
October 23rd, 2010 | 199 Entries

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199 Entries for “panel”

  1. the place tha t we view our world, a panel can be a variety of places to view everything. ranging from our neighbour to the beautiful view outside.

    by johannah on 10.23.2010
  2. a panel is in my brain, in the middle of my conscience. Helping me decide between two voices and whats the best decision to do at that time.

    by charlotte cowper on 10.23.2010
  3. I stood in front of the voting panel and tried to convince them that I was the best writer in the history of the world. One woman smiled, another frowned, and one was so complacent that I suspect he was in the wrong place, probably returned from the bathroom and took the wrong door. Oh, well! Sometimes that’s just the way things go. I didn’t win. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure anyone won.

    by Edie Parrott on 10.23.2010
  4. There was a panel of experts who were talking about grief but none of them had ever experienced grief. How could they know? How could they be experts. No one is an expert who hasn’t been there. No one.

    by deb on 10.23.2010
  5. A panel of unknown mysteries (well, of course they were unknown, they were mysteries) hung above my head. I frowned, reaching up and grasping a handle –


    The panel disappeared, as did I. I was lost, floating in a vast darkness, all alone… there was no sound. There was no air.

    And yet I was alive.


    The panel was back; I was back, standing in a brightly lit corridor with lights on either side, bright, unforgiving lights that shone without shadows.
    And I was still alone.

  6. I went to the panel expecting to see a girl, but instead an old lady peered back from the other side. She was missing a single front tooth. But she seemed embarrassed by it and covered it with her right hand.

  7. pane, is a word that many know but when trying to visualize a panel, i do not know which panel to visualize, do i even know what the word panel is? should i look it up? or is the reason i dont know is because i never cared too much about panels.

  8. windows have panels, sometimes they are blue, sometimes they are purple. they swing in the wind, the swing in the silence. sometimes they make noises, sometimes they are quiet. they brighten up a room, they dim down the room. panels are enjoyable

    by Brandi on 10.23.2010
  9. They sat across from him peering into his soul. The pause as they waited seemed quite palpable. All the preparation in the world could not ready him for his current endeavor as he swallowed the saliva collecting in the back of his throat.

  10. The new panel of Judges on American Idol does not include Simon anymore. I’m not sure how much the contestants will miss him, but I sure will. Will Steve Tyler ever replace him?

  11. She glanced up at the panel of judges, nervously anticipating their decision. Each member of the panel looked deep in thought. Some looked happy, some looked unsure. She waited.

    by Katy on 10.23.2010
  12. The deep wood paneling of the room was soft and effervescent. The smell of smoky scotch filled the quarters and as a result, John sipped his scotch with a deep ambition that belayed his worsening fears.

    by Kyle on 10.23.2010
  13. car panel beating after crashing the car. It cost $500 and I missed rent, fuck, shit!

    by stevo on 10.23.2010
  14. The panel decided that I should be the next to go. I tried to sway their blank, angry faces, but I could make no connection. My fate was sealed. I was led out of the room to the left of the raised platform.

    by MLHall on 10.23.2010
  15. Panel of judges, wooden panel in a basement
    Panels make me think of Chauncey’s
    dreams of wooden paneled rooms
    good dreams, nightmares

    by Katie on 10.23.2010
  16. window blah blah blah something you stick on a window floors maybe I have no idea and then maybe you … gosh you can’t expect me to write about this thing without having me think about it! I’ll write complete nonsense???!!! YOU KNOW WHAT? FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU a panel is something that goes on a window floor you stick it on a wall with a cool design and you know whattt FFFUUU AGAIN

    by Jena Huh on 10.23.2010
  17. The voting panel decided that the law should not be passed.
    I got in a wreck and the whole side panel of my car was smashed in.

    by annie on 10.23.2010
  18. Every morning my tired eyes are blinded by the shrunken window panels on my squatter home failing again at keeping the sun out of my precious corneas.

    by elysha on 10.23.2010
  19. I can never see this word without thinking of bread, and thinking its backwards. It’s not panel. it’s el pan.

