
August 1st, 2010 | 267 Entries

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267 Entries for “nun”

  1. Seventy-three nun’s were lined up on the roadside. Cars kept passing, but there they stood–serene and without disturbance.

    by Ginny on 08.01.2010
  2. Yes we already went through this. A nun who knows not what she wants, but that she loves god and gives everything for that cause, More power to her.

    by Liberty on 08.01.2010
  3. I was in the musical the Sound of Music. I played a nun. It was quite interesting, as a 15 year old girl I couldn’t really relate to how a woman of that kind of faith would think or act.

    by Mariella on 08.01.2010
  4. My mom went to boarding school with nuns. I always have lots of respect for them because of how dedicated they are. I could never do that. They give up everything to be devoted to god. It must be difficult. I wonder what pushes them to do that.

    by Liberty on 08.01.2010
  5. Women who decide a different path; a quiet existence somewhere in the borders of what is and what isn’t.

    by Chiasma on 08.01.2010
  6. Lives in a convent. She doesn’t know nun’ about nun’ but she isn’t happy with her existence. all she knows is what her parents taught her.

    by Emily on 08.01.2010
  7. The nun would have none of it. No smoke. No cursing. No forbidden thoughts.

    by gino on 08.01.2010
  8. “Catholic school, viscious as roman rule, I got my knuckles bruised by a lady in black”
    Laying on superman sheets, plaid pleated skirt, white, button up shirt. 16 year old me listened over and over.
    “I held my tongue, as she told me son, fear is the heart of love. So, I never went back”
    I’ll get out of here some day, I vowed.
    And so I did.

    by DylDyl on 08.01.2010
  9. haired woman. nothing to eat. rosemary barn in the middle of may. crisp feet walking along blades of sharp grass. Misty droplets sprinkling over your ankles.

    by Conor Maloney on 08.01.2010
  10. i once ran for a bus with some nuns, it went staright past us but we had to be on it so off we went, strangely fast for nuns in full habits. Got the bus though.

    by Nicola Law on 08.01.2010
  11. ana mezic and the nun “not all water is holy” she was high every day my aunt’s sister is a nun she’s totally cloistered oh wait she died…oops. my aunt is eh

    by Willa on 08.01.2010
  12. Sister Agatha looked up from her place at the front of the class, immediately focusing on the boy in the corner, the corner she had pushed him into.

    by kylie on 08.01.2010
  13. She was a nun sp it had come as a surprise to her that anyone would fall for one. He was handsome though and she had fallen for him easily, her first love. She loved him so much to the point that she was kicked out of the covenant. Their love even if it had been wrong and they had been wrong in the way they went about it but no one could ever break.

    by on 08.01.2010
  14. It was funny how he had fallen in love with a nun to the extent that she was kicked out of the covenant for him. They both had a forbidden love for each other though, and that was something that no one could break.

    by on 08.01.2010
  15. school sister elizabeth line backer head shaking jets old house christmas tree room big red start growing up taking care of lizzy and patrick no one else does they don’t listen they still don’t i need to get out further than college i need a new life.

    by danielle sweeny on 08.01.2010
  16. they look like penguins…they use rulers…i want to be one at times even though im a dude…they have short lesbians…hmmm wat else is there to say about nuns they are cooooooooooool.

    by Chris on 08.01.2010
  17. it’s been so long I might as well have joined a convent. At least there I’d lose weight, swerve alcohol and stop watching crap TV. Okay so this is becoming more and more appealing the more I think about it… Hmmm.

    by Clare on 08.01.2010
  18. None of your business she slurred, staggering against the greasy brick wall. Nunya business at all.

    Please, Dakota, let me take that screwdriver . . .

    “I said none of your gol-danged business!” she spat,

  19. nun. dressed in black and white. they are old and virgins. they enjoy the greatest pleasures, but refuse some too. I do not get it.

    by Vanessa on 08.01.2010
  20. was bending down to pick up her hood, it had been blown off by the wind from the open door opened by father augistin. he said, what do i have to do to get a blow job round here?

    by Andre Lotz on 08.01.2010
  21. Nuns are the evil of all races. running about hitting people with religious texts of their choices, these criminals are wanted for assault via deadly ideology. Conform or die is their thoughts. If you see a nun passing by in the street, do not approach. These foul beasts have been known to preach their ideology ( often with brute force) to random pedestrians.

    by Danny on 08.01.2010
  22. I’m not a nun! Okay, I’m not even prude… if only you knew what I’ve done, what I am..
    I mean, not a slut either… but I’m NOT a nun. Come on, dude? Is that really the reason you don’t want to be with me?
    Because.. well, nevermind.
    You don’t even need to know.
    You’re surely not worth it, if that’s what you assume.

