
July 2nd, 2009 | 144 Entries

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144 Entries for “october”

  1. fuck i have already had this frikin word!!! i dont like this month however it is in the lead up to my birthday. so that makes it good. i hate october!!! OCTOBER SUCKS!!!!! BULLSHIT!! CRAP HOUSE!!!

    by FRANKY on 07.03.2009
  2. october is coming pretty soon
    the month of libra and scorpio
    i’ve got a lot of scorpio’s in my family
    only one libra
    plenty of birthdays and never enough cash for presents
    i suppose my presence is presence enough

    by luminoUS on 07.03.2009
  3. fall, halloween, leaves, orange, gold, yellow, fire, pumpkins, costumes, frost

    by hazel on 07.03.2009
  4. month year, the 8th month of the year, october brings warmth, new life, and colour, for the grey months of winter. it is a month of spring

    by emily on 07.03.2009
  5. october was when i lost it. i never thought it would happen to me but i remembering laying there motionless and thinking that it was the greatest moment ever.

    by ginger on 07.03.2009
  6. How can trees look so pretty when they’re dying?

    by Erica on 07.03.2009
  7. The beginning of all that is beautiful. The lead to sweet, sweet November.

    by natalie on 07.03.2009
  8. Im Oktober haben wir noch ein paar sonnige Tage. Das Laub ist bunt und die B

    by Atti on 07.03.2009
  9. the month of october ids generally associated with halloween, the costumes, the party, the candy and the general jubilance of the holiday. october is also the season where fall transitions into winter, a month where sweaters beging to be covered

    by Valerie on 07.03.2009
  10. it was dark all the time. i mean the sun never came up at all. the wind always bit at you no matter how many layers you wore, and there wasn’t any of the soft fluffy snow we had at home, only a thin, brutal sleet that left everything slick and hard as diamonds. i came here for him.

    by jesi on 07.03.2009
  11. is when i was born. jay was born in january. he was already a year older than me. he died in july. october isnt as fun anymore. nothing is. he was born to do great things because he was. i was born on john lennon’s birthday.

    by elusifer on 07.03.2009
  12. Im Oktober ist es schon fast Herbst. Nicht wirklich, denn durch die Jahreszeitenverschiebung scheint noch zu oft eine warme Sonne auf uns herab. Doch auch immer

    by Eva-Maria Obermann on 07.03.2009
  13. I might start school. School, again. I know i’ll always be a student, but damn, this is taking forever. Is a degree really worth that much?

    by itsimperative on 07.03.2009
  14. the month of october ids generally associated with halloween, the costumes, the party, the candy and the general jubilance of the holiday. october is also the season where fall transitions into winter, a month where sweaters beging to be covered

    by Valerie on 07.03.2009
  15. october is a month in which we celebrate halloween. The leaves change. The colors are bright and colorful and a whispering wind always wallows through the air. The air is fresh just like it was taken out of a glad press-n-seal bag. When you jump into a pile of leaves your mind races as you think about how great it is.

    by tyler on 07.02.2009
  16. The leaves were changing on the trees, from green to yellow to red to brown. They crunched beneath my feet as I walked, brittle and often breaking into tiny fragments. I almost felt guilty for hurting them.

    by Rachael on 07.02.2009
  17. The golden sunshine that had illuminated the sky during the summer months gave way to the cloudy sunset that now painted the sky a brilliant orange. This orange matched that of the leaves scattered all over the ground, the leaves that crunched underfoot as I strode along the road. Ah. Autumn was here.

    by vish on 07.02.2009
  18. I love October! Some of the best times of my life happened during this month. Homecoming at my high school always fell during this month, which were tons of fun. Also, my best friend’s Halloween pary was always a blast.

    by Amanda on 07.02.2009
  19. football, leaves falling, getting ready for a rebirth, time to ponder, calm before the hetic season. Halloween, Happy times where adults can have fun too, a new begining around the corner. wonder what is was like when columnbue came

    by smiley on 07.02.2009
  20. It was late October when the soilders came to town.

