
July 5th, 2010 | 211 Entries

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211 Entries for “myth”

  1. “The Greek myths tell tales that explain how the world works. For example, why we have seasons, which is the Demeter/Persephone myth. What explains the passionate pursuit in matters of love (Apollo/Daphne)?” The professor cleared her throat and continued. “But mostly, they are incredible stories, and they’re larger than life. Hopefully, some of you will see that as the term progresses.”

  2. this will not fade,
    to be nothing more than a myth.
    no, this needs something more,
    this needs to rise to legend.
    this love like ours wont fade.
    it will go on to inspire the youth and confuse the old.
    this myth, is our myth.

  3. A myth, a legend, a story, a tale, a lie. In our lives we’ve been told many beliefs and feelings towards the world but who are we supposed to believe? When we constantly question ourselves, how are we not supposed to question everything going on around us? To see is to believe, but sometimes we need to believe without seeing. On the contrary, we should never let someone tell us something without flooding them with ways to make them back it up. Myths can deceive us but so can the truth and that’s where we get lost. To learn is to ask, to ask is to understand. Make up your own myth, confuse the shit about everyone else before they get to you first :)

  4. there used to be a myth about my life. It went, “there was a girl who loved a boy but that boy didn’t love her back. So she got sad and went after the boy and in time he grew to love her”

    the thing is, I didn’t want to be that myth, so I made my own. I am the girl who loved the boy but the boy didn’t love me back. So I packed up and I moved on with my life.

    by lucy on 07.06.2010
  5. something about dragons, and princesses tied to limestone in the karst landscape of limestone caves in medieval Europe tickles me. something about fire-breathing monsters and blonde princes is the stuff of midnight reading under the blankets. illuminate the pages of my book with a torch. or a candle, if you fancy.
    words are a beautiful spell we try so hard to cast.

  6. Is a myth still a myth when you realize that it has always been a myth but you refuse to acknowledge the truth staring you in the face? Is it okay to keep lying to yourself about what you obviously know does not exist? i wonder. The myth will not be shattered. It lives on in my mind.

  7. Is a myth still a myth when you realize that it has always been a myth but you refuse to acknowledge the truth staring you in the face? Is it ok to keep lying to yourself about what you obviously know does not exist? i wonder. The myth will not be shuttered. It lives on in my mind.

  8. It’s not like I’ve never heard a myth before, but sometimes, when true facts of your life turn out to be mythical, the word really resonates in your mind. What is a myth? What makes it any different than a story?

    by micaeli on 07.06.2010
  9. love is a myth. its an idea that has been passed on through generations. some people believe it and some people dont. its like big foot. the people who have witnessed it believe, and the ones who havent question its existence. i guess i havent seen big foot. and i know i dont make sense, but i speak from the heart, or at least i try.

  10. “It’s merely a common misconception,” she said, proud that she could finally interject her wisdom into their conversation. “The hair doesn’t grow in thicker, it just LOOKS thicker because when you shave it, you take off all the sun bleached hair.”
    They all looked at her, some wondering where she picked up her facts, others not sure what she was doing at this party.
    Her boyfriend had her back. He whispered into Oliver’s ear, “Trust me. Her bush looks like the Van Halen logo.”

    by Lauren Scharf on 07.06.2010
  11. A myth is something that caught up the attention of many, but it may not be entirely true. Merely the imagination of others with probably a drop of truth.

    by Irina on 07.06.2010
  12. Myth is a traditional story or word of mouth usually pertaining to great fantasy. Something more brilliant and magnificent than real life.

    by sean on 07.06.2010
  13. Love is a myth; a lie. It is a fabricated story that people tell their children, but in truth don’t believe themselves. At least that’s what I thought, until I met you.

  14. mythological stories of flying geese, fairy nymphs, golden-haired gods and fiery nomads. myths are tales based in truth, history, fact. a nymph meets a boy from today’s age, she wants him for a recipe.

    by Nalini on 07.06.2010
  15. I want to burst the bubble,
    Burst the myth,
    I can be happy
    Even after severing
    All the strings.

  16. Greek myths are awesome. I did a report on Aphrodite in elementry school. It was fun.

  17. Everything about you was a myth. You smoked? And you hid it. You are MEAN. And you waited to show me. You drink too much. And you use me. You’re a liar. And I hate you for moving on so soon. I guess I wasn’t the only one for you. And I love you means shit. God this feels good to say.