  23. black and dark and virginal? but po9ssibly a woman like any other who has decided to opt out of this dirty sensual world, an idea that appeals to me more and more. perhaps then a misconception.

    by Derek on 08.01.2010
  24. I sat on the convent steps questioning if I made the right choice in coming. My long skirt fluttered in the breeze and I didn’t see the Mother Superior walk up. “Can I help you Miss?” she said. Her habit covered most of her defining features, but her blue eyes, identical to my own, told me what I had come in search of.

    by Heather on 08.01.2010
  25. nun is a christian lady who acts for god and is probably lonely and miserable because she cannot have sex. that really sucks to think about but people can do as they wish. i hope they come to their senses one day and realize that life is more than just dedicating their entire lives to god.

    by Danielle on 08.01.2010
  26. that is it. religion. or not. sometimes relgious words piss me off. I am overhauling my own religious experience. I want kindness, compassionate, and advocates.

  27. mum was the word the chalk drawing suggested. she began humming in her mind nu na na naa hey hey hey goodbye santa barbara

  28. she stood at the corner of the stone patteo, facing out toward the court yard. the woman clothed in black robes came up behind her silently.

  29. person who can’t have sex because they made poor decisions

    by brian on 08.01.2010
  30. She ran in between the trees, her habit flying in the breeze, the day I chased a nun in my car. I wasn’t really going to run over her, but i enjoyed her thinking that i might.

  31. I was a nun once. A pregnant nun for Halloween sounded like a good idea when I was 16. I can’t believe my manager at McDonald’s let me wear that costume during my shift that night. Which just does to show I guess I should cut my own kids some slack when I accuse them of having no logical reasoning skills in their teenage brains. Maybe they’ll actually turn out alright after all.

  32. Desolate plains, next to the coast, a small nunnery, a female stands, dressed as a nun, on the cliff edge looking out at the ocean. She contemplates her safety, was it truly worth that innocent’s man life to hide her here?

    by Steph on 08.01.2010
  33. The nun in the art exhibition room look dreadful, she was wearing a brown t-shirt made completely out of – what appeared to be feathers – . She looked completely lost in thought, staring at the picture hanging at the wall.

    by Guillermo Vázquez on 08.01.2010
  34. Oh no. Nun.
    Nun-thing comes to mind when I think nuns.
    Their habits? Lame.
    Old style parochial schools? Dumb.
    Whoopi Goldberg? Meh.

  35. when i was in firs grade i was a nun for halloween. ever since i was a little girl i have had a very strong relationship with God and being a nun has always been in the back of my mind. i have stayed pure and staying in school to become a doctor and eventually dedicating my life to the church and becoming a nun has always been an appealing option for my life :)

    by on 08.01.2010
  36. “Nun denn, so sei es”, sagte er, und man merkte ihm durchaus an, dass es nicht leicht war. Tiefe Ränder unter den Augen zeugten davon, dass er einige Nächte kaum geschlafen hatte, sich hin- und herwälzend, ein Gedankenkarrussell in seinem Kopf.

    by EliEli on 08.01.2010
  37. a nun walked into a bar and saw that a baby was in the back of the bar doing heroin with some baby buddies. the nun walked up to the baby buddies and said lemme get a smack!

  38. The first lady I saw in a full-length dress was a nun. I had to call her “sister,” and I thought that “nun” was a bad word. Really. Until I was in the sixth grade.

    by Kathy on 08.01.2010
  39. One day a nun was walking hastely through the abbey when all of a sudden she had an epiphany…she thought to herself

    by Madison on 08.01.2010
  40. a nun talks with god and is pregnaut with the secound coming of jesus. but the devil kidnaps him.

    by kevin coopwood on 08.01.2010