
July 24th, 2009 | 219 Entries

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219 Entries for “pause”

  1. to think, to breathe, to remember
    to live again
    to die once more
    to wish, to hope, to dream,
    to be, at last,

    by karen on 07.24.2009
  2. To stop the process of something. Pausing a video game or tv show on dvr. Or in the old days when we paused vcrs, and tape players. Now everything is mp3. A point in life where nothing is happening everything is just normal.

    by james gibson on 07.24.2009
  3. to stop what your doing. example if sex is noticeably bad in the first six seconds you can PAUSE and say it didnt count :) you can also pause a song to do a task like brush your teeth or answer a phone call. you can pause a movie to wash your face or use the bathroom

    by christine marchese on 07.24.2009
  4. and so i paused a little when he gave me a smile.. and a 60W light bulb. all i wanted was a light for my cigarette.

    by nurkastelia on 07.24.2009
  5. So much is in a pause. The world could hang in the balance during the pause of a doctor’s delivering diagonsis. Life changing news could be waiting on the other side of a pause. A pause can change the meaning of an entire conversation. Pauses are always pregant with possibility and meaning.

    by Samantha on 07.24.2009
  6. Don’t pause to think about it – you only have one minute to say everything you ever anted to. Tell your parents you love them and tell your friends how much they mean to you – your sister, you best friend – help her get though her life, but how can you, with only one minute to spare? Don’t pause, don
    t think about what you are going to do, just do it, because you will never have another chance – this is it, this is final. You’re done with, you’re absolutely done.

    One pause. Just to look at the words.

    by Ayesha on 07.24.2009
  7. I pause to listen to the rain drops hitting the tin roof of the barn. The pattern grows stronger, and I feel content in the noise. Soothed, paused, listening, waiting, enjoying.

    by nat on 07.24.2009
  8. One momet to stop, one moment to think, one moment to let life just pass me by. Pause.
    Stop the video, stop that DVD, stop that noisem stop this world. Pause. Let me lie, let me be. Let this life of mine just pass one. Pause.

    by Kimberly on 07.24.2009
  9. I like to wear clothes when I go to work. If I go naked, I am cold all day and no one takes me seriously. In addition, if I don’t wear clothes to work, everyone knows when I am having a “fat” day.

    by taliza on 07.24.2009
  10. Don’t go. Stop a minute.

    by Katie on 07.24.2009
  11. she stopped and stared. It was as if she could move nothing and yet her mind churned on and on. What if the ocean were to stop like her? What would that mean? I think the fishes would die and it would mean the moon had stopped moving and the earth no longer moved around the sun.

    by Sarah on 07.24.2009
  12. To stop for a while. A little break from what you’re doing. To then resume to your work later. Waiting for a while.

    by Denise Garcia on 07.24.2009
  13. To stop for a while. A little break from what you’re doing. To then resume to your work later. Waiting for a while.

    by Denise Garcia on 07.24.2009
  14. The feeling of guilt overwhelms me. But my fevered desire demands that I not take pause.

    by Katie on 07.24.2009
  15. She began throwing pots on her sixty-fourth birthday. Crack a plate? Throw a pot. Late for work? Throw a pot. Burn your finger? Throw a pot. Cookie sheets work too. Anything that clatters. Anna stopped yelling in to the kitchen to ask her menopausal mother what had happened. She could guess, recite past happenings, and correlate the pot-throwing with a hot flash or emotional spell earlier in the day.

    by Rose Wolf on 07.24.2009
  16. its only one quick moment, a simple time to think about the past or the present, or maybe what will happen in the next moment,the next pause, the next breath when you want to simply let your mind relax and your brain take over. pause and dream about the future. pause and let your mind overcome your brain.

    by Aviva on 07.24.2009
  17. The writer stopped to put a comma so in his head he came to a pause. While thinking up his enxt thought he hesitated to come to a conclusion. While concluding his breath became louder. He cuold hear his breath, and he had an idea. It was brilliant.

    by Jessica Temple on 07.24.2009
  18. I sometimes have to stop and think. This is called a pause. A pause is like a short period in which time stops and you can focus in on one specific thing. I don’t really understand it or want to. I just enjoy it.