  20. i wrote about this word already. it can be a piece of material or a wooden panel in a room or in an essay to explain something. you can use it to explain what you are talking about or to decorate.

    by Angela on 10.23.2010
  21. If the world was a screen it’d be represented with ten billion tiny panels. In fact, we’d probably need more than ten billion in order to represent the number of wonders our earth has. And each panel would be filled with pictures of everything we have, everything we know.

  22. government makes decisions…unknown faces and agendas. How can we possibly win? Election monday…vote!

    by Adam on 10.23.2010
  23. I wish I could fly. If I could count all of my thoughts and organize the numbers into panels the world might end and the universe would be solved. Sometimes I wish I could understand it all. I want to understand. I want to know.

    by Hannah on 10.23.2010
  24. Talent show panels. So biased. All they want is publicity. Why else would Jedward be there?

  25. Panels are as panels do: boring.

    by Ronnie on 10.23.2010
  26. The hammer it the panel, ringing off of the walls and floor. For three hours now he worked, knocking the dents out of the car.

  27. I want this, to see a panel to look straight back at me, and for the sweat to drip down my face, and for the butterflies to rise from my stomach to my throat and for one word to come from that panel: yes, yes yes, you are what you thought you were all along.

    by Jamie Loftus on 10.23.2010
  28. I hate wood paneling. It makes the rooms seem so dark, like no sunlight can get in at all. My in-laws house has wood paneling in the den and it feels so depressingly dreary in there. It makes you sleepy and lethargic and unmotivated to do anything. I hate wood paneling.

  29. panel. this makes em think of casa de bambini, my elemntary schol. wall inbetween class rooms. pane. wed peak under it to see the other class. it also had things attached to it. was it. alien..control panels!!!

    by lucia Charman on 10.23.2010
  30. The panel was a group of people of great diversity. They upon themselves had great wisdom and judgment. They were to be known as the panel of life. For those who were to be judged, feared them the most.

    by Willie Dodd on 10.23.2010
  31. Mein Englisch ist eigentlich ganz passabel. Trotzdem bin ich mir gerade nicht hundertprozentig sicher, was “panel” eigentlich bedeutet. Sundenplan? What’s on the panel? Was steht auf dem plan? Vielleicht liegt meine mangelnde Fähigkeit zum Verständnis daran, dass ich gerde Russisch lerne, weil ich in SIbirien bin.

    by Olga omsk on 10.23.2010
  32. Could I consult the panel?
    Present my case and let them decide.
    At this time I do not trust my decision
    Nor theirs
    But I’m banking on their combined brain power and
    Knowledge base to guide me
    Because I give up on my
    Heart, head and everything

  33. june has come

    by deep on 10.23.2010
  34. june

    by deep on 10.23.2010
  35. I lick my lips nervously as I await the words of the judges on the panel. They critically appraise my work, telling me all of the things I could have done better, all of the ways I can improve in the future. And even though it’s helpful and I will take their words to heart, I still get a sinking feeling.

  36. Radio 4 Panel shows are, of course, the highlight of the listening schedule. They have even made the leap over to television, with such season delights as HIGNFY and QI – though acronyms are not mandatory in this particular form of light entertainment.

    by Heather on 10.23.2010
  37. I stood before the panel of judges,
    While a cermudgon of a man brought me down to size.
    All eyes were upon my lies, as I tried to keep myself afloat.
    I was caught in the act
    and I couldn’t react fast enough.
    There’s nothing left to do but fall.

  38. panel of judges taking note of every little thing you do looking down from above not unlike that god in the sky who never seemed to be there when you needed him her it ain’t that always the way

    by seekellygo on 10.23.2010
  39. …of colourful happy people, looking panels of endless choices!

    by liliK on 10.23.2010
  40. i had this guy walk up to me and hand me a panel of roaches. i took each roach and dropped it into my mouth and one, by one, the slid down my throat.