
January 26th, 2010 | 555 Entries

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555 Entries for “mute”

  1. I feel as if my vocal chords are shattered. It’s been almost a month and still no contact. She talks about how horrible we’ve been and how we don’t care about her, making mountains out of molehills and misjudging the situation entirely. I desperately wish to speak out, tell her the truth, and fix this, but then…I am mute.

    by Nobody on 01.27.2010
  2. lhg;ugkglkgj.k

    by on 01.27.2010
  3. when you need all around you to stop making the racket that drives you crazy just reach out and hit the mute button

    by njf on 01.27.2010
  4. Sometimes I wish I could mute my husband. Like in last night’s dream.

    I dreamed we were at a huge theatre, watching a play, and he would not SHUT UP, to the point where the actors were getting all annoyed and stopping the performance.

    Eventually they dragged us up on stage to shut him up. It worked.

    by Mel on 01.27.2010
  5. The girl hid her head and hid her face and hid her tears and hid herself in the corner.
    After all the shouts, the stares, the confusing bustling corridors with their unrelenting glares,
    she doesn’t want to tell them.

    by Rosie on 01.27.2010
  6. i can’t say anything.
    i always feel like this in the morning before i’ve spoken to anyone.
    or if i’m at home alone, i never speak, or even laugh out loud when things are funny.

    by Samantha on 01.27.2010
  7. mute

    by chrs on 01.27.2010
  8. Mute is a button on the remote. It is the point at which you stop speaking and start listening…unless you were going to listen to the TV, because you obviously can’t hear that anymore. Mute is not the same as moot, although they sound pretty similar. So that’s all, MUTE!

    by Allison on 01.27.2010
  9. to not speak. not always becasue you can’t sometimes you can be on the inside screaming to get out & it seems that you juct can’t. of course it works good when you

    by on 01.27.2010
  10. The mime sat on the sidewalk. He was saddend that the world was so loud. Noise everywhere. Where it the remote for the planet? The damn mute button?

    by Kat on 01.27.2010
  11. I once was mute, but now I’m found…my voice has arrived as I smile. My head that once was heavy with thoughts, cries, words, tears, fears, love…has opened and is now happily expressed through my laughter..

    by Brittney on 01.27.2010
  12. M is for meak.
    U is for unusual.
    T is for trepedation.
    E is for empathy.

    by Dante on 01.27.2010
  13. Silent as a shadow. Cat of the cnalas jumps over the pudlles to stay quiet. Her movement is muted by her feline agility and quick pace. Mute us her movement. Silence is her friend.

    by MLee on 01.27.2010
  14. I hope I don’t ever become a mute. Remember that episode of Fullmetal Alchemist where you meet Rose again and she’s a mute? I was like, “Woah.” Maybe Scar raped her? Or someone, anyway. How else could you explain the fact she’s a mute (mentally scarred) and suddenly has a mystery child! It’s a pretty scray thought to be honest lol but it was a good episode.

    by Nefetiti on 01.27.2010
  15. She stood mute at the door to the kitchen, a perfect “O” formed by her hips as her husband of five years straightened up and untangled himself from the next door neighbor’s daughter.

    by Audrey Wojtkowiak/ on 01.27.2010
  16. it’s not that i can’t talk, it just that i choose not to. people assume i am dumb, that I don’t know what is going on, but really, i understand more, i observe more. when people think you don’t understand they tend to be more liberal with their own speech and conversation. you would be surprised by the things i have heard!

    by madmo on 01.27.2010
  17. If I were mute, I would probably write more, as words are very important. But generally I am very loud so perhaps I would write in BIG LETTERS to EMPHASIZE MY POINT.

    by on 01.27.2010
  18. The man was mute, we saw him with his hat tipped over his head, passing by the various storefronts, looking like a walking statue covered in the dust of memories and decay. He had been around for as long as I could remember, always taking the same seat near the bus stop, where he would read the same newspaper every day. He was odd, a man that never talked, a man that didnt seem to know how to hear, he never responded to anyone or anything. He lived in another dimension it seemed.

    by Sirius on 01.27.2010
  19. The mute silence of the forest made Jackson nervous.

    He could hear the sounds of the pine needles groan under his feet, but he knew that the enemy soldiers in the bunker could not.

