
August 2nd, 2009 | 195 Entries

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195 Entries for “planet”

  1. Imagine if we were species of another planet. everything would be different. We would have a different body, which is adapt with Lithium. O2 and H2O would be toxic to us. Our digestive system would accept acids as required dietary intake…

    Well we are no different now. We are moving towards being species of another planet. Our air and water is not clean. We take toxins like tobacco and alcohol daily as part of our dietary intake. We dont belong to Planet earth anymore…

    by Rida on 08.02.2009
  2. Planets hang in the cosmos no differently than crispies in colorful bowl of kids’ cereal.

    Or at least I like to think that way.

    by Myona on 08.02.2009

    by Kristen on 08.02.2009
  4. This planet is new and clean and I don’t want any other humans to find it. They have ruined ours and I shall not allow them here; it’s mine. I have the rights, I have the money.
    I’m going to be alone here.
    I won’t have the filth put in and the litter and I’ll be able to breathe for once in my life.
    I think that’s worth the blood.

    by Book on 08.02.2009
  5. The infinite vacuum and black contrasts against the blue and green. Stars cut through. The sun only gives a dream of warmth. Home

    by Willis on 08.02.2009
  6. Sometimes I think that i am from a different planet. I also think thst most would agree!

    by andythrobber on 08.02.2009
  7. I really wish this planet was smaller so that I could get to all of it. I understand that the jetset type don’t think of it as large…but then, don’t have their problems. There is just so damn much out there that I want to see it all…And HD TV doesn’t cut it. I want true definition…real life definition…let’s call it actual experience! What a cruel fate to be surrounded by such beauty and not have enough time or resource to see it all.

    by Michael on 08.02.2009
  8. buttons,
    figurines and titlewaves,
    rescues and sardines,
    random happenstances,
    hold me, love me,
    stars and universes,
    long-lost subconciousness.

    by Bristol on 08.02.2009
  9. upon it i sat and saw the chaos sown by the hands. the hands of fate. of red and black fate.

    by carl shan on 08.02.2009
  10. blue white fantastic i love it glad to be here wonderful like icecream.

    by Doris on 08.02.2009
  11. The planet I am currently on goes by the name of Earth. It is pretty curious little planet. It may seem large to all of us who inhabit it, but in reality it is practically nothing. Our sun that gives us life that is many many times larger than our planet is also in reality a simple speck in contrast to the remainder of the universe.

    by Kenzy on 08.02.2009
  12. A dying place to be. A place where things are dying. Nobody ever thinks about it as much as they should. At the same time they think about it too much. Saved? Paved? Whichever one you want. Which ever wone you need. Give me a good reason to live here, because here’s the best place to be.

    by Jane Shi on 08.02.2009
  13. it’s where we live

    by hannah on 08.02.2009
  14. a planet, a huge gas bubble and in space. Stars, moons, orbits, everything about a planet is awesome, venus, earth, mars, jupitar, pluto isn’t a planet anymore. rings, blue.

    by kristin on 08.02.2009
  15. The planet is growing smaller every day… we communicate around the world in a heartbeat. And yet, we still look to point out our differences instead of our similarities. Does a mother in Iraq love her baby any differently than a mother in California? Does a man in Ireland have more important dreams than one in Peru? With such a small world, how can we continue to deny that we are one species and that we need to unite together to save our small planet?

    by Cindy Brown on 08.02.2009
  16. a ball in space
    in a lighy year of time
    full of life
    or completely lifeless
    this round thing attracts others through a force called gravity
    and it spins
    and spins
    and spins

    by emilie on 08.02.2009
  17. And the universe is shaped exactly like the earth, if you go straight and long enough you’ll end up where you were.

    We are the microcosms of where we live- Mostly water, hot red liquid running through a burning core, nitrogen and carbon. We are earth, earth is us.

    by r.a. on 08.02.2009
  18. I think a lot about the future of the planet and the world that the next generation will inherit. I think that we will be judged harshly for allowing the greed of large corporations to continue such practices as Mountaintop Removal Mining.

    by chrisy on 08.02.2009
  19. This planet is not meant for me: it is meant for the birds of the earth and all that grows from the trees. The eldest is the earth, the earth is the planet witch we unwisely take for granted because of our egotistical nature. No planet for humans, no planet for gods.

    by jonny on 08.02.2009
  20. extensive

    by sylvia on 08.02.2009
  21. I love space. I actually took a class this summer in which I worked on a simulation of flying spacecraft. Sadly, I always would crash into a planet at some point… Or the ISS. Damn controls were so delicate.

    by Lizzie Bellows on 08.02.2009
  22. My mom is as big as a planet and that makes me sad to think that firstly my dad had sex with her, then I came out of such a fat lady :(

    by Brenden on 08.02.2009
  23. Staring at the ceiling I see the constellations and worlds outlined in glowing paint, artwork created by factories; the only thing that makes moguls similar to gods.

