
September 13th, 2009 | 249 Entries

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249 Entries for “oak”

  1. Oak tree. Soak me. Cloaking. Woke me.

    by mona on 09.14.2009
  2. I think I’m going to blast my head off this afternoon with a Remington rifle.

    by anonymous. on 09.14.2009
  3. in the casket she looked so peaceful, beautiful even. “she get out,” young Tom shouted. “No, I replied. We’ll nail it shut and add a solid oak lid”. Thus the realities of life were revealed to the little boy.

    by Ed on 09.14.2009
  4. mighty tree.. can be used in so many books.. its good to see one in a hot summer day, strong and powerful, brown and green. but oak forests are not so good.

    by denis on 09.14.2009
  5. old age, dark, worn and weathered looking for new life

    by lauren on 09.14.2009
  6. The doors in Hogwarts are made of Oak. All the hundreds of old fashioned doors, all made of Oak. I’m twenty now, but I read Harry Potter at the proper age where I was certain I would get my letter.

    by witchywitch on 09.14.2009
  7. i want to beat this dog over the head with a 2by4 of oak.

    by jasminleistreet on 09.14.2009
  8. I want to beat this dog over the head with a 2by4 of oak.

    by on 09.14.2009
  9. A deciduous tree of the genus Quercus; has acorns and lobed leaves

    The hard durable wood of any oak; used especially for furniture and flooring

    great oaks grow from little acorns

    oak tree

    by Ashish on 09.14.2009
  10. Oak is my friends nickname

    by kljkljsglj on 09.14.2009
  11. the single oak tree stood alone in the middle of the field. It had weathered storms in the past but the tornado bearing down on it in the dim distance that was uplifting cows and hurling them high into the air was more than it could withstand. It tried to batten down the hatches but the tornado forged ahead, lifted it high into the sky and flung at the little village nestling in the hillside.

    by Ning on 09.14.2009
  12. i like oak trees. in my hometown there is a super-old, huge oak tree in the middle of a grassy field where I used to just sit with my friends and chill out.

    by on 09.14.2009
  13. the oak tree stood firm in the centre of the garden,l as it had done since I was a child. I remembered when there were two of us, always climbing that tree, but now I was alone.

    by kirstybooth on 09.14.2009
  14. A window with colored glass. A door with a brass lion-head knocker. A rug rife with Persian finery in red and gold. A painting in an ornate frame of a girl sitting by a pond. A bookcase jammed with leather-bound volumes. A desk scattered with letters from the great and beloved. A chair made of honeyed oak with a plush seat of velvet.

    by Brian Slusher on 09.14.2009
  15. wine, forest, southern area, just the smell, the leaves central park,any park in the south squirrels

    by val on 09.14.2009
  16. I used to have an oak tree in my back yard when I was growing up i built imaginary highways under it and dug tunnels. Then I drove my toy trucks and cars over them.

    by Mikie on 09.14.2009
  17. Trees are nice, and I really love the way they smell after it rains. Oak trees are nice too. I do not know much about them, but this is what makes the world such an interesting place :)I l

    by Ruo Xi on 09.14.2009
  18. She lay on her back, gazing up to the spreading branches of the huge oak. The oak must have been a hundred years old, it was so big. She squinted her eyes as the rays of sun made their way through the gaps between the branches.

    by roxanne on 09.14.2009
  19. trees leaves nuts acorns walking down the street fall squirrels they all relate the way the sun sets behind the branches and how the smell of autumn appeals to one as he walks through the arcade of foliage. it reminds me of Halloween as a child growing up in a small residential town.

    by James W on 09.14.2009
  20. tree, of course. it runs it’s course through the air with branches unsheathed it faces the wind and stands strong. we’ve watched them stand through the weather of time and still we cut them down.

