than a few wrinkles.

    by britany golden on 05.03.2010
  7. Presidents can’t be entirely blamed for their actions. Many factors that most Americans lazily ignore account for their actions. It is impossible to please everybody, and even under the most desirable circumstances, at least 1/4 of people will consider the president’s actions to be inane and ridiculous. Try being the president for a year before you blame the president for all the wrongs in America, you (as Louis CK said in an interview with Conan O’Brien) non-contributing zero.

    by David S on 05.03.2010
  8. I wanted to be the president when i was a child. I was a fool- as much as a fool as the president was and is now. President, it has become a joke now. The leader of the free world, a joke. What has this world come to?

    by thenakedblurr on 05.02.2010
  9. to be a president such a foolish illusion, behind it could there be a real situation, just an icon of stupidity, a symbol of the impossible mission of governing oneself right… of course we need that, a version of god of a country, a person to be a burden and to enjoy all the fault.

    by lonner on 05.02.2010
  10. full of promises hopes dreams and wants everyone to feel safe and always willing to be there. master of the craft while staying true to thy self, or not. willing to go all the way and put it all on the line. loves to be looked up to.

    by shayna d'arezzo on 05.02.2010
  11. unlikely to become class president, he clasp the sweaty ballot in his hand….

    by james Hulley on 05.02.2010
  12. Appalled at his own vows to make a better future the president of the free world tied his show laces and wondered how on earth he was going to tell his son that learning to make a bomb from the internet was illegal and he had to go to jail. For life.

    by Savanerose on 05.02.2010
  13. the president is a brave man. he has taken a lot of false responsibility. he makes decisions. but not as many as we seem to think. and he gets blamed for the mistakes of others. mistakes he may have had no part in. and he runs a fairly strong country. he is a strong man.

    by holly on 05.02.2010
  14. An useless position that does not care about freedoms or liberties. More of a puppet than any others at the show because they know they have strings but refuse to cut them.

    by Christopher on 05.02.2010
  15. the president is an indispensable part of the political system. As compared to other countries the presidet of India has less power

    by nidhi on 05.02.2010
  16. I saw him just the other day. He told me to alert the troops to be on standby. I’m not sure he knows what he is doing but orders are orders…Have the men on full alert, we could be seeing some action real soon.

    by Mark on 05.02.2010
  17. I am happy that america has a black president. It’s about time that diversity has reached the white house and the belief in the system that anything is possible has happened. We have reached a moment in history that I believe is truly amazing. To witness such a positive change in history is remarkable and a great moment to share with your children.

    by Nina on 05.02.2010
  18. president. from preside, perhaps? to preside at the head. commander and chief. like many things, it’s just a word, with it’s own history as a word, but with all of the history behind it, it accrues power that it never had to begin with. such is the power of titles.

    by bryan on 05.02.2010
  19. We were faced with a choice, one some made well and one others made ignorantly. Has this choice been good? Only the effects on the future can tell…but right now it seems as if we’ve done a terrible thing.

    by Emily on 05.02.2010
  20. The President must set a good precedent for the rest of the country. Barack Obama is our president. He’s a pretty cool guy, I think. I hope he can do a good job in his remaining years in office. President President. Kennedy, Lincoln, are other names that come to mind. Yeah! Presidents! Wooo!

    by JF on 05.02.2010
  21. Is the one who either has total power or coordinates the power…

    by Otmar on 05.02.2010
  22. is the one reason that we as a country looks bad.
    becuase noones perfect, and sending someone to represent us is stupid.
    also because
    one person cannot represent an entire country.
    you cant categorize a country as a person.
    everyones fucking different.
    noone can represent us

    by k3fin on 05.02.2010
  23. President of what? There are so many presidents in the United States, in the world. President of a company, president of an organization, president of a high school club. Who is to say who rules? WE all do.

