
January 8th, 2024 | 13 Entries

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13 Entries for “cleanse”

  1. The rain fell in sheets, then floods, then it seemed as if the ocean itself had risen up and moved over the land. Dirt washed down, then rocks, then boulders. Then the mountains slid down until the whole surface of the earth was muddy. It was as if heaven had cleansed the very mantle of the planet.

    by Brian on 01.09.2024
  2. The removal of things that are dirty or negative
    to purify my heart, mind and body
    to make changes

    by Ann Marie on 01.09.2024
  3. To remove things that are toxic or dirty
    To prepare my heart for better times
    To be clean in body, spirit and mind

    by Ann Marie Buell on 01.09.2024
  4. Wash it down! Get rid of the bad grime! There is no room for the smelly stuff, the yucky, disturbing stuff, the painful stuff. Scrub it and rub it until it is gone! And I do, so why is it still there? Cleanse outside and I am fighting entropy. Might as well try to fight gravity. Cleanse inside and I am trying to obliterate the hurt of ages, but the hurt has its own agency and agenda and will not leave.

    by Solar Flare on 01.09.2024
  5. Dry January to start the process to better health. Forget about bad stuff from the past and start a new year fresh.

    by Steve on 01.09.2024
  6. Many of the students in this class need to cleanse their lockers. A couple of them need to cleanse their mouths of bad language as well! We all should cleanse our bodies daily.

    by Jesse on 01.09.2024
  7. “We are going to cleanse the earth of filth,” he said. Everyone in the room knew what that meant.

  8. They would have to cleanse their suits and undergo decontamination before they could leave their craft. They still had not found any dangerous pathogens, but they would have to see the longer they colonized this world, what the ecosystem would need for adaptation.

    by Chanpheng on 01.08.2024
  9. God said to cleanse your dirty mind . Pray today everyday.

  10. cleanse your body dont eat for a week drink a LOT of water then after eat small healthy low-cal snacks for a week or 2 then repeat

    by azalea on 01.08.2024
  11. she cleanse her red face with the new temu cleanser. when she woke up next morning her face was full of more pimple and acne.

    by shontelle on 01.08.2024
  12. cleanse your mind of any bad thoughts, keep and open mind to anything

    by azalea on 01.08.2024
  13. She cleansed her face with the new Sephora product. “Ill get no pimples now ahhahahah” When she woke up next morning she found a big pimple on her nose which made her look like Rodolph.

    by shontelle on 01.08.2024