
January 19th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “highlight”

  1. The highlight of my birthday was a book, “All the Places to Love.” It was one of two picturebooks that stood special on my father’s shelf. We had many books in our home but those stood separate. It is a book most precious to me, even more after living in so many places. That, in every place, there are things to love. I do not usually buy books, especially since in the U.S., I can go to the library. However, I have thought many times about getting this one but it was so special to me, I wanted to get it in a more meaningful way than just buying it myself. This year, I spent the second half of my break and the first week of the year sick with the flu and I mentioned that when you are sick, you miss being a kid the most. My Mom facetimed me and read me stories just like she did when I was little and this was the book I wanted. My parents gave it to me today and even wrote a note in the front.

  2. Having her was the highlight of my life. She truly was a dream come true and her light saved me from the darkness. I hope she forever knows she means the world to me. She is my sun my moon and all my stars
    My highlight in this cruel world.

    by Danielle on 01.19.2024
  3. The highlight of the day was the circus. But not the circus of animals performing tricks or clowns, but the confusion caused by one person who manipulated the others. When she saw what he was doing, she called him out. That was the highlight.

    by Chanpheng on 01.19.2024
  4. THe highlights of my life make me happy. They are new things that I am so proud of. They make my heart sing. These highlights bring me joy because it’s been dark for so long in so many of these areas. Joy. Peace. Smiles. Grins.

    by Rebecca on 01.19.2024
  5. The best part of my day was coming home to you. Stupid, a cliche, but it’s true – nothing else could make the slog worthwhile. And I realize now how unattractive that was to you. I should’ve wanted more. I should’ve had interests, hobbies, friends other than you – things we could talk about, things you could watch me strive for, succeed at. You can’t make one person the single highlight of your life. I was a nothing. At least I’m not still wondering why you left.