    She dropped her doll and ran, hand clapsed in her brother’s as they made it past the fences and into their home town, away from fall-spurred activies outside. They screamed and screamed and others screamed, running as smoke twirled up into the sky from over the hills.

    by Zoe on 07.02.2009
  21. Halloween, orange, pumpkins Moms birthday two months till xmas
    candy corn! YUM!

    by Amy on 07.02.2009
  22. a stormy day in october, i ran away from home. it was freeing, but scary. a truculent, youngster, i was.

    by jackie on 07.02.2009
  23. October rain makes me feel safe when I

    by MT on 07.02.2009
  24. ~cool crisp air…burning leaves, falling leaves dancing on the wind. Sweat shirts and shorts, hot cider and hay stalks…Love the Fall!!!

    by Beth on 07.02.2009
  25. October already? she thought, glancing out the window and into the front yard. It was around this time last year that he had asked her out. It was the week before Halloween when he’d bent down on one knee and asked her if she’d be his girlfriend, and she’d said yes. They’d gone trick-or-treating as Bonnie and Clyde, certain that they would be partners in crime for longer than the three months they were together. Now it was almost Halloween again, and she had no one by her side.

    by Cristy on 07.02.2009
  26. I was born in October. The time where the leaves fell but still gave me that feeling of loveliness. The time that reminds me of the girl that i could have had, should have had, but never will. Its such a great time of year, only to be ruined by the wretched fun of Halloween.

    by Winlove on 07.02.2009
  27. leaves falling, sky greying.. sunsets and storms, wind in my hair.. walking alone, along the lake,
    dogs barking and cat purring

    by Samantha Aelflead on 01.01.1970
  28. The air was cool and crisp. Little childern ran around in their cute and frightening costumes. They giggled in the twinkling moonlight. Their happiness on such a mischevious night was absolutely amazing. So I sat with my witches hat and gave them their treats.

    October is my favorite month.

    by Vye Bruja on 01.01.1970
  29. Halloween, pumpkins, fall. Orange and brown leaves falling to the ground. Roads covered in foillage and chilly autumn wind blowing through leaf covered grounds.

    by Chris Mabry on 01.01.1970
  30. His face was the only thing I saw in the swirling eddies of gold and orange leaves. It was then I knew that I loved him and it pained me. I didn’t want to love him – despite everything I feel for him, I know that he’ll never be good for me.

    by mahund on 01.01.1970
  31. this is the time when halloween comes around. the days become shorter and everything gets just a little bit chillier. this is also the time when field hockey really picks up and my coach really starts to beat down. last year we won all of our games in september and just hit a wall and ended up loosing every single one. this was quite embarrasing as the last years’ team went undefeated. However we were a sophmore team this year and so i know for sure, that our team senior year will be just as great.

    by charlotte anderson on 01.01.1970
  32. the month of halloween, it is also the month of my mother’s birthday. it’s a good month i guess, very cold and damp, the weather is horrid, i’m not that big of fan of it. i love halloween though, i love dressing up and being someone else for a day you know, like even being a fictional person you can be them real for a day, if that makes sense. i love the way candy tastes once you know you worked hard trudging to get it

    by kelsie on 01.01.1970
  33. October is an odd month. It’s just after September, so the summer is officially over by this point. The sun is retreating, and people are bracing themselves for the tough winter ahead. However it tends to be a month of enjoyment. It usually is a crescendo of partying, ending with the wonderful halloween festivities.

    by Patrick D'Arcy on 01.01.1970
  34. dsf hell octobe rmeans rain but halloween and stuff and crap with mates sunshine lollie harrpp play must hsni not me but you

    by oona on 01.01.1970
  35. October sun and warm and halloween and the end of all things. The night and the dark and the unseen and that feeling in the air – I swear to Christ you can feel it when the veil is thin. I think if I woke up after years of sleep I could feel it. And one of these times is in october ad the other is in the spring, right when the seasons are really chaging, when you can feel it like a ball at the top of a hill just before it rolls off. That’s what it feels like outside – magic.

    by Mushi on 01.01.1970
  36. blue, sky, scary, invigorate, oh god, my life will be in full swing then. college. pagans and druids and stonehenge and red cheeks and apple cider. mostly calling mom-can i please go get wasted tonight

    by Chloe Fay Campbell on 01.01.1970
  37. my birthday. two guys i like have birthdays this month. fall and october. halloween horrow nights. october has two o’s. pumpkins. my 21st birthday.

    by sheika on 01.01.1970
  38. is the month that my son was born in, it is the month when i thank my ancestors for living and giving me life and it is the month full of crisp weather and cold mornings.

    by caroline burr on 01.01.1970
  39. October, a time of year where the earth reveals colors of beauty that you only find that time of year.

    by Mike Davis on 01.01.1970
  40. Fall the end of life beginning of dormency warmness around but chill close at hand a time for love and pain end of care free summer.

    by remmington on 01.01.1970