
October 21st, 2008 | 1,295 Entries

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1,295 Entries for “path”

  1. walking down the dirt path, her mind wondered to her life. How did she arrive here? Where will it lead? Was she ready for what was to come?

    by Roxanne on 10.24.2008
  2. trail blazing blazed high blah ugh road block writer’s block typing green bar defeat fail epic fail red bar done fuck end blah

    by wren on 10.24.2008
  3. I thought I took the path less traveled. It turns out I was wrong, and it did matter. As I looked back upon my life, I saw the same mistakes over and over.

    by Travis Jensen on 10.24.2008
  4. there is always a path. a choice. something important to decide. it can change your whole day. your life even. so choose right.

    by Alexia B on 10.24.2008
  5. I am walking down this path at night, wishing you were here. If only I could be satisfied, to stay on one, and not wonder about the possible adventures of another. No matter how green, I always manage to loose it.

    by Whitney on 10.24.2008
  6. I have this word every time. Its like the only path it gives me. Maybe its some kind of glimpe of my future. Maybe a path is coming and I better choose it. Maybe this path could bring everything I have ever wanted. Maybe this path could be the most important step in my life. Then again, maybe not.

    by Nick on 10.24.2008
  7. The pathway is unknown. Where does your path lead? I know where mine goes. If you were asked, “what paths are there?”, would you know? It’s the question that can’t be answered.

    by james beary on 10.24.2008
  8. following the winding road
    and inner thoughts collide with the outer world
    chaos and unsettling confusion
    which way do I go?
    follow myself
    just me
    take my own path
    I’ll walk my own road
    and I’ll leave behind everything that should be forgotten
    and they’ll forget me too
    and we will all be better off
    just want to be in the sky, sitting, drifting
    we’re all on different paths
    the path of life
    maybe we’ll all wake up and see this more clearly
    and stop trying to run each other off the road
    maybe someday.

    by Jesse on 10.24.2008
  9. The path takes me…to nowhere. To everywhere. I have to choose which way to go, but how can I if I don’t even know myself? I can take it to who I want to be, or I can take it to who I am. Both ways contain danger and the unknown, neither eclipsing the other, or being less intimidating. I must choose. And I cannot. I rely on others to choose for me, to know me. I don’t know myself, so I let them choose who I am.

    by Mallory on 10.24.2008
  10. along a path i will find daisies and make some chains to wear on my head. peace signs will pout from this path and I will find a man. a bearded man reachin toward me. not thinking.. oh this man is kissing me. :) ok path path. xcbv

    by sydney on 10.24.2008
  11. path is a way of living it is a way in which you dont look for ways but just take the path u feel the best it is a ideology in which you are a free man who thinks less and does more work he is a guy who doesnot have to think about the field of work because he can excel in everythink he does… whatever path he takes he need not have to worry at all….

    by madhao on 10.24.2008
  12. straight i don’t know what i am writing what is this about i wish i knew my path oh Allah help me i need to know the path straight curvy green I don’t know where I am going i don’t see an end to this path pretty path smells nice path i messed up this typing. this path is on edge of cliff

    by arbil on 10.24.2008
  13. i was walking down a path yesterday. it was wooded and grassy and quite lovely. i was a bit frighten to explore this path but felt a strong urge to go along with it. the sunlight seeping through the leaves was breathtaking. the path was secluded an isolated. it was a mysterious and mystical forest. A place I treasure greatly and will visit for many times to come.

    by marina on 10.24.2008
  14. the path to her house is filled with gravel. he skips lightly over them, his heart is filled with soaring. he has waited for a long time to see her face again; their destinies have once mingled in the past and then diverged, and now once more he is on the path to see her again.

    he knocks on the door. it opens, silently, and encouraged by the beckoning, he enters.

    by momatoes on 10.24.2008
  15. Two paths diverged in a pasture. There were actually no paths, but try telling that to a cow. Naturally the cow took the one less advantageous. The cow is naturally an unintelligent creature. Not to say we wouldn’t have done the same thing. But at least we would have thought about it beforehand.

    by Luap Redyns on 10.24.2008
  16. something to walk on. covered by bushes. outdoors. leads to somewhere that you want to go. can go anywhere. doesnt have to be outside it can be in any facet of life. can lead

    by Stephanie Carlson on 10.24.2008
  17. paths are things that mean absolutely anything. it can be the direction you want to take in life, or it can be the physical thing you decide to do. whether you want to follow a path negatively or positively, it’s totally up to you, which makes them one of the most diverse things in the world. absolutely everything we do has a path to it, because truly, there are multiple paths in every decision that one of us wants to make. think realistically: do we as a people have anything other to do than make decisions about ourselves, others, and things that happen around us?

    by Adam on 10.24.2008
  18. I don’t think the life is so easy for me, and I wish every one can take good care of themself!

    by collean on 10.24.2008
  19. The path to hell is paved with good intentions. Ain’t that the truth. The Path is a religious organization. Oh wait, no it’s not. It’s spiritual. It’s in the woods. My grandmother met many life long friends there. If you came to two paths or two roads which would you choose. People want to say the road less traveled but most would take the other one. Am I supposed to keep going?