    There ability to reform the universe and create planets.

    by Emma on 08.02.2009
  24. wide open big ball of fiery energy that rotates and goes on for longer than we know, symbolism of faith in humanity and of evolution, unintentionally meaningful solid rock; home.

    by Samantha on 08.02.2009
  25. The world never made sense. Until the suns and the moons surrounded a planet like this. The universe was all foam and breath all quiet and stench and the only thing i could do was imagine a planet like this and nothing like this at the same time. It’s blue and perfect like the eyes of a marble statue.

    by Tracey on 08.02.2009
  26. Plantets are all around us, I find that mine in particular is running out of time and space. However, throughout time and space, I can find more planets. Some that can be seen and some that can’t, just like ideas and good deeds, it’s all up for perception. But from my perspective we need to take care of this one right now, because we haven’t figured out how to get to, or even take care of any new ones.

    by Kevin on 08.02.2009
  27. our planet ishuge. massive even. gigantic. you cant imagine the ends of the earth because there arent any. heaven and earth and 6 feet under the dirt…they all happen. and who knows what happens on other peoples planets.

    by samantha on 08.02.2009
  28. a very large place inhabited with many strange things. Not a very nice place to live for some but for oothers it is heaven. not seeing how we might get to know every being on earth we cannot know what it is. it is only what we have infrot that we can know.

    by Mike Hail on 08.02.2009
  29. The planet is blue. The planet is in the solar system. The planet we live on is earth. Earth is in our solar system. We have a lot of different planets in our solar system. Planet Earth is not the only planet.

    by Shelly on 08.02.2009
  30. No one knows what happened to her. No one knows what planet she came from. To others she was a freakshow, a thing that people watched and threw shiny coins at. To me she was a wonder, a miracle…a heartbroken doll.

    by Tani on 08.02.2009
  31. The planet is a very strange place filled with many various sites and sounds and feelings and experiences, but alas it is not the only planet in the galaxy and certainly not the only planet in the known universe, I feel that people dont often think about the other planets in our close galaxy, maybe they get lonely.

    by Sterlling on 08.02.2009
  32. The planet was glowing in the light of the sister sun. The blinding shimmer in the atmosphere amazed the travelers and caused them to gasp in wonder and dis belief. They’d never seen such a place before.

    by Rose Whaples on 08.02.2009
  33. I’ve never wanted to visit another planet. Not because I have no interest, or curiosity. But because I am afraid. I don’t even like airplanes much less space shuttles. No, I will keep my feet firmly planted here on Mother Earth.

    by Kathy on 08.02.2009
  34. planetary messes of stars and meteorites. What’s for dinner? I plate of globally extracted magma, straight from the core of- get this- not only the earth, but everything on it. Who wouldn’t guessed?- there’s magma inside people. They’re ripping it out of us, though. We’re becoming more and more disconnected from our planet as they suck it out until we’re completely empty and void of the place we were first conceived.

    by The Founder on 08.02.2009
  35. We live on a planet- planet earth. There are other planets in the solar system, each on extremely huge. It is incredible to think that there are countless planets in the universe, when so much is contained on just one- our planet earth.

    by Shelby on 08.02.2009
  36. It is later than my bedtime, and my dad and I are hunched over the kitchen table, meticulously gluing foam spheres to a coat hanger. Even though I always procrastinate and we are both cranky, I’m glad you’re sitting here with me. I wouldn’t want to build my solar system with anyone else in the world.

    by Ron on 08.02.2009
  37. The life; our planet. Polluted and dirty; where it was once clean and flourishing.

    We rampage onwards to certain self-destruction, oblivious yet not exactly ignorant. We know what havoc we create. But our greed far surpasses our guilt.

    by Samantha on 08.02.2009
  38. the planet, blue sphere with none other than despicable people. With pleasurable wars and disgusting sensations, we as humans stand far beyond the edge of the universe, as one simple yet complex organism. Too bad we can’t deal with ourselves.

    by Andrey O. on 08.02.2009
  39. plan nine from outerspace– that wlittle bloon planet, circled by a ship on a stick. mystery and elegance, suspended forever in this tumult of jewels. ethereal, uncreachable. what a place- such a place mankind will never know. glistening, shimmering, haunting. a home for lif eor a harbinger of destruction? man’s ruin or man’s vault. we’ll never know. unachievable, unassailiable… what are they? planets.

    by rachel on 08.02.2009
  40. earth venus mars home. plants animals space time stars astronomy so little discovered so much to be known. out solar system is a candy bar! how commercial of the US!

    by erica on 08.02.2009