  18. Me. Not ‘my’. No possessive. You do not belong to me. Nothing belongs to me but myself. Myself, a myth. You, solid and slipping away.

    by Margot on 07.05.2010
  19. They all said I was a myth. The scales on my tail gleamed as I coiled it close to me. Through half-closed eyes, I watched the bustling city below. They were… amusing.

  20. a myth, what a myth. Mythbusters bust them, ancient elders create them, but they live on.

    by john killpip on 07.05.2010
  21. It’s a myth to love.

    by Victoria on 07.05.2010
  22. sometimes i believe that myth is more reliable than history… if you really think about it, Gods are myths… karma is myth… even faith is a myth. yet people continue to believe in it more than our own history books. i believe in it more because it proves to be more truth and it gives us more reason to live. if we go by history, we’ll only see destruction as our future. so hold myths close to your heart… the myths that float around the world are more true than not… and look at it this way. It’s true if you believe in it right? whatever makes your heart beat each day hasn’t a thing to do with history… it hasn’t a thing to do with facts. it has to do with all of the things that history nor fact could ever prove exists. but yet it is the very thing that keeps us breathing and looking forward to the next day..

  23. something memorable. something heroic. something phenomenal. something worth passing down by heart from generation on. something just out right inspiring.
    you and i can make one.

  24. dvdvvd xxxxxxxxxx ssssssssssssc ccc ccccc

  25. My dad often says, “It’s all maya”
    Which means, ‘myth, illusion’, he tells me. If it’s all an illusion, then I should really pick a much better reality…..unicorns would be a good start. Belief in unicorns is not so ridiculous, considering the rest of the entire universe we believe exists.

    The theories I have about life, it’s meaning, where I’m headed, everything. It’s all myth, and some of it doesn’t make for a very good story.

    I want to rewrite these myths.

  26. the myths were never seen as true. just stories made up by ancestors. i believe them to be true. im going out and finding truth to those myths ive always known.

    by nikolette on 07.05.2010
  27. Well the Roman are the first thing to come to mind I suppose. In particular Medusa and that guy who slayed (is that correct? Probably not) her by pointing his shield at her. The good news of course is that she had a hot bod.

    by Kevin on 07.05.2010
  28. you are a lie, UN-true UN-real. you are fiction. fake.

    A myth in the making.

  29. ghosssst

  30. It can’t be real.
    Not what we have.
    It’s like a fairy-tale.

    A story elderly men and women tell around a campfire to their much younger counterparts.

  31. I want to be in myths. I want to be the heroine. I want everyone to read about me and think that I was the greatest person in the world. I want them all to love me and worship me. I really wish they would.

  32. There are many myths that I plan to read. I want to be in them, but it doesn’t really work out for me. My cat thinks that he is a mythic beast. I like to humor him, a lot. Myths are beautiful.

    by Samantha on 07.05.2010
  33. myths usually include dragons

  34. all that is myth is actually not myth;some truths masquerade as myth;some falsities also masquerade as myth.

    by sankar on 07.05.2010
  35. Myths are truth to some, are they not? It’s what they believe. When did we ever come to the point of disputing myths, anyways? How did we get here? Myths are just stories to us now. So how did myths transition from history to fiction?

  36. Every day I wake up to a new myth. Sometimes it was Greek, other times it was Norse, or Chinese. It never really mattered where it came from, but only that it existed. My parents traveled the world and because of this I often got to hear new and interesting stories. But hearing the old ones was always my favorite.

    by Paulo on 07.05.2010
  37. he was a myth, a creature of legend, perched on the sill of my window gazing his cold and uninterested gaze at me. i inched closer and closer, and just as i reached out, close enough to feel his breath, his great wings opened and he flew out of grasp.

  38. Something I don’t know. Something I care not about. I care more about truth, tangibility. The things that are closest to me, the things I know. Even love is no myth to me.

  39. I thought vampires were nothing but a myth- silly legends told to scare people. But then I met you. You were strong and charming and smart. And all you wanted was my blood.

    by M on 07.05.2010
  40. something not real, something that you want to believe that you know will never happen. greek myths are an example

    by taylor smith on 07.05.2010