
January 19th, 2024 | 10 Entries

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10 Entries for “pepper”

  1. A glitter of crimson colour cascaded gracefully onto the ceramic plate. Wafting an obnoxious, heavy spice in the air.

    by lexa on 01.21.2024
  2. When she saw what had happened, she shrank back against the wall. Holes in the walls, like some kind of shrapnel peppered the metal walls, like burning through sheets of paper. She had no idea what could have caused it. She only worried that the containment field might not hold. Then she heard the hissing of air escaping, through a myriad of tiny holes.

    by Chanpheng on 01.20.2024
  3. The pepper sits in the grinder. What about it makes it so important that it waits in a glass cage to be ground into dust, seeds that will never grow?

  4. tasted disgusting. So I threw it out the window and cried.
    “What the hell is wrong wth you?”, screamed the passenger the pepper landed on.

    by Tina on 01.20.2024
  5. Of all the plants in the garden, she wanted the pepper plant to be more productive. She imagined the sweet and crunchy taste of a fully ripe sweet pepper but all the plant would produce were small, thin-skinned and bitter.

    by Chanpheng on 01.20.2024
  6. I don’t like them. But they are beautiful to look at and don’t look even remotely edible. They’re shiny and have delicious shapes more like fairy houses for gypsy fairies or Luna moths or artist studios for bees who don’t really need studios. That’s what the garden is for.

  7. Black, sharp, good taste, makes food better, love the scent when ground fresh, peppercorn topping on stesk

    by Carrie Ward on 01.20.2024
  8. There are many kinds of peppers. Not all of them are distasteful. Of course there black pepper used in many types of baking, particularly in crockpots or frying. green peppers and red peppers are often used in salads. Then there is jalapeño pepper, which is a Mexican pepper. There are other Mexican peppers. Most peppers have very good health benefits. Which ones can you think of that you can add to the list of interesting tastes?

  9. Pepper is such a good thing for you. It is healthy and it comes in so many varieties. Let me tell you a few of the peppers I use when I’m cooking. There are jalapeño peppers that are really hot. There’s black pepper that belongs in any dish you make in a crockpot. There is green pepper and red pepper that belongs in any salad you make. So there’s no excuse not to be healthy. Peppers make such a small contribution to the dish overall that you don’t feel overwhelmed by the taste. Let’s see how many peppers you can think of that. I have not mentioned here. Keep in mind that if you’re searching online pepper is not the word prepper. Two different things. One pepper, two a pepper, three pepper…Go.!! I’ve never seen anybody unhappy in a Mexican restaurant having peppers in their meal

    by Diana on 01.20.2024
  10. Pepper the poodle padded pianissimo through the purple poppied paddock pondering the profound postulates pertaining to the planetary perturbations of Pluto.

    by Solar Flare on 01.20.2024