    by becca Loo on 09.14.2009
  21. oaks are a type of tree. they are awesome more or less

    by vinny on 09.14.2009
  22. oak. Ist das nicht die Eiche? Die gute alte? Runde Blätter, die Ränder wie Wellen. Früher gingen wir Eicheln sammeln. Herbstwind. Wir allein weit draußen, hinterm Bahndamm. Allein. Gut, wir waren mehrere Kinder. Keine Erwachsene.

    by Lisa on 09.14.2009
  23. I waited for you next to the oak tree. That’s where you told me to wait for you. I brought a book in case you stood me up. I always think you will; I’m too insecure. You walked with that walk you have and closed the book. You kissed me. I loved you then and I love you now. Forever more.

    by Amber on 09.14.2009
  24. Old and wise. Seeing many generations come and go. Broad and tall. Strong, unbending. Acorns feeding hungry squirrels. Crunchy leaves underfoot in autumn.

    by Juju on 09.14.2009
  25. an oak tree is the source of the acorn which is small and looks like a little man with a hat on him. I don’t know why but when I was a child I always thought that they were little pixies who turned into acorns whenever they saw a human coming, but then again I was a strange child.

    by standardcrow on 09.14.2009
  26. the oak tree.
    it is very big and i sit under its shade , all day long.

    by ashley on 09.14.2009
  27. the oak tree is strong and sturdy

    by caris on 09.14.2009
  28. i like to stand by the oak tree.

    by caris on 09.14.2009
  29. the big oak tree stood in her front yard for years and years. as long as she could remember actually. as a girl, she would climb the branches to look out over the land. as an old woman, alone with nothing left in the world, she would sit in the shade of it and think back over her days. the tree was her strong point.

    by amber on 09.14.2009
  30. oak is a tree.oak trees are not seen in india.it is said to be a coniferous tree.i don’t know its uses

    by pppp on 09.14.2009
  31. The oak tree has been in our backyard for as long as I can remember. Tall, thick and impossible to climb, its branches mocked me from my wheelchair.

    by Anne Onimous on 09.14.2009
  32. there is an old oak chair in my granpa’s living room. it rock still in the soft wind. but his long casted shadow in the afternoon is no longer there. the cigar smell is replaced by withering orchids. he said goodbye along with the passing clouds above his small room.

    by evelayn on 09.13.2009
  33. As he gazed upon the old oak tree way in the far right corner of his backyard, James began to reminisce about his childhood years spent running around this property. Later, as he signed the papers finalizing the transferral

    by Bry on 09.13.2009
  34. Under the Oak tree,
    Sat I wondering.
    Why does every thing that goes up,
    Has to come down?
    What led me to this mindless pondering,
    I cease to recollect.
    Except the nutty acorn –
    That went “plop!” on my head.

    by Sowmiya on 09.13.2009
  35. It was standing alone on the top of the mountin. Strong. Solid. Simple and content. He never felt lonely and alone. The whole universe was with him, arround him.

    by Areta on 09.13.2009
  36. The oak tree. It’s a strong tree. Large, with pointed green leaves. The wood from this tree is great for building. You can also use it for woodcrafts like making boats and shelves.

    by Gildas Robert on 09.13.2009
  37. Oak is a tree–or a type of tree. It smells good when burned, I think. Oak is also a good raw material used in building things, such as furniture. I think I might’ve grown up around a lot of oaks, as I recall a park being called Oak Terrace just up the road from where I lived.

    by john b on 09.13.2009
  38. oak is autumn and pain, to me. my boyfriend broke up with me at our house with oakwood panelling in the autumn. expensive. old. we made love, and then he left me. i still cry when i think about it. he meant the world to me. i’ve got a new house now, and i replaced everything in the garden with oaks. just oaks, oaks, oaks. i have fantasies of making love with a wooden man of oak, sturdy and strong.

    by selene on 09.13.2009
  39. when i think of oak i think of trees

    by nicole on 09.13.2009
  40. Bliss is much less than one word.

    by Marius Senekal on 09.13.2009