    by Greta on 10.24.2008
  20. this is really cool. I really like this idea. it is kind of weird though because i feel pressured like i have to write something but I can not think of anything to write. I like the jonas brothers! they are cool.

    by carly on 10.24.2008
  21. apalaichan rail and summer with my family. timo told stories about whiner and scudge. they weren’ good hikers, not like us.
    spiritual paths too I suppose – this is very much the type of thing that my mother loves to write about. quite her schtick.
    womanhood, pathways et

    by mim on 10.24.2008
  22. way. A entrance to a forest. a dirt road, growth on either side. cool breeze. Tree trunks coming out of the side.

    by jen on 10.24.2008
  23. I will find a path to my happiness. There may be snags along the way, but at the end I know I’ve accomplished something great that will make the rest of my life have meaning. That’s all that should matter, is that your life meant something to you and others around.

    by Katie on 10.24.2008
  24. Step by step,
    Heart by heart,
    We all fall dead,
    Miles apart.

    So every time my heart beats,
    Every time my lungs expand,
    I can feel the pain of it all,
    I don’t know how much I can stand.

    So just don’t leave me,
    Yeah, don’t go far,
    ‘Cuz I love you always,
    No matter who you are….

    by Veroniqua on 10.24.2008
  25. i take this path alone, but i don’t actually feel like i’m alone. i think…there are other people, but we’re like horses in the sense that we have blinders on, may they be real or imaginary, so that we can’t see or refuse to see what’s in front of us. or who is to the side of us, or who may be trying to help us. maybe one day we’ll all see each other and work together to bring about world peace, finally.

    by danni on 10.24.2008
  26. i ate the path. it was yummy in my tummy. now the only way to follow the path is to let me eat you. now you have no path. go make your own. dosnt like my path. the path. the way of life. or the line to death. no its not. the path beverr dens. slkdfjsslinkey no my pathQ help my path is5jezfm d6ik3qvrefdwfvhm kul7uygftdgfvdxa

    by janis on 10.24.2008
  27. i walked along the path. it was made of dirt. i wished i had a bike to go faster. but i guess this way i would notice more. but everything seemed so boring. i didn’t want to see the details i just wanted to fly threw it. it’s not that i had anywhere important to go.

    by Aleks on 10.24.2008
  28. I think that the paths that we choose and the paths that other people choose are our own faults. We cannot blame the path itself for making us go down it, it is our choice. Just because one path is not right for us, and we must turn around and take another, that does not mean that we should stop others from going down it. There is not one right path for everyone, but many paths.

    by Erin VanSickle on 10.24.2008
  29. I saw a path but was unsure where it would lead to , but I traveled down it anyway, and then I saw a little man witha knife who said to me” I am going to cut you into little……

    by JAS on 10.24.2008
  30. I walked down a path in the woods. It’s slightly muddy and I have to step around the wet spots. But mostly it’s beautiful. The trees are thick and the path is narrow. I can barely see the sky through all the leaves. I don’t know where this path leads, but I like that.

    by Ashley on 10.24.2008
  31. path like a narrow trail, like one that goes through a forest. a pretty path in the autumn underneath leaves of a million colors. shaded. sunny.
    also psychopath. like a homocidal killer person. =]

    by Kerry on 10.24.2008
  32. This is not my chosen path. Everyone whispers sweet poison in my ear, telling me that I will never amount to anything…and somehow, I believed them. That’s what led me down this road, to this place that I had no intention of travelling. The things I see here are not what I wanted. Where is my life?

    by Mario on 10.24.2008
  33. My path has lead me through many roads. On these roads I have met many travelers, and passed most, but went on hand in hand with few. The road will lead me somewhere that we will have a better day.

    by James on 10.24.2008
  34. well— mmm mmm


    by mar on 10.24.2008
  35. The path draws very near. I see a light at the end, but only to see it’s just another lightning bug. Then the path breaks into three paths. Which path to take…Which one is the right one? Which one will lead me to my goal? Which one will lead me to my destruction?

    by Daniel on 10.24.2008
  36. journey forest street green trees dirt path california mendocino san francisco travel park man-made

    by beth on 10.24.2008
  37. a path is a way through the woods like it is a way through your biggest nightmares

    by Schmitt on 10.24.2008
  38. He sat across from me. I looked at his face and felt nothing. Not a single emotion. Not a flicker. Not a glimmer. I don’t know why. I just don’t love him anymore. And I want to love him again with all of my heart. But I don’t.

    by Analise on 10.24.2008
  39. I don’t know what to say. I’m a college student. I’m so afraid of what I’m going to do with my life. Why don’t people just come with a manual of what we want to do? Why isn’t it easy? Why? Do I want to change my major?

    by Analise on 10.24.2008
  40. The countryside was flooded with trees. Twigs littered the ground and leaves crunched under feet, as autumn approached sooner and sooner. The danger of snakes and other woodland critters were ahead, prompting them to find the sandy path. The path stetched across the whole foresta and was well-worn from travel.

    by KngzJay on 10.24.2008