
January 7th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “palette”

  1. She took the Palette and put colors on it She took the red paint, Blue , and green, to make a portrait. She took her brush and painted. “Well this should look good.”

    by shontelle on 01.08.2024
  2. The palette is a art thingy magigi cuz people use it for art and it helps people choose the color they need for the picture they are gonna use

    by shontelle on 01.08.2024
  3. He steadied his palette as he carefully drew his brush across the canvas. “You’re such a TOOL!” She screamed at him. “Thank you.” “I don’t think you know what I mean.” “Oh, a palette is a tool. A necessary and beloved tool. You must love me.” She was silent.

  4. The palette of colors reflected the autumn leaves – gold, red, orange and brown. It wasn’t autumn, however, and we weren’t in the forest. There was no forest within 20 light-years.

  5. The three basic oil colors remained on the palette, and she wondered how to mix the yellow, red and blue to make skin tones. She hesitated, still feeling how beautiful these oil blobs were before mixed and possibly produce some kind of muddy tone.

    by Chanpheng on 01.07.2024
  6. colours changing differences choice