
July 5th, 2010 | 211 Entries

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211 Entries for “myth”

  1. Myth, it’s a myth that you words dont’ still haunt me. years later, it’s a myth that i like you respect you or ever want to talk to you ever again.

    by Kaitlyn on 07.05.2010
  2. a myth. what is a myth? it is a legend? is it something that is true and something that is false. what is a myth? it reminds me of indians.

    by kaje on 07.05.2010
  3. Its a myth when an man gives you everything. His time, his ears, and his soul. It makes a whole difference when you meet a man in real life.

  4. My dating history is that of legend. It gets me any number of women predicated on its own mythological existence. It’s a shame that none of it is true.

  5. Love is a myth, only a speck of my thinking.

    by gino on 07.05.2010
  6. Compassion is a myth
    thats what she said
    that poor old lady
    who had every thing taken from her
    I live to prove her wrong
    by taking her son by the hand
    and showing him the best life
    and lover could ever give another
    compassion is NOT a myth

  7. It’s all a myth really, the idea that gratitude is love. We always say we want someone who will love as we are and cry for us and that we’ll be the first person they think about when they wake up in the morning or something. We all say we want that utter devotion, and then when we get it, we realize that, just because someone loves us like that, doesn’t mean we actually love them back.

  8. myths
    they arent true
    but they could be
    it has four letters
    two of which are in my first name

    i dont believe in myths
    after all they are myths
    that means that they arent true
    and unless its proved by science
    i dont believe it

    or if there is visual proof in front of my eyes
    so there.

    by ashley on 07.05.2010
  9. The myth between creatures of unknown has always crawled through the minds of man. Marcus believed that that dragons of old still roamed the earth and he would be damned if he didn’t simply didn’t find one.

    by MegMeg on 07.05.2010
  10. the older women looked at him. Her eyes where fierce but a hint of sadness where in them. that was when she said the four letter word “myth”.

  11. one morning i rose early, and there was a great white blanket of myth covering the fields. my dad said it was mist. but he was wrong.

    by zdsv on 07.05.2010
  12. it’s a myth that men can’t have multiple orgasms. They just have to be with multiple sluts who can keep on gettin’ it up for ’em.

    by marko on 07.05.2010
  13. She told me I was crazy and that it was just a myth, but I knew in my heart it lived. Never in my life had I told a lie and that night I went to the cave myself in order to catch a glimpse of the crystal dragon in its lair.

  14. It was a strange story to hear, but it captivated me with every fiber of my being. I could not help but hold some hope it was true, however impossible it may have been. The story gave my imagination wings, and i could see the great gods fighting, and the homely human who seemed to possess their stupor and power.

    by AiAi on 07.05.2010
  15. Myths aren’t true, but they are debatable. They are figments of somebody’s imagination. They help explain things in this world that are hard to cope with; hard to understand. So, I’m wondering. Are you my myth? Because you certainly qualify–you definitely have all of those traits.

  16. everything you knew about her was mostly
    except for those eyes of hers except for those eyes
    yeah green like the scales of a snake
    you hear her call ——-
    “Eve? Eve is that you?”

    by on 07.05.2010
  17. it is a myth he foretold that the bears of light would come henceworth every stones throw and 80 moons go to reckon the kingdom in it’s perishable castings.

    by annie on 07.05.2010
  18. A myth is a made up tale, perhaps with a basis in fact and often the foundation for a much more all-encompassing religious system. All cultures have myths, they can be for the purposes of entertainment, moral guidance or both.

    by Matt on 07.05.2010
  19. I heard a myth about you; I heard you lived before this life. at first I didn’t believe it but then I found the box. There were letters, photos, papers.. They were all about you but it was you before.

  20. a myth is made of creatures and things, unattainables and the things we wish were real. that lingering kiss that makes your whole body melt, the soft touch of a hand you’ll never meet…

    by daine on 07.05.2010
  21. Myth. What is myth? Stories? Just untruths? Where do they even come from? From people’s vain imaginations, or is there any truth at all in them? Myths come from legends. Legends from stories. Where does it all begin? Is it just a game? Is it all made up? Or is there something more?

  22. A whisper and a shout
    Silence and a scream
    Love and hate
    Black and white
    Skin and blood
    Peace and pain
    Scars are just a myth of the blade.

    by Kathryn on 07.05.2010
  23. a myth. a story, made up and passed on from human from human to excite them, to make them escape from their oh-so-boring-lives, if only for a few moments.

    by dernier:cri on 07.05.2010
  24. She closed the door gently, not slamming it like they wanted. She gently placed her bags in the back of her sedan, knowing they were all watching her through the glass. It was so easy to picture their faces pressed against the glass: they’d always been like that. She had never been like that, like them.

