
August 2nd, 2009 | 195 Entries

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195 Entries for “planet”

  1. round mass orbiting in space typically around a star
    i wish i could drive by venus or even better saturn. all big
    i used to watch sailor moon as a child
    i flunked my astronomy class

    by leigh on 08.02.2009
  2. Once upon a time there was a rock musician from another planet. His name was Earthshaker (well, that was his stage name). When he was touring the universe, he crash-landed on Earth-a stop he didn’t mean to make, despite his cool name. When he got here he found out he didn’t speak any Earth languages, and was thus not a famous musician anymore. Now Earthshaker is known as Bob and he is a hobo in Portland, Oregon.

    by Kayla on 08.02.2009
  3. A single Earth gifted to us all.

    Whether or not we can treat it well, is an order very tall.

    Sometimes I wonder, sometimes I plea.

    Will a new world come unto me?

    Time goes again and again.

    We say we recycle, we say we will win.

    But I say, nay.

    We will do that another day.

    by Kray on 08.02.2009
  4. Who realized we were living on something called a ‘planet’? On a round spinning sphere called a ‘planet’? Who named a planet a planet? Earth is a planet. Why Earth? Why not Mars? Why not Mars be Earth and Earth be Mars?

    by Xteenuh on 08.02.2009
  5. My love for you is as deep as the depths of the deepest oceans. It covers the distance between Earth and the farthest planets. It holds against the toughest storms and endures longer than forever.

    by Rachel on 08.02.2009
  6. this planet is plagued with people. small ones big ones and hairy ones…i am particularly in the middle…but pretty danged hairy i must say…i wonder why that is…is it genetics? or did i get in a fight with captain caveman as a child with glue on my body…damn you brazilian jiu jitsu.

    by Carlos Valencia on 08.02.2009
  7. This is the last place on the planet I want to be right now. I want to be in California; Lancaster to be exact. I need to get out of here, immediately.

    by Tomato on 08.02.2009
  8. Do you remember sitting inside planetariums filled with real stars you’d brought down from the night sky for me? It felt as thought earth and here were so far away, and yet, two in one, a point atop another point.

    by carolyn on 08.02.2009
  9. I guess if I were never alive to enjoy anything, I wouldn’t worry either. What is life without a little bit of worry? Our problems only make us a little stronger in the end. If we lived forever would that make life worth living?

    by Nicolas on 08.02.2009
  10. The planets are all of different shapes.



    Just like people.

    How funny. Would you normally compare people to planets? I wouldn’t.

    by Sarah on 08.02.2009
  11. My planet is not your planet. It is not your world. On my planet, people are fair, and hatred isn’t valued, like it is on your planet. On my planet, we see past skin and blood and bone, to soul. We don’t judge by skin color, or hair color, or the imperfection of your nose. On my planet, we love.

    by Itchy on 08.02.2009
  12. ‘I totally believe that the planet will be scorched, the world ended, before I get a chance to be truly famous’. She looked off into the distance, getting as far as the wooden wall panelling. She truly meant it…narcissistic perhaps, but probably entirely true.

    by Vinay on 08.02.2009
  13. it could have happened on another planet it could have happened just like you planned it but instead it happened right here instead it happened here.

    by wigout on 08.02.2009
  14. the 3rd planet by modest mouse is my ringtone and makes me think of last summer. “outside, naked. shrivled up like bacon.” kevins basement leads to strange humor. and cherub rock stuck in my head. last summer was sick.

    by charlo on 08.02.2009
  15. This planet is called planet earth. In doctor who there are twnety seven planets. I wish that was true. I bet it is. I believe in time travel and everything. Anyhoodles, our planet is awesome, it’s amazing, and we are killing it. I wish we wouldn’t have ever started killing our planet, that’s horrible. But now we have, we can’t stop.

    by Charlotte on 08.02.2009
  16. Planet? Didn’t they just remove one from our Solar System? So many different things that qualify a planet as a planet. It’s ridiculous. Just call it a planet and get it over with.

    I kinda wish I lived on a different planet. Nobody would know me and I would know nobody. Just me, myself and I.

    Yeah. I’d like that. All by my lonesome with Michael Jackson.

    by Kati Lamartina on 08.02.2009
  17. This planet will not die because of human interference. It will survive the next few million years regardless of what we do to it. People and creatures are another story. That’s why it bothers me when people say “The world will end.” What ego. What they should say is that “Life as we know it will end.” That’s much more accurate.

    by Angie on 08.02.2009
  18. E-arth:
    Blue in appearance from the distance.
    A giant watermelon covered in rotten sultanas.
    E-arthlings are best known for their tendancy to get into bad habits and rarely get out of them without seeking some form of divine intervention.
    Falling apart at an alarming rate, disintegrating exponentially as time progresses.