    He advanced.

    by Jimi X on 01.27.2010
  20. Mute is no sound or when someone can’t talk. I love silence, but I can’t stand the TV on mute unless I have the CC on. I hate not fully knowing what’s going on. Drives me crazy. Silence is good though. Talking is also good, so I never ever ever want to be mute. I pray for the mutes! Let there be speech!

    by bananarama on 01.27.2010
  21. this is a silent sounds it can be found on a remote or laptop my daught hit the mute button on the computer or I mean the tv the other night I also used it to get her attention when she did not wan to stop watching

    by Amy McGraw on 01.27.2010
  22. It wasn’t as though she wasn’t writing. Every day she wrote a sentence or two. Some little internet prompt. The idea for a blog that she didn’t want to lose track of. But anything major seemed just beyond her reach, requiring a discipline she didn’t know whether she could muster. That screenplay sad mute in the archives of her imagination.

    by Linda on 01.27.2010
  23. She was mute for so long
    Holding her tongue
    To protect others
    To protect herself
    But she found the silence
    Suffocated her
    Stole her very self
    And buried her
    Under a wall of regret
    And she vowed
    To never bite her tongue
    To never swallow her words
    To never lose herself

    by Teal on 01.27.2010
  24. I have 60 seconds to say what is in my mind about the word mute. nothing comes to mind. my mind is mute!!

    by kace on 01.27.2010
  25. It just wasn’t getting through. She yelled and screamed and pleaded but all she got in return were confused looks.

    by Joe M on 01.27.2010
  26. I am a mute. It helps me handle and control my emotions. Its hard and most people dont understand, yet id rather not say anything than say something hurtful that would freak everybody out and piss them all off. Its kinda a crazy case.

    by Ali on 01.27.2010
  27. It hadn’t been that long since i’d lost the power of speech. It felt like an eternity.
    “When you learn to scream again, if when you’ll get to go home.” I’d been told by the great Doubly Whobble.
    It was talking that got me into this and now SCREAMING has got to get me out.
    I’d tried everything with no luck.
    Nothing seemed to be able to make me scream. I felt anger or pain but no sound.
    As I was ambling about my house (given to me by the Doubly Whobble as a place of haven) i stubbed my toe on an ornately carved lion’s foot.
    I yelped.
    Actually it was more or a scream.
    And then – of course – the green light and WHOOSH.
    The Doorway was open.

    by Corkie on 01.27.2010
  28. play with my winkie

    by Hunter Livingston on 01.27.2010
  29. he don’t say anything just look at me. nothing happens. “What should we do now? I love you, y’know. Please say anything.”
    he just look at me. He still doesn’t say anything. I wonder why.

    by Sweety on 01.27.2010
  30. I like boys

    by Hunter Livingston on 01.27.2010
  31. silence utter silence, no nothing complete and utterly no sound

    by on 01.27.2010
  32. to make no sound, to stop or muffle the sound

    by carey on 01.27.2010
  33. to make silent, no noise, quiet, silence, no sound, can’t hear sound, to make quiet or silent.

    by zane russell on 01.27.2010
  34. who ever is using other peoples names is gay

    by on 01.27.2010
  35. mute is when you cant talk. you cant say anything that sounds like words.

    by dustin bradshaw on 01.27.2010
  36. being quiet. no talking. no noise. no sound. ummm silence!!! complete silence. its a button on the tv remote. SILENCE!! no words no nothing.

    by on 01.27.2010
  37. mute is when you cant talk. you cant say anything that sounds like words. you just sit there and listen and watch people

    by Joshua on 01.27.2010
  38. silence, no noise what happens when someone says shut up, no sounds. a button on a tv remote

    by hunter livingston on 01.27.2010
  39. mute means no sound. Mute can also be someone wqho does not konw how to speak or cannot hear. Seriously? mute? i don’t know how to describe that. I mean…duh doesnt everyone know that?

    by sean antone on 01.27.2010
  40. when i think of the word mute the first thing that comes to mind is my ipod touch.prolly because i have music all the time. but mute basicly means to silence something or something is already silenced. but mute can also be for a human as if they cant speak then they would be called mute.

    by wyatt poovey on 01.27.2010