
April 21st, 2008 | 312 Entries

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312 Entries for “mystery”

  1. Mystery is something that surrounds a lot of things in my life. I never know how things are going to progress or end up, but that’s the fun in it. This whole sense of mystery adds to the excitement of taking each day at a time. Instead of knowing each step I’m going to make, I wait until a little more information reveals itself and move from there.

    by Anna on 04.21.2008
  2. train, against all common wealth, against all sensuos record of all human misery

    by jaime on 04.21.2008
  3. when i was a kid i read too many books. i read about children who discovered old notes and maps in attics which then let them solve mysteries. i was always so jealous of them. i wished that i had a cool old attic with lots of mysterious things where i could find a map with clues that lead to a treasure. i then decided that i would make my own map and maybe 100 years from now other kids could find it and they could have the mystery to solve that i never had.

    by MaiAda on 04.21.2008
  4. secrets are often revealed by spie or police officers
    these officers usually have relationships with their secretaries who also have relationships with these officers’ best friends.
    yeah that’s just the way it is

    by hannes on 04.21.2008
  5. It was a great mystery, that house. Non one could remember who had last lived there , or even if anyone ever had. It just seems to have appeared and was now slowly falling into ruin.

    Tom and his family were new in town, and as was customary, he had to do a dare to be accepted by the other kids at school. His dare. One night in THAT house. Thursday night, all night, and if he didn’t stay he was ‘chicken’, and nobody wanted to be friends with a chicken.

    by Danielle Taylor on 04.21.2008
  6. its a mystery what we do to kill time. For myself, I like to think about what it would be like if all the clouds around us were omnipresent and they knew everything that we tried to keep from each other. People and their secrets. You know, there are good reasons why I dislike telepathy.

    by Bonkers on 04.21.2008
  7. I dont really know what to write. It’s a bit of a mystery I suppose. Maybe I could write about a secret job which I’m ordered to do and which nobody else would see, hear or do. It’s a bit of a mystery I suppose.

    by James Snowdon on 04.21.2008
  8. who knows?

    by markos on 04.21.2008
  9. This is a ponderous thing that happened when it did but what was it? So unclear. Could be something that guy did? That butler maybe? Geez I dunno. So much suspense. Hey look a knife! I wonder if that played a role in some way.

    by Cameron on 04.21.2008
  10. this is something that often happen in our lives. Like people always said, life is full of mistery. What is mistery anyways? For me, it is a question that we don’t know the answer at the moment. Mistery solved when we get the answer.

    by waway on 04.21.2008
  11. the mystery is why we are here. What is the reason and who created us if we are indeed created. Why does man kill each other? Why can we exist together in peace? Why can’t men and women get along? Why does the color of our skin make us any different inside? The Mysteries are too great and too unexplainable and they remain mysteries and will be so for all time. But it is mystery that makes life worth living. Life can change at any moment and that in itself is a mystery.

    by dan lynn on 04.21.2008
  12. mystery is something you dont know anything about. it kreeps inside f you like something dark and you dont even know if you want to know what it is. it buggs you. it make syour hair stand on end. it makes you wanrt tocrawl into a hole and be a child again when your mother solved all hte mysteries for you.

    by J on 04.21.2008
  13. it was never quite known how he did what he did. he just upped and flew out of the window as others looked on in aw. i saw him with my own eyes, swooping round the clouds as if he knew them intimately and how to navigate the skies using them, but of course they always changed with the winds, and so did his direction.

    by Nafiz on 04.21.2008
  14. Mystery is the state of the lack of assurance of something. Being unaware of its totality and purity of form. In this way, mystery is life. Mystery defines all of what we perceive, all of what we dare to say we know. In truth, there is only on thing that is not a mystery, “cogito ergo sum”.

    by Daniel on 04.21.2008
  15. mystery Eh well I once knew About A boy who lioved mystery he would read and study and solve mysteries all day. his name was greg.

    by Alister on 04.21.2008
  16. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted but nothing you need. Not at all.

    What is required of you but to follow at the same pace? Run, dash, race a shadow to the closest grove. Give everything of yourself and the world is compelled to match your speed.

    by Annie on 04.21.2008
  17. Agatha Christie sends Hercule Poirot out to investigate the death of Roger Ackroyd, or some such gentlemen.

    Things are not as they seem. Or they are. Or the narrator actually killed the guy. Or it was the butler. Or he killed himself. The mystery is in the possibilities.

    by Maxwell A on 04.21.2008
  18. Mystery, is the magic, the fire of your mind, letters in a surgery that place your passion in a furnace of the unknown.

    The dark, the sacred, the nothing.