    A pause can be awkward or dramatic as well, and it often adds to the excitement of a conversation and enhances the relationships we have. I would have to say that a pause is the best thing ever invented.

    by Craig K. on 07.24.2009
  19. stop, settle, hault, comma, slighty,

    by jessica temple on 07.24.2009
  20. stop doing something… is like a pause. like you “pause a movie”!


    by Saylor on 07.24.2009
  21. He hesitated. There was a thirty-second pause during which she simply stared at him. Why wasn’t he answering? She gestured at him as if to say, Well, get on with it. Finally he opened his mouth and replied, “Yes, I slept with her.”

    by Sammy on 07.24.2009
  22. Time is ending, my pace is quickening. I keep wondering which word will flow through my thoughts into this message. I found these words on accident – the same with you. And I’m sorry to say by so soon–


    by S.M. on 07.24.2009
  23. pause everything. slow down. enjoy life. that’s what it’s all about. don’t fast forward through the little moments–you’ll regret that in the long run.

    by nicole on 07.24.2009
  24. Stop. Please.
    Dont leave me all alone. I really wish you would stay.
    One more night.
    I don’t have a choice.
    If you go I go.
    Press the replay button in our relationship.
    Take me back to happier times.
    Any times.
    Not these.

    by Savannah on 07.24.2009
  25. pause a little think a little then go alot.

    by b on 07.24.2009
  26. Stop, callaborate and listen,
    i create words that glisten
    beautiful rhyme delivered perfectly on time
    please dont bother me, no second to stop
    i just keep going, my shit is too hot
    I pause for a second, breathe in some air
    and you try to get a word in
    scare, hair, bear?>

    by jasper on 07.24.2009
  27. Pause? Stop in your tracks and look at your paws. Are they dirty? When was the last time you washed them? Am I asking too many questions? No? Good, because your paws are truly filthy. Wash them, please.

    by Brigitte on 07.24.2009
  28. I usually pause to think about what I have to say, but then I miss the point completely because I start wondering what your eyes are watching and what you’re thinking and I’m wondering what was I suppose to reply to again? So I make up some fancy bullshit that I don’t know, and you believe me, then we’re all cool and the heat has died down, and it happens all over again.

    by hugarbol on 07.24.2009
  29. pause your breathing…and think for a bit. pause your hearing and listen for a bit. pause your movement and live within the space and time given to you by this pause in time, of course.

    by belgh on 07.24.2009
  30. Pausing. That certainly gave me pause. For a moment I thought about writing something stupid like “(pause)” and ending it at that, but that would have been completely inane. I hope no one else did that. No offense to you if you did, I’m sure you’re actually a completely original and interesting person. Also, no one ever does what they should on this site and just writes… everything is so thought out. Out of time.

    by Y on 07.24.2009
  31. Unpause! Stop thinking about stopping, cease the day!

    by pedro on 07.24.2009
  32. After a brief pause, I begin to write.

    by Stef on 07.24.2009
  33. The tape continues to roll. There is static coming from the one speaker on the deck, reels pulling slowly. They have nothing better to do, at least until the batteries die.

    by r.a. on 07.24.2009
  34. i wish i could put life on pause from time to time. Life seems to move to quickly for me to enjoy it. but pausing is just as impossible as going back.

    by Charlene on 07.24.2009
  35. I stop to think
    It may not seem like long
    I hesitate and yet you see
    that I have lost my thought
    I paused for just a second
    and now I do not know what
    was coming next
    I had it all in my head but that
    itty bitty little pause
    confused me
    I was not certain what to say
    because of that little hesitate

    by Sara Nicholson on 07.24.2009
  36. It is the bane of thinking men. Stop and look around is always the temptation, but a pause is a hesitation. it is a sign that the thinker has run out of options and can no longer look forward. Fill the pauses in your life with activity, save for the times when you’re too stunned to move.

    by Tom Crouse on 07.24.2009
  37. i had to pause whilst I took it all in

    by andythrobber on 07.24.2009
  38. pause. take a breath. don’t even think about it, just smell the air and know you’re in the most beautiful place on earth. That’s right, I’m talking about the pig farm.

    You know how people say a smell can become so familiar that you don’t even notice it anymore? Not true. I can smell that stench from the second I arrive to the second I leave. And got I wish I couldn’t.

    by Claire on 07.24.2009
  39. Pause, you stop. You can “pause” television. You can “pause” music. You can stop your life with pause. PAUSE PAUSE PAUSE. Pausing is an amazing advention. You can pause something and come back to it later. Which is great. You can do anything well paused.

    by justin on 07.24.2009
  40. Pause…the act of stopping whatever it is you are doing. It can be anything. If you are walking and stop moving, you are pausing. If you’re letting a CD play and hit the play button again (in some players), you are pausing it. It can be done on VCRs and DVD players as well. Virtually anything can be paused.

    by Matt Stevens on 07.24.2009