
May 26th, 2010 | 310 Entries

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310 Entries for “pillar”

  1. a pillar. what was behind it? a monster? a forgotten pot plant? a forgotten greek goddess? my sanity?

  2. She screamed. The last time the car slammed into the pillar it was her parents car. This time it was her brand new car she had just driven out of the showroom. Why were pillars allowed in shopping mall car parks? Life wasn’t ever fair.

    by on 05.26.2010
  3. Pillar, tall and mighty, a god to a goddess. Strength and power, superiority. The strength of many and the wisdom of one.

  4. he was the pillar of my life. holding me up where i most needed it, giving me support when i most needed it, and letting me run around and be crazy while he stayed stable.

    by Sally on 05.26.2010
  5. column; a vertical support for a building; figuraively solid support

  6. i couldn’t beleive they were going to tear the building down. like a hippie hugs trees to save the forest, i hugged the pillar to save this museum.

    by Sally on 05.26.2010
  7. The pillar crashed to the ground, crushing and trapping him. She screamed, it was all she could do, for now they could never be together.

  8. white and towering, lines erect reaching towards the sky. Always supporting. Sturdy and strong. Reminiscent of the Greeks and Romans. Holding up the buildings with white structure.

    by Deena on 05.26.2010
  9. pillar of love
    it’s pilar a name?
    pillars remind me of ancient greeks and happy times
    they remind me of weird houses in northern virginia
    they sound like a tasty snack
    or a big juicy bug that would live in your ear
    or something like that

  10. i dont know what that is even though i think i have a clue but i was never good at english i actually prefer math it is just amazing it weirdly beautiful hahah wait i think im just weird and maybe im just trying to be someone im not

    by Guadalupe Martinez on 05.26.2010
  11. columns and pillars of sand and bullshit in some ancient or modern place. cati. pillar and pills ar.e

    by ec on 05.26.2010
  12. A pillar of fire, a column of dust. A post between two that cannot touch, a pillar. Stand the gap and dance the wave, the fire, the dirt, the condensation. Out in the desert we find our touch.

    by Hannah on 05.26.2010
  13. She ran her hand down the cold stone, remembering, seeing, running picture after picture through her weary head. The pillar was black marble, and was one of hundreds that marched down the great hall. She sighed, this one was like all of the others, smooth and perfectly finished. She’d never find it.

  14. the stone columns were aligned perfectly; they were bleached exactly white by the sun. though they were only a few steps outside her apartment’s front door, they always amazed her when she passed by.

  15. I’ve been the PILLAR. I’ve held my friends up with sturdy, increasingly wet shoulders, I’ve held up the world.

    And now I’m stiff and stone and breaking. Who holds up a pillar? Nobody. It is to been scorned for the folly of it’s chosen existence. Static and cold.

    I’m done being a pillar.

  16. tall structure, strong member of society, key feature of greek and roman architecture,

    by jenn on 05.26.2010
  17. pillar. what the heck is there to say about pillar. except caterpillars are awesome so down south they talk about caterpillars like them their pillars are furry.

  18. I just got this word so now I think of caterpillar, and structures that hold things up…often white….also the 5 pillars of truth. That’s all I really know about pillars and that’s also all most people really know about pillars, so this ends my lovely second time getting the word pillar.

    by Alyvia Melin on 05.26.2010
  19. the pillar was above me as i looked into the sky. it seemed to be made out of cement, but it had obscure cracks in places you wouldn’t usually notice. the sky was orange, with a pink tint because of the sun’s rays.

    by blablabla on 05.26.2010
  20. A pillar is a structure.

    by Alyvia Melin on 05.26.2010
  21. a pillar usually holds up a building. I think that this could also be a metaphor for a crutch in life. something that keeps you upright or keeps you going. my pillar is my family.

    by Sarah on 05.26.2010
  22. this makes me think of caterpillars. if that’s even how you spell that, which elludes to this memory that i have of being young and barefooted on my grandparents front porch playing with slimy things and wanting to put them in a cup and keep them inside with me. that’s a good memory, a real good memory.

  23. You are my pillar, my standing strong rock. You hold me up when the flood waters threaten to take me down. You are my everything.

  24. He was the pillar of her sanity. Although there was much damage between them, the truth was, no one would ever understand her the way he does. And that fact alone is the very reason that

    by Edward Dust on 05.26.2010
  25. The Pillar of Autum was attacked by a myriad of Covenat troops and later fell. This gives birth to the Halo series.

    by Nick on 05.26.2010
  26. We walked up to the new house. Pillars lined the mansion along the porch. It was made of smooth marble, and curved just so. I think i like this new house, It was just as i imagined it. Of course. I was in heaven. This was my dream house, and it has finally come true. I couldn’t help but stare in wonder, just imagining how great it would be to live here, and how my new room would be. So, you’re wildest dreams do come true someday. IT did for me.

    by on 05.26.2010
  27. Support.
    They stand tall, firm, dependable.
    Always there to hold the ceiling high.

  28. i honestly don’t know what to say about pillars. they’re tall and white, most commonly seen in architecture.

  29. 5 pillars of faith. Islam. Religion. I need to embrace it eventually.. when? I do not know. but soon, yes.

    by Aneeka on 05.26.2010
  30. The pillar stood tall and strong. Holding the foundation of life together never letting it down. I wish i had my pillar in life. I wish i had something so concrete that it would never move. I want that thing to hold me up and never let me go, never let me down, never let me fall becuase I think that when push comes to shove if you have that thing, nothing can beat you.

    by Jacob Kilburn on 05.26.2010
  31. Athenian scultures egging to be given a chance to show themselves in a human light. cause hey roofs are heavy; they should get credit! but it isnt the idea of pillars that scares us, but the human feelings inside.

    by Ryan on 05.26.2010
  32. the first thing i thought about was greece. then about caterpillars… why is the word pillar a part of the word caterpillar? they don’t look like pillars… i don’t know what else to say about pillars except i like the way they hold buildings up. the end.

    by kristen on 05.26.2010

    by Jennifer on 05.26.2010
  34. A pillar is a stronghold. In life it usually comes in the form of family or friends. Although I remember once not too long ago that someone on TV told me that the only person I can REALLY count on is myself. Ever since then I’ve been trying to decide if I agree with that and if I do, is that a good thing or a bad one?

  35. My sobs echoed around the big, empty room. I sat at the base of the pillar, remembering his smile, his energy, his life. My loud sobs turned angry as I hit the pillar, tried to push it away, knowing it wouldn’t work. He was gone from me, forever. Gone. Dead. And all because I hadn’t been able to save him. My brother. My own brother, killed in my own battle.

  36. I am your pillar. I hold you up. You aren’t that heavy, but can we switch? Just for a little bit?

  37. long and grecian, ancient days with corinthian tops.. holds up incredible buildings and supports the incredible artifacts which are so revered today,

    by katie on 05.26.2010
  38. I looked up at the stone pillar. It was pearly white, with ivy curling around the base of it. I shivered, knowing this could be the end. I touched the cool surface of it. “Joshua?” I whispered, hoping to God he could hear me, and would be able to find me.

  39. I have nothing to say about pillar……………………..I’m most definitely not standing on one

  40. she looked back and
    she turned into a pillar of salt.

    by keekee on 05.26.2010