    The happiness is a shady slant of mystery. You are the surgeon. The world is our furnace.

    by marv on 04.21.2008
  19. Mystery is the fog in your eyes, it is the silver sea, devestating your mind. Mystery is the force that drives you in to oblivion. It is the light, and the completely obvious. Mystery is the art of disguise, hiding right infront of someone. Hiding behind your words, you are all that you want to be. You are you, not the you you usually are, but the one you always wanted to be.

    by Joe on 04.21.2008
  20. a mystery revealed that the suspect was in fact a young kid 12 maybe 13 years of age.

    by kev on 04.21.2008
  21. Life. Life is a mystery. Our paths are dark, our footing is off, but we truge through the dark anyway. We have to. The mystery life holds are our dreams we clutch to at night. Hopefully one day we will find them.

    by Kara on 04.21.2008
  22. the greatest mystery in life is what happens after we die. it is a mystery because nobody can come back from death to tell everyone what happens. this has caused a lot of people to come up with stories to explain life after death, despite the fact that it’s impossible to truly know.

    by torry on 04.21.2008
  23. Angela Lansbury always looks like she has a secret. She

    by erynashley on 04.21.2008
  24. Sometimes there are no adequate answers for the things that plague us. The search for satisfaction remains elusive. We can only content ourselves with the not-knowing. These little mysteries are a fact of our human inability to comprehend all.

    by Dean on 04.21.2008
  25. its not very clear and i struggle to reason it out. my suspicions were mysteriously mysterious and mysteries are to be solved very mysteriously if you like. then it went berserk.

    by Abdul on 04.21.2008
  26. It’s what I always wanted my life to be. the big mystery, the kind that people would die to hear told about. It’s not. It’s plain. the only mystery is why I ever thought it might be so. Why I continue to feel that it can be enchanting and full of surprises. The only truth is that cynics always win.

    by Maria on 04.21.2008
  27. A mystery is a thing that is unknown. It could be a detective mystery where a detective is trying to solve a mystery. Solving mysteries help save peoples lives. Mystery is a very mysterious word.

    by Spencer Christie on 04.21.2008
  28. life is a mystery.. i know because i’ve spent most of my long life trying to figure out what life is for and how existance came about. I have shared many thoughts and many ideas with friends, family, and colleagues alike. No one person has the answer to the question “why are we here” life is the greatest mystery of all.

    by alexander on 04.21.2008
  29. something strange, unexplained, maybe true maybe false, unsubstantiated, bizarre, just don’t know the truth behind it, true events

    by stan on 04.21.2008
  30. The town was so mysterious; it was like a ghost town, only more deserted. I don’t know what brought me here, only that I was now here, and that something was going to happen.

    by Steve Malsam on 04.21.2008
  31. each day begins a sense of mystery, we dont fully know what is going to happen. life is a mystery and even friends are. relationships are the worst, you always think you know someone until you start to like them, then u have no idea what they are really thinking. whats out there is also a mystery, do we really know everything

    by kat on 04.21.2008
  32. mystery stories, like agatha christie. i never really enjoyed them, i can’t handle suspense very well, or surprises. i like to be in control. is that a problem? i like to think not. people are a mystery. i’m a mystery, even to myself. life = mystery.

    by amy on 04.21.2008
  33. I was 12 years old in 1961. I was a na

    by David Satterfield (NMRN) on 04.21.2008
  34. horror fantasy enigmatic psicho interesting love

    by tz on 04.21.2008
  35. 14 years into the relationship, the mystery was gone. The excitement, the fun, the life as a pair. Instead it’s about diapers, it’s about car payments, it’s about swim practice, it’s about dishes and laundry and everything else. No mystery.

    by S on 04.21.2008
  36. It was a dark and stormy night. He was unsure of what he would find in the dark cave. He crept in slowly and as he trained his flashlight on the wall, he screamed. He had never seen anything like it.

    by Joshua Browning on 04.21.2008
  37. It’s a mystery to me how some people can come up with imaginative plots and characters who seem to be real.
    I hope to someday be able to at least describe someone that I know in a believable fashion.

    by JayDee on 04.21.2008
  38. it is a mystery as to why people actively enjoy bananas they are horrible they look horrible they taste horribl and they smell horrible. i don’t understand why sports people rave about them it is strange and it makes me mistrust anyone who chomps on one they are clearly mad

    by kyra on 04.21.2008
  39. It was a complete mystery to me how he could forget that night. I mean, it wasn’t like just anyone could have walked into the ice cream parlor and demanded a triple-decker milkshake, right?

    by teresa on 04.21.2008
  40. all the time I was there no one noticed me. I could have flipped everybody off and they would not have noticed. But they were there.

    by mike on 04.21.2008