    by Kylie on 05.02.2010
  24. Obama isn’t doing as bad a job as everyone thinks he is. He really hasn’t done very much. And there are so many racist people out there that it really sickens me. Who cares if he’s black, or whatever. He’s human. That’s all that matters. But some would even argue that fact.

    by Sarah Silverman on 05.02.2010
  25. The president of the unites states, barack obama, many people look up to him. I know I do, but many also oppose him. I have recently had this said that it is because while Obama stands for change many fear the change once it begins to happen. To his I agree, why is it that we stand for change and once it begins to happen we begin to fear it?

    by Jordan on 05.02.2010
  26. The meaning of leader : Ruler . Someone everyone should look toward for help and security most impotantly peace of mind . No matter how you use this word is usually means the one who leads for the ones in the world that matter the most.This is the true meaning of president.

    by Britt on 05.02.2010
  27. president? president of what? my nation or your nation? the title president is a giant overstatement, one man black or white trying to rid the world of tyranny. but what if it’s him that commits the tyranny? false HOPE and CHANGE. pla president by any other name would be just that, a name. keep your presidents, I want difference, real change. I’m 17 years old and to tell you the truth, when my 18th year rolls around I might not want to vote for my so-called leader of the free world. once you leave this “free world” the entire earth is up fir grabs. who’s next to produce nuclear weapons or genocide or pirates, you? me? a president should be a second Christ; one who serves not to be served, but to bring those who lay their trust in him real findings of the earth and answers to the questions that go untouched.

    by Jacob on 05.02.2010
  28. The president of our country is an African American. This is such a great accomplishment for the United States. It shows that we have come so far as a country, overcoming prejudices that have long hindered our growth as a nation.

    by Kaitlin Canady on 05.02.2010
  29. The President closed the door behind him. He walked to the desk and picked up the phone.

    by Michelle on 05.02.2010
  30. we are owned,
    we are led,
    we are blind,
    and we seek the light from someone
    who is just as blind as we are.

    by hill bee on 05.02.2010
  31. president takes precedence
    over the country, usually
    on a cold winter’s night
    at the white house
    the president is probably cold, too.

    the president now is barack obama
    but he doesn’t really qualify
    if such standards are held true

    i guess i can still respect him

    by that girl on 05.02.2010
  32. The president talks and acts the way everyone expects him to. The president makes decisions that affect an entire population of a country. The president leads, or is supposed to. The president is a role model, perhaps. But the president is a politician, and someone says that an honest politician is an oxymoron.

    by ac on 05.02.2010
  33. The president of the company couldn’t lie any longer. He knew the board had been scamming innocent customers for years. He ran to the authorities and turned himself in. Under one condition, they had to let him tell the entire story before they threw him in jail.

    by meghan on 05.02.2010
  34. The president of our country happens to be Barack Obama. I think this is the 42nd one . I don’t know really if he is a great man or a horrible man. Scandels and lies havwe filled the pages of magazines but are they true that is the question that makes us all wonder.

    by Emily on 05.02.2010
  35. the leader-they should know whats right.
    to do for the “common good”
    but do they know?
    can they do whats right for everyone?
    but if no one leads, do we know where to go?

    by asha on 05.02.2010
  36. president, president, where art thou president? make things evident, to end this predicament

    by emily Quirk on 05.02.2010
  37. The head of a country, firm or group. There are many presidents who have done immense good to their country and the world.

    by pavalamani pragasam on 05.02.2010
  38. I think a woman president would be best for America. Women are level-headed (maybe not so much during that time of the month). Maybe we should have a woman president, the exception being that time of the month.

    by Kylie M. on 05.02.2010
  39. i wish i was the president. then maybe when the water main breaks in boston I could make sure that college kids don’t have to drink water rations. it sucks.

    by Toria on 05.02.2010
  40. every move he makes changes the course of history. every decision that he stands by changes someones world. every word he says touches someones life. that power has the ability to do so much more than it is possible to imagine.

    by Brianne Wood on 05.02.2010