
January 28th, 2010 | 305 Entries

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305 Entries for “outlet”

  1. I have many outlets. An outlet for my anger is my voice. An outlet for my happiness is joy. An outlet for creativity is my mind. An outlet is the opposite of an inlet. I have inlets and outlets. An inlet is taste, which I’m using to savor this drink.

    by Sutratma on 01.29.2010
  2. um…
    I’m no good at this…
    here we go…

    wait that took like 30 seconds!!
    AAAAGH!! there goes another 5!!

    I really suck at this!!


    I’m going to try again!!

    by zmantel on 01.29.2010
  3. inside the room there is an outlet that you can plug all ur shit into and that powers everything yoou need to stay healthy and warm and cool in the winter or the summer and eventually these outlets might blow because of supercharges are whatever those things are called where the things burst because of too much power and then you have to go out and buy more of the things that plug into the outl;et before the superchared and man that would really suck

    by Simon Ryder on 01.29.2010
  4. so there was this store and I went in and there was thus guy tehre and he was staring at me and looking at my shoes, like all disgusted and stuff so I turned and gave him a grimace and screamed a giant scream at him and then everyone turned around and looked at me.

    by bt on 01.29.2010
  5. there’s an outlet on the wall. I usse it to plug stuff in like a vacuum, and other useful things. I wonder why outlet was coosen for a word? What kind of science ficthion thing would outlet be bringing on? I remember when I was in 7th grade and I won the peotry contest with a bunch of futuristic science fiction poems

    by Michiel on 01.29.2010
  6. outlet for creativity smoke weed erryday paint pretty pictures and make a sand castle. fuck the government. they haters. let your anger out on your opressiors.

    by on 01.29.2010
  7. electrictity

    by kay on 01.29.2010
  8. a source of energy. a way to let things out. electricity. a place where you can buy a bunch of clothes for cheap prices. a plethora of stores. i need a source of outlet. and let my emotions out. can anyone hear me? what’s an inlet. this is so random, this word is the first time i’m trying this out.

    by lily on 01.29.2010
  9. I need an outlet for my feelings. I need something, someone, anything. I need to let go. But I can’t, I’m trapped in this rut, this messy, confining rut, and there is nothing I can do. I wish I could shout it in the middle of the street, from rooftops, if only. I need an outlet. I can’t hold it inside. It’s bottling up, what if I break?

    by Chelsea on 01.29.2010
  10. outlets are cheap and very very boring to be with your family members because they want to get you cheap stuff and i find i lame. enough already with the cheap stuff, why not have everything at a regular price so that instead of judging someone by the clothes we judge them with what they are inside their heads

    by Can on 01.29.2010
  11. An outlet……when I think about an outlet, automatically my mind goes to a shopping outlet, where lots of stores want my money! But at least you can get some good deals while you are there!

    by Emily on 01.29.2010
  12. by tomada on 01.29.2010
  13. THere are some great ones in Petaluma, I particularly like the Banana Republic one. It is alot better than I was expecting.

    by Kelly on 01.29.2010
  14. The outlet is the best way to let things out. I think it’s a stupid word. I wish I had gotten a better word.

    by Cory Silver on 01.29.2010
  15. he stormed into the shop. He had been having a bad day anyhow, but now he had been cut off at the highway, sat behind some colour blind idiot at the lights and had to inch through town watching people on the footpath make more progress than him. But waiting for the park had been the worst, he had been waiting, indicator on, that gut had no right. He needed an outlet, a sledge hammer would do nicely.

    by stormy on 01.29.2010
  16. The electric outlet caught on fire because I overloaded it…..and then my son hosed it down with a fire extinguisher. OY.

    by pp on 01.29.2010
  17. The damn outlet was broken! I dont know what happened to it, but it was bare, missing its face. Well that didnt stop me from being an idiot. I put the plug in it anyway, only to get electricuted. It wasnt so bad, just lasted a second. But i will never forget that day.

    by Melanie on 01.29.2010
  18. At the seemingly endless sidewalk outside the outlet mall, I found I was too lazy to to inside and shop.

    by on 01.29.2010
  19. electronic efficiency and the world we know it. sometimes the internet is an outlet and it uses one and needs one itself to keep on staying alive. I need outlets too. Sucha as family, school, books and tv.

