
January 21st, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “miracles”

  1. miracles are a very rare and exciting stuff and things that happen. a miracle can be for example if there is a 1 in 100 or even higher chance of happening and it happens

    by Levi on 01.22.2024
  2. Miracles happen every day but we are not looking for rainbows in dewdrops, of how water can turn into feathers and caves and islands. We are looking for lightning, not listening for a still, calm voice.

  3. She thought about miracles, whether by some process, friendly people would appear and she would be part of a community again. But as much as she tried to find others, she knew that she was alone, as every day, she listened to the commercials on the radio.

    by Chanpheng on 01.21.2024
  4. Miracles: events that happen, which are generally considered to be good, rather than bad, and which, in order to happen, break the laws of physics as understood by the person using the term. Sometimes a miracle will occur due to a glitch in the simulated reality in which we may be living. Sometimes it is due to a previously undiscovered attribute of the physical universe. Could the quantum weirdness of the double slit experiment have been called a “miracle” when it was first observed, before it was formulated, categorized, and become familiar? Do miracles always lie outside the chain of causality? Are they always effects without causes? Must there always be a cause anyway? God did it. The universe did it. Quantum weirdness did it. A bug in the simulation did it. Are we humans incapable of imagining an event which has no cause at all?

    by Solar Flare on 01.21.2024
  5. What God does that can’t be done otherwise. Without God it’s not possible.

    by Mary L Jackson on 01.21.2024