
July 7th, 2010 | 266 Entries

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266 Entries for “order”

  1. there was a quiet demand of order that
    echoed through the hall bounced off
    the walls like shrapnel
    finally someone spoke
    “So I hear you wanna go home?”

    by on 07.07.2010
  2. there is order in life. at times we dont notice it but there is. there s a social order where it s taboo t move up. you stay in your order and nthing else. there is order where there is to kepp it running.

  3. Let’s see…What to order…what to order…There’s the spaghetti and meatballs that are always good…Pineapple duck? Nah…Ooh, here’s some baked ziti…nope…Ah! I’ll have the creamed pesticide with Pine Sol cereal!

  4. There was no order that the cook could not prepare. With each ring of the bell, the cook grabbed the order and began the frenzy that we only know as cooking.

  5. An order is something you must do, but it’s also something you must keep in your life. Order is all about control, whether it’s an order from a military officer or the order that an obsessive compulsive desires in his medicine cabinet.

    by Molly on 07.07.2010
  6. May I have your order.

    Order in the court room.

    Doctor’s orders.

    by Hazel on 07.07.2010
  7. We get up every morning with a set plan. Something to do. A place to go or someone to see. We have a plan. That is the time when our lives are in order. When everything is set the way it should be. Even if the plan for the day changes; even if it is not how we thought it would turn out to be, the fact that there was a plan is in our hands.

    However, it isn’t until we wake up with no plan, no idea. and no order in our life that we can call ourselves brave and daring. It isn’t until the moments when you have no idea where you will go or what you will do that you can truly say your life is a mystery. If you have a plan; if you know there is something that you want to do; if the idea is set in your head, that your life is in order. Try just living with out that order, just for a day. That is when life gets hard.

  8. Nothing really ends up the way we plan for it to. It may start off going in our direction, but as soon as our heads are turned, everything gets thrown into chaos. It is that ever lasting want for order that drives us to the extremes.

  9. daedalus ordered him to fly in the middle
    not too high,
    not too low
    lest his wings be melted by the fires of the sun
    or overtaken by the waves of the sea –

    of course, icarus didn’t listen.

  10. order, order, the demand, or the organization? minus the first r and you have odor. fuck. Andy Warhol died of hyperhydration.

    by Bridget on 07.07.2010
  11. All systems tend to increasing disorder; therefore, systems with order have an intelligence to them. Either life, as in they are alive, or something alive has been messing with them. Indeed, it’s not a system at all unless something alive has had something to do with it. I think. Probably. Maybe.

  12. disorder chaos. what life would be without order. what if everyone was in a huge mass of chaos.

  13. a two-edged sword. like discrimination, necessary for things to function well, but stands against the necessary organic, the wild, against the primal chaos from which it sprung.

    by Clayton on 07.07.2010
  14. When I see you
    It makes me want to
    Order a double steak
    Even though I can’t eat it all
    Just so
    Have to pay for it.

    by Hannah on 07.07.2010
  15. New world order, I`m going to create. You can live if you want, in my house in legoland

  16. “Would you like fries with that?” The voice sounded mechanical, yet slightly endearing. I answered no, and pulled forward anxious to put face to voice. After seeing it I am now fully aware of what happens when you say “yes” to the fries.

  17. is what i need right now. i feel like my life is out of it. i have to have control over things, and i have no idea why. it’s such a recent development, too. i’ve never been so neurotic about organization and order before…. why now? maybe because everything fell apart.. since feb..?

    by elle on 07.07.2010
  18. Order in the court! Man, I’ve always wanted to say that. No I havent. I’ve always wanted to say Case closed. That’s the one. I also think there are too many Law & Order shows on the air. Let’s show a little variety, people. I want more shows that aren’t about cops and lawyers.

  19. I ordered him around for 12 years. We can’t speak freely, because I didn’t allow it.

    I didn’t allow it. This divide is my fault, not his.

  20. I didn’t really know what to order. I hate it when I can’t understand what they’re saying and they end up putting something in my sandwich that I can’t eat. Then I feel so embarrassed to tell them to do it over.