    She had always been the black sheep of the family; while they put their energy into gossip and the latest news she had spent her time studying legends and ancient stories. And that’s what she was becoming to future generations: a myth. Her own family wanted her out. They had given up on her. Abandoned her. They would never talk to her or about her again. And so she was a myth to them.

  25. Some people think that love is a myth. How can you think that something that everyone talks about is untrue? Because people don’t feel for others. They feel for themselves. If something only exists in your own head, then there’s no proof that it’s real. So love, no, I don’t believe in you. When I tell you I love you, I’m a child playing make believe. But at least I’m happy.

    by Abby on 07.05.2010
  26. some thats is not real like not reAL MAN STOP ASKIN

    by elaina on 07.05.2010
  27. it came along only once every millenium…or so the myth that was told about it said so.
    Was it an evil presences or just a harsh reality that people did not know how to react to.
    then again was it truly a myth or the real deal.
    The lenght ot ime it took to tell the story of the mythical creature was about 5 minutes. the length o time th story has been around is about 500 years. So you ask yourself how can something that has been around for over 500 years be untrue? How can something that has been passed down generation upon generation be just a myth. something so powerful that people have written books and made feature length motion pictures about it. Not to mention the 1/2 dozen or so documentaries created by legendary paleantologist, pschyologists, anthropologist and son and son. So what is a myth? what is reality? is a rose still a rose if called by another name. Your guess is as good as mine!

    by steven beyer on 07.05.2010
  28. Residing within my head, the core of childhood. Myths of dragons, myths of innocence, myths within those stupid books which tainted me so. If only I could take a step back from all the talons and fire and wings and sparkles to realize that there was something wrong, deep within.

  29. It’s no myth that I’m in love with you. Certainly no myth that I get whatever I want. Oh, and by far, it’s no myth that I will bring you down, little bits at a time, until I have you zipped up in a bag and under…my…porch…

  30. It’s a mystery surrounded in myth. We have agreed to somehow change the Outlook of love.

    by jeremy on 07.05.2010
  31. “Well, so the myth goes,” he said.
    “What, so you mean it’s not true?” I asked.
    He shook his head. “No one actually believes the story is true. But who knows? It sounds improbable to me…yet…then again our existence is also quite improbable.” – 1906

    by Anny on 07.05.2010
  32. He has an almost mythic aura about him, in everything he does. No one knows why they’re so drawn to him, just that they are. I, for one, couldn’t care less. If I knew what special something he has, it would ruin the mystique.
    Maybe. Or maybe I’d love him all the more. My heart’s already full to bursting with love for him. Can it fit any more?

  33. I find it comical that a word, which in the original Greek meant “fact” or “book”, is now taken to mean little more than a tall tale. It is a story which may have some meaning, but of little truth.

  34. ulisse che cammina per le strade di dublino, il vento freddo dell’irlanda che sbatte contro cappelli, sciarpe che ondeggiano nella calle, un vecchio si tiene il cappello fermo sulla testa con la mano, grossi occhiali di vetro porta, va a casa, una casa calda e accogliente, per non dire piccola, in legno . sofa, divano, tappeto caldo e spesso, dove piedi nudi si posano leggeri e trovano conforto, dopo l’umidità della strada .

  35. created. nothing for reals. it makes you understand something that is unexplainable. lies. truths. both mixed together.

    by ted on 07.05.2010
  36. The feathers stirred in wind
    The raven cawed a final time.
    The princess shivered,
    And all the world sighed.

    by Tzigan on 07.05.2010
  37. our love
    now just myth
    kept alive
    in earnest promises
    now broken
    dried flowers
    now brittle
    treasured keepsakes
    now hidden

    our love
    faded writing
    aging paper
    a book
    long shelved
    sitting alone
    collecting dust
    in a library
    of regrets

  38. Myths from all over the world combine to create a patchwork of colors, faiths, religions, and stories. The myths from all around the world are like a quilt sewn together to create the fabric of our being.

  39. new thought. mythic. legend. folklore. dead.

  40. i do not understand why “myth” has to be the first word. i mean, it’s such a concept. i could be writing about creation myths, religions (all of them) or even cultural/social myths. myths myths myths. soggy ol’ myth.

    by Robert H on 07.05.2010