    … waiting patiently for the end of it all.

    by Linda on 08.02.2009
  19. The earth is a planet, the earth seems pretty big but today i was looking at a link about the earth and its actually unbelievably small. Its like, not even visible in comparison to the huge sun thing. Why am i writing this? I think my time is almost up. I don’t know what else to say..

    by jessica on 08.02.2009
  20. the planet osmosis was determine to show its power. The raging sun was making the planet come alive with vegetation. The planet named after the first settlers, became the refuge for many in our land. Since the discover of this personal haven, many have traveled and make this planet their home. Long after the planet started to come alive, the people from andromeda came flocking in like a river with many streams.

    by Marie Borough on 08.02.2009
  21. we’re destroying it.

    by s on 08.02.2009
  22. When you look through rose colored glasses you realize this small planet is nothing like what you though it to be. It’s alive but our eyes are trained to not see the life the surrounds us in every crevice.

    by Dreamer on 08.02.2009
  23. If you look through the telescope – no, not the microscope, the thing next to that – and look to the left of the moon, you’ll notice an object. Its name is Planet, and it happens to be my cat, tangled in the crab apple tree, which from the perspective of the telescope, is right next to the moon.

    by Keira on 08.02.2009
  24. Swirling, dancing beyond the twirling flames. Each planet aligns to another silent song, endlessly moving elegantly to a theme only they can hear.

    by Tailscoolio on 08.02.2009
  25. Planet. We live on one. Do other creatures? We are absorbed in our own little world sometimes. It’s hard to see the outside.

    by Mallory on 08.02.2009
  26. the planet is really big
    but it’s small
    you are smaller
    it’s all we really know
    except we don’t know it at all
    if you think about it
    it’s beautiful
    no it’s ugly

    by oneword on 08.02.2009
  27. planet?!thats lucky i live on a does everyone in your whole world..(metasphorically)we should look after it ..its the only one weve got !hmm ..this is diffic

    by kya on 08.02.2009
  28. the was a planet far away there was a faimly but this family was like yours but everything was oppisite then one day some one discoved this planet and everthig was about to change

    by sarah on 08.02.2009
  29. walking along the sand, I see a man who tells me that I have a limited amound of time to do what I want to do, and the planet will keep on turning after I do it. I think about this and keep on walking, but now my steps are lighter, and freer, and I realize that I don’t need to think so much about it, even though it matters a lot. I don’t know what it’s going to be, where it’s going to go, and that’s okay because I will still be walking.

    by Jonathan on 08.02.2009
  30. So vast; we live to please. We need to prepare for our children; our childrens children. But it will never be enough… it is just another planet.

    by Kayla on 08.02.2009
  31. the planets all have an orbit, revolution and rotation. they are spherical. pluto is no longer a planet but we still love him. we live on planet earth. the sun is a planet. we are a terrestrial plant. uranus is a funny name for a planet!

    by tori on 08.02.2009
  32. earth large empty round rings stars universe water air atmosphere isn’t it lovely? save the planet animal planet around the world mars jupiter saturn venus sacred ground

    by miss becky on 08.02.2009
  33. The planets revolve… they just continue. Is there anything even on these planets? I worry about people on Earth sometimes… We all worry so much about what is OUT THERE. But there’s so much HERE we should be worrying about. Some of these jobs we have as a world… they’re so necessary, yet so unnecessary at the same time.

    by Samantha on 08.02.2009
  34. n planet är en relativt stor himlakropp som rör sig i en keplersk bana runt en stjärna. Är massan så stor att fusion börjar ske och avge synligt ljus räknas himlakroppen dock som stjärna och inte planet. Definitionen av vad som ska räknas som planet har varierat under årens lopp. Namnet planet kommer från grekiskans πλανήτης, planētēs, och betyder vandrare eftersom forskare observerade att planeterna förflyttade sig över stjärnhimlen till skillnad från stjärnor.

    It’s swedish, I’m sorry.

    by Kristian on 08.02.2009
  35. There are amillion planets in solar systems everywhere! Each one id deifferent and as far as we kno ours is the only one supporting life at this time! How awesome is it to imagine a whole other solar system and mayb a whole other Earth called something else??

    by Elisa G on 08.02.2009
  36. round large blue green
    breathe deeply
    mudd between your toes
    too bad pluto can’t be like you

    by sam on 08.02.2009
  37. I was looking at some models of the planets earlier today. The Earth is about as big as Venus and Mars is not that big at all. I wonder why people always compare Earth and Mars. I suppose comparatively, in the scheme of the universe, they are the same size; peas.

    by S_C on 08.02.2009
  38. Our planet is reportedly in trouble. I think we only see a small slice of infinity, and there’s no possible way for us to know the planet’s actually “in trouble.” I’m afraid our solutions may be just as short-sighted. How are we to know what effect cloud seeding will have 10 generations from now? How are we to know that our planet, which has self-regulated for millenia, isn’t working on a solution for itself? Climate change, weather patterns, the butterfly effect… we just don’t know what effect micro-climatic changes can have in macro terms. But, then, I’m not a scientist, am I? My opinion isn’t educated, is it? That must mean it doesn’t count, right?

    by jeff on 08.02.2009
  39. The planet is going to the trash can. I wish there still was some kind of hope, but there is not. Well, maybe there is, but that wuld need some kind of alien invasion and that’s just stupid. I guess.

    by Animantis on 08.02.2009
  40. It felt like the planets were orbiting around ME, as the news hit me full force in the face. Why was no one else dropping ags in horror? The whole world was moving moving moving like nothing was wrong. But it was. I was all wrong. Couldn’t they take me out an easier way?

    by Amanda on 08.02.2009