  21. “Order,” he shouted. “Order in the court.”

    He slammed the gavel down, hoping to shock the noisy crowd into submission. When the gavel squeaked, he lost all control.

    Starting to cry, he begged for his parents.

    by MCRoger on 07.07.2010
  22. What does a life well ordered look like? Not mine.

    by tina on 07.07.2010
  23. To order up a cheeseburger and large fries. Nothing seemed so easy, but yet nothing has since seemed so difficult. Her friends could order it when THEY wanted, but when she became a vegetarian, it became a chore to scour the McDonalds menu for something remotely suitable for her diet. She came close at times to forgetting the whole veggie thing and shoving that overly-processed chunk of cow ass in her face.

  24. I was about to order him to leave the grove forever.. Just as I saw the flash in his eyes I knew that he wasn’t completely gone. I know my brother was still alive in there, somewhere.

    by Maureen on 07.07.2010
  25. Order. It was something she dearly missed in her life. Everything she did would go awry, causing the impending feeling of embarrassment to wash over. The overflow of emotion would steal her breath and melt her mind; the pink blush spreading under her lively eyes. Only when the horrid laughter ceased, would the pieces fall back as they were.

  26. My life is out of order! I need some order in this life of mine. I need someone to bring me my order please! Guess I gotta do this by myself…

    by Nessa on 07.07.2010
  27. Then da General ordered his men to get in a line, to gEt prepared for the parade.. The discipline in army is wOrth-seeing nd wOrth-lEarning a lessOn, A lessOn of perfEct life, uttErly impeccable brOtherhood and ofcOurse nOt da lEast da extraordinary cOurage!

  28. order they say, do this do that stand up straight and preserve the peace, maintain community and continuity, i live like this and i ask others and am asked and there is order.

    by ShaCess on 07.07.2010
  29. Order was not something that featured very heavily into his life. Things were always hectic, whether it be the sports he played, the fights he fought, or the women he interacted with. Order and rules were always cast aside in favour of chaos and anarchy and that was the way he liked it.

  30. when i think of the word order, food comes to mind. ordering chinese food sounds good right now, because we don’t have any food in my house. it’s really annoying. nicole’s complaining that there’s no food and how she has to eat left overs. that’s why we wanted to go order chinese.

  31. order is the natural state in which things should be. an order could also be a directive given by a higher ranking person in an institution.

    by Andrew on 07.07.2010
  32. Order, order in the court. The honorable Judge Franklin is presiding, hearing over case 152, Jones vs. The little old lady down the street who bakes cookies but sometimes her dog barks a little too loud and Jones is increasingly annoyed and actually filed a civil suit.

    by Mr Holes on 07.07.2010
  33. Repetition. Again and again and again forever in the same order. Ballet was tedious here, but I appreciated it. Finally some teacher who understood the importance of the fundamentals. Maybe it was because most of the students were highly inexperienced, but still, it helped even myself, who had years more training.

  34. the lines are set and the boundaries have been made. i stay in line as my life monotonously trickles by. this lifeless order, this dead pulse, the way i live these days.

  35. “Um, large fries, large apple pie, large diet coke. To go.” Bobby glanced around to make sure he didn’t know anyone here. It would totally ruin his rep.

    by katie on 07.07.2010
  36. By ORDER of this Majesty: I declare today a beautiful day for everyone in my kingdom. Now go forth and enjoy!

    by Peaceable on 07.07.2010
  37. not any more. chaos.

    by LL on 07.07.2010
  38. Order, Ordner, Orden, Verordnung. Alles starr und grau. Versteift in sich selbst. Fordernd. Entweder du tust, was wir wollen oder wir sperren dich ein. Verklemmt. Mit metallenen Bügeln. Die Ordnung will es so.

    by EliEli on 07.07.2010
  39. order … rder in the courtroom…thats just what first came into my mind alongwith the fact that order is what we lack in our country and our lives.

    by shamsa on 07.07.2010
  40. order, order, order, everywhere;that is the way of life. things appear chaotic, but there is an order in the chaos.

    by sankar on 07.07.2010