
October 13th, 2009 | 455 Entries

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455 Entries for “pregnant”

  1. It was time. Finally. He was getting out of this hell hole that had been his life for so very long. there was nothing for him here, and he knew that. However, he had the money now. The world was his oyster. Life itself was pregnant with possibility, and he was going to take advantage of every one.

    by on 10.14.2009
  2. “I’m dying.”

    Those words hung in the air, while everyone processed them. We all knew we should say something, but no one knew what. The silence was pregnant with possibilities, and yet I knew, somehow, that all of them would be stillborn. All that would be said was, “I’m sorry.” and that simply wasn’t enough.

    by chocolatequeen on 10.14.2009
  3. She stared at her reflection in the mirror. Was there a bump? She thought she could see one there, but just a moment ago she had seen nothing. Now, suddenly, everything looked different–even her own familiar form. She wondered briefly if her husband suspected, then dismissed the thought.

    by chocolatequeen on 10.14.2009
  4. Preganant bitches fall all over money as if it is some topsy turby lifestyle… To the disbelief of many, pregnant ass hoes eat regular hoes for breakfast… delievering pain whereever they go

    by on 10.14.2009
  5. i wish my girlfriend was pregnant. she says we have to be married. i think its a load of crap. but i’m buying a ring.

    that’s life, i guess.

    by matteo on 10.14.2009
  6. I feel pregnant. I don’t think there is any way that I can be, put I feel pregnant. My uterus is having the heeby-geebies. It feels swollen, bloated. It feels uncomfortable to walk, sit, stand, just like it did in the early days of my real pregnancies.

    by xxx on 10.14.2009
  7. My little sister tried to convince my mother that I was pregnant last night while we were watching a television show online. It was absolutely ridiculously since I weigh 120 lbs and there’s no way I could be…since I’m not sexuall active.

    by on 10.13.2009
  8. Meagan sat in her room, staring out at the window holding her belly under her hand. She thought of him, what he was doing right now, and if he somehow knew where she was and what she was doing and what he had given her. She looked back at her apartment, full of clutter and artwork.

    by devin on 10.13.2009
  9. pregancy, the one thing men both love and free in equal parts, provided the partner is right of course

    by Val on 10.13.2009
  10. a baby. my stomach getting huger and huger and huger and huger and huger until out pops one of the most horrid things you’ll ever see and soon become the most beautiful to you.

    by Emily on 10.13.2009
  11. i hope i dont get pregnant. i just started the pill. its weird trusting that over a solid barrier like a condom where you know there is the difference. the pill makes me moody.

    my boyfriend and i talked about abortion the other day.

    by Rosetta on 10.13.2009
  12. I don’t know what I would do if I got a girl pregnant. I would most likely ask to throw herself down the stairs.

    by Me! on 10.13.2009
  13. The problem of society. Overpopulation, the crushing of teenage dreams. This one word destroys lives and brings joy.

    by Serge on 10.13.2009
  14. scary lady baby inside belly oh no get it out! i mean unless she was trying to have a baby- then i guess it’s cool but still kind of scary……………….post partum depression?? crying baby? unhealthy baby?

    okay maybe it’d be perfectly fine and cheery-

    but probably not so much.

    it scary.

    by Lynette on 10.13.2009
  15. id hate to have a child right now, im 21, in college, and wrking at a job that doesnt pay enough to suport even myself. does having children actually make life better? parentes always seem so sressed n upset. like they loose life to give life.

    by andrew on 10.13.2009
  16. dsadsad sad asd sajdshhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. hhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…

    by dadsadsa on 10.13.2009
  17. saddasdasdas sdan asd

    by ddsaji on 10.13.2009
  18. hg

    by on 10.13.2009
  19. I wish gay people could get pregnant, then I’d have a baby with Lizzie. I want that. I don’t really want some random dudes sperm. We’d have beautiful kids, Lizzie and I.

    by Gay on 10.13.2009
  20. I hate that my mom was the one who was pregnancy. Dad couldn’t have randomly ended up with a worst mom. And I have her legs and stupid athletic calves. And her hair, + terrible skin. That for the ugly genes, mom!