    by on 01.29.2010
  20. I need an outlet. I’ve been looking everywhere, but I’m pretty sure this room is void of recharging stations. Battery low, and not enough energy to keep looking. I guess I could just go to sleep. No use in trying anyways. Or maybe if I really try… BATTERY DEPLETED.

    by Emily on 01.29.2010
  21. Where one puts things for electricity. Store outlet, where clothes and materials are sold cheap. So thing to get out of a situation like a solution

    by Criss on 01.29.2010
  22. the socket in the wall where i can plug my stuff in and its also a place to let stuff out of your system. It is both in and out it is like the brat of power through us. Out let. Let out. Outlet.

    by hawking on 01.29.2010
  23. the power cord slipped from the hole into the puddle beneath. i felt the jolt immediately but the pain wasn’t tangible. it was rather that i couldn’t flex my fingers, my toes – I was still.
    I wasn’t found until much later that evening. The smell of my burnt fingernails lingered in the air.

    by rawr on 01.29.2010
  24. Everyone needs one. The systems that we have put each other in restrain and stress our bodies and minds to the point of total destruction. Find a positive outlet to save your sanity.

    by on 01.29.2010
  25. oh an outlet! obviously ideal for kitchen appliances, cell phone chargers, or a broken heart.
    but I beg to differ: an outlet is a friend. Your heart needn’t be broken to use an outlet, just ready for devine intervention.

    by Kelly R. on 01.29.2010
  26. The outlet ran out to the sewers that spilled onto the sand banks. I stood there for a good half an hour hoping that there’d be another way in. There wasn’t. I knew it. This was going to hurt. And smell.

    by Vp on 01.29.2010
  27. energy

    by on 01.29.2010
  28. i think of shopping malls and anger. people need an outlet to let out their extra frustration and despair. then again, they also need one for shoes. funny how that works. the same thing that can help you conquer inner turmoil and emotion can also supply you with the cute pair of jeans. thats just proof that shopping can be therapeutic.

    by patti on 01.29.2010
  29. i like it, it’s not a problem that it is old

    by nunu on 01.29.2010
  30. electricity. shock. electronic. camarillo. cheap clothes. i hate this.

    by Roxy on 01.29.2010
  31. We save and strive and plan for the outlet to our daily disfunction. Rarely do we look internally, though that is invariably where our true outlet is resting, waiting to help.

    by FINCH on 01.29.2010
  32. Outlet. Outlet malls? Why are they even called that? I always thought of them as ‘shopping malls’. Then again, they’ll use any kind of fancy word to get people to shop in them.

    by Merenwen on 01.29.2010
  33. this is where you shop. things are cheaper than usual because the stock is usually out of fashion or season or whatever .

    by henry on 01.29.2010
  34. outlet is something that you put your plug into and gives out energy, outlet goes out, ummm idk?!!! this is hard!! lol there are outlets in your house, car, everywhere!!! you usually plug ur cell phone charger into it to charge it up.

    by kiersten on 01.29.2010
  35. The power outlet bar flew across the room as Jenny launched it, aiming for Victor’s square shaped face. “I hope you die, you worthless bitch!” She screeched. Victor reddened and his eyes darted around. “Be quiet! The neighbors might-” He ducked to miss the power bar thrown his way, narrowly missing it.

    by Kelsey on 01.29.2010
  36. there is a power outlet on my wall. I plug my computer into it. it will power all of my devises. Knitting is an outlet for my creativity. So is painting and crocheting. I like to

    by on 01.29.2010
  37. let it go.
    let all of it go.
    don’t hold back.
    you don’t need it.
    you can let…..GO!

    by Kalesh on 01.29.2010
  38. malls, flea markets, places where you can go to buy things.

    by tony on 01.29.2010
  39. An outlet is where you plug things in THey get charged, or work. SOme outlets are different than others. I feel that’s stupid. We should make them so that if you need more power, you just add another plug. That would be great. Yes, like cell phone cables, save the earth!

    by caleb on 01.29.2010
  40. powerful
    power wise
    be the outlet
    to my sky
    take my hand
    don’t let go
    take this power
    feel it flow
    power wise
    please, please
    take this power
    take it with time

    by Kaitlyn on 01.29.2010