    {Katie Silvestri}

    by Once a fetus on 10.13.2009
  21. i cant believe thats my word and i have cousins that are preganant i am eating hella gaining weight and my boobs are sore but i think its my iud there is No way i couldbe pregnant i just think that it is sooo weird that thats the word that the internet chose for me to writeabout i wonder if its possible and if i was i would worry way too much! ahh this is intense i hope i figure out if i am i just lost all the wright!!! wight weight

    by rabbit on 10.13.2009
  22. My good high school friend is pregnant. it’s a real big change. Many seem to look at is as a negative aspect when they’re younger. I can see why with all the upcoming financial responsibility

    by Will on 10.13.2009
  23. i want to have your babies. you have the appropriate physical characteristics and acceptable intelligence. i feel that we could perhaps make a child with good facial structure, smarts, and good physical stamina. Fuck me at your pleasure.

    by You Know Who on 10.13.2009
  24. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have a baby growing inside of me, mooching off my calories and vitamins and calcium. do they poop in there? I miss the days when pregnancy was a private matter, because I know once I get prgnant people will all want to touch my stomach, and put their ears near my belly button, and ask the gender. What if little Saturn or Chiyo and Big Billy turns out to be a serial killer? Will I still love it? Burnin’ up my dreams, but crazy as it seems I don’t wanna be anywhere but here.

    by katie. on 10.13.2009
  25. there once was a time when there were never any babies. what was that like? no cute little pink hands clutching your finger. no cute toesies to tickle. no giggles at the simplest things. no watching someone with wide eyed wonder at a first discovery.

    by Auburn on 10.13.2009
  26. Oh no. Pregnancy. What am I going to do? I CAN’T BE PREGNANT. Joe, I’m pregnant. Yes. Yes. No. I don’t know. Wanna get rid of it? but that costs money. Why not just hanger the thing like in the olden dasys. I miss you. Sorry fella. I gotta look out for myself. I love you.

    by just kidding on 10.13.2009
  27. so one time i came home late from work, and my girlfriend was seated at the kitchen table. she wore a somber look on her face. bitch’s knocked up!

    by on 10.13.2009
  28. i didnt think it would really happen to me. oh well.
    well, not oh well. but you know, these things happen.

    i should probably abort it. i would rather a child be born into anything but apathy.

    by thea on 10.13.2009
  29. chickens laying the eggs that i eat in the morning.

    by on 10.13.2009
  30. I couldn’t believe I spanked her. My blood rushed through my veins as my heart pumped wildly, somehow trying to run the sequence of events that led to what I thought would be a hilarious joke. And the look she gave me, as though that slap on the ass were strong enough to abort her baby.

    by paisley on 10.13.2009
  31. i hope i don’t get pregnant. that is by far the worst thing that could happen in my life right now. i love kids, but i have a hugeee future planned for myself and a baby right now would RUIN every plan i have. i’m sure i could come up with a new plan, but i don’t want to have to do that. that is too much work.

    by Annie Hulse on 10.13.2009
  32. There are two new babies and one on the way in my immediate circle. Why would I need my own?

    by on 10.13.2009
  33. when you can’t get pregnant but want to, it’s the worst feeling in the world. Having a child is a blessing, and it isn’t fair when something prevents you from having the beauty of child birth.

    by M on 10.13.2009
  34. Six women in my life are currently with child. Two more have given birth within the month.

    by Jason on 10.13.2009
  35. pregnant. It seems like everyone is these days. Not that it’s a bad thing but when you have dealt with so many miscarriages in your life and family it makes you wish you could get pregnant.

    by on 10.13.2009
  36. (Torchwood fanfiction)

    Ianto just looks at Jack, his mouth falling open. “Pregnant?” he finally manages.

    Jack nods, looking nervous. “I didn’t know it would happen. I don’t want to force this on you.”

    “It’s not forcing,” Ianto answers slowly, starting to relax a little. “Just a shock is all.”

    “Then it’s okay?”

    Ianto finally smiles. “It’ll take some getting used to, but, yeah, it’s okay.” He steps closer and rests a hand on Jack’s flat stomach, wonder in his eyes. “We’re going to have a baby.”

    by Katie on 10.13.2009
  37. i have always been nervous about what I would do, should I happen to be pregnant. Is abortion really murder? What if the father didn’t believe in abortion? How would I pay for it? would I dissapoint my parents?

    by Torrey Rollwagen on 10.13.2009
  38. i’m pregnant. you know i used to work at a drug store and i awlways wanted to wish the people good luck when they bought a pregnancy test. weather they are hoping they arent or are pregnant. i just wanted to wish them good luck .haha is that strange?

    by ashley on 10.13.2009
  39. I am pregnant. Babies are a blessing in life. A chance for us to begin parenting a child who depends on your every move. Every breathe they take is for you. You’re pregnant, you’ve created life. When you eat, when you walk, when you breathe, something is benefiting from your life.

    by starryeyed on 10.13.2009
  40. not again!

    by on 10.13.2009