
December 25th, 2009 | 269 Entries

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269 Entries for “mittens”

  1. mittens are clumsy gloves that take up all the fingers in one go, so it means easy tasks are hard, like unwrapping sledding ropes etc. designed with cuteness in mind, probably for the younger audience or the very old, you’d be a lot better off with a proper set of leather gloves.

    by Tom on 12.26.2009
  2. they are not often used in tropical countries as these places do not even have winter. even in places which do have winter, i wonder how many people actually do bother using these mittens on a regular basis as they can be rather inconvenient and it is hard to get a feel of things with them on.

    by hanley on 12.26.2009
  3. You cup your hands together and blow your hot breath into them, trying to keep them as warm as possible. The snow covers the top of your head and you look up. You feel a warm hand on your shoulder and see mittens hanging above. You look back and smile at her, and she smiles back, urging you to wear her gift.

    by Ekilow on 12.26.2009
  4. my mittens are very red and fuzzy. they keep my hands so warm. i love them. they are made of cotton and magic fairy dust. do you like them? why thank you. so do i…

    by Gabe on 12.26.2009
  5. she was mitten with me, as I was mitten with her. We would spend evenings looking into eachother’s eyes as we attended our night class. what do I do next? speak with her

    by pattyt on 12.25.2009
  6. My hands would have been frozen except for the warmth provided by those hideous, hand-knitted mitten from my Great Aunt Becky. The garish orange and green yarn stared at me from the snow, but my hands stayed dry and warm.

    by Forrest McDonald on 12.25.2009
  7. Kittens and their mittens. Mamma always told us it was only a fable. She was a liar.

    by Emma on 12.25.2009
  8. My white hands are cold.
    They’re devoid of warmth–
    chapped and cracking.
    I wish they would heal,
    They need to feel real.
    One thing’s certain though;
    I really talk about my heart.

    by Patrick on 12.25.2009
  9. mittens give me joy when i think about them. for me mittens represent countless days of snowy fun with my sisters and my dad. peaceful and content ignorance of the problems that we are now facing in the world.

    by sarah on 12.25.2009
  10. kittens.

    by on 12.25.2009
  11. She put on her mittens, but it was a struggle, they were almost a size too small, yet she was determined; the sides of her hands bulging out, and some of the seems coming loose. So she then used her teeth.

    “They gotta fit, I just know it.” She grunted.

    One finger slipped in to its respectable spot. Success!

    Almost there, she thought. The blood rushing to her face.

    by Gouldin Lion on 12.25.2009
  12. My hands slid out of the mittens easily. He always said he liked my hands. Though he had no qualms about holding them behind my head as he took his was with me. My pretty hands were never strong enough to hold him off. My hands can’t cover the bruises.

    by paige on 12.25.2009
  13. mittens keep your hands warm when it is cold outside. they come in many different colors, ptterns and materials. they also range in price. if bought

    by on 12.25.2009
  14. mittens keep peoples hand warm. they keep you warm, cozy, safe. i want some mittens in my life, i definitely need some. i want big mittens, brown cozy mittens, maybe some champagne colores ones, yeah i like those better.

    by Mabelusk on 12.25.2009
  15. a cat named mittens once ran with a gopher through a creek this all happened last saturday while the sun was down but the moon was hiding in australia at that same time a virgin cried… her mittens were on the floor and she couldnt pick them up she had lost her willpower to live… while the cat and the gopher were just happy

    by Dante Niqo on 12.25.2009
  16. the day the girl took off her mittens was one of bitterness and melancholy. Life before that was difficult for her because her hands were constantly itching away slowly at the tips of her fingernails and leaving infected rashes on her.

    by kal on 12.25.2009
  17. mittens are so useful in the winter time because its really really chilly outside and i like keeping myself nice and toasty and warm and cozy. thats funny cuz it kind of rhymed and i love to rhyme because i want to be a singer when i grow up just like hannah montana she is my idol and i love her she is so pretty with long blond hair. i want to die my hair blonde but i want to go to the beach and dye it aw shoot this sucks

    by hellen keller on 12.25.2009
  18. kittens and mittens are fuzzy and warm I love to hug them close to my chest and caress them until I fall asleep. I love pink fuzzy things and I’m pretty girlie. Girl power! Soft supple delicious and did I mention that I like cupcakes. If they are pink that’s even better and with sprinkles. Now we’re talking.

    by on 12.25.2009
  19. mittens are for the winter.i love snow. i love the cold. i love knitting. mittens are so soft. but i prefer gloves. i like having my fingers being able to move around. mittens look cute on little babies. i love baby emaan.

    by sue on 12.25.2009
  20. kitten mittens snow cold where them fingers warm wool matching hat gloves scarf new york cats

    by chiara on 12.25.2009
  21. The little girl stared at the mittens on her hands. Fresh, white, powdery snow clung to the burgundy yarn–traces of the snowman erected in her backyard. This was her first White Christmas.

    by Amanda Rude on 12.25.2009
  22. warm kitten mittens chiara likes mittens i loved those thick wool mittens as a kid now i couldnt imagine wearing then i saw them in the mall the other day my dad and i made fun of them how does that store stay in business ill never know

    by hannah on 12.25.2009
  23. they never knew the songs you wrote. they never knew you had a career. they never knew you as anything more than a broken body on a girney…just another cripple who overdosed on Christmas day. but there’s still some shelter beneath the hatch. hope you took your mittens…

    by sometimesboy: RIP Vic Chesnutt on 12.25.2009
  24. It was cold outside. The snow fell softly, blanketing the hard ground below it. I put my mittens on my hands and got into the car. It still smelled like her. The shampoo she used for her hair, the detergent she used for her clothes–I could never tell exactly what it was, but it was beautiful. It was her.

    by Sea on 12.25.2009
  25. they never knew the songs you wrote. they never knew you had a career. they never knew you as anything more than a broken body on a girney…just another cripple who overdosed on Christmas day. but there’s still some shelter beneath the hatch. hope you took your mittens…

    by sometimesboy: RIP Vic Chesnutt on 12.25.2009
  26. are so cozy and warm. but i really hate them, on the inside.

    by michelle on 12.25.2009
  27. mittens are what keep your hands warm in the inter. I have a strange little disease called renauds and it makes mt hands hurt in the the sudden weatherchagne of winter. I dont generally prefer mittens to glove though. mittens tend to make it hard to do things which i could not handle, lol

    by mlc on 12.25.2009
  28. He lost his mittens and I wanted to buy him new ones for Christmas but didn’t know if it would be weird for me to buy him a present since he still cares about his ex-girlfriend.

    by Val on 12.25.2009
  29. I always used to were mittens outside when I was younger. I loved mittens! Although I hated when we were sled riding how all the snow would get clustered onto my mitten hands! So now I wear gloves. But the snow still sticks!

    by Ayana on 12.25.2009
  30. my mother used to make me wear mittens when it snowed growing up. it made all of my fingers cold together. now i like wearing gloves. they work better

    by toni on 12.25.2009
  31. rhymes with kittens

    by Vi on 12.25.2009
  32. he took off his mittens and revealed a large ugly hook. she let out a nasty shriek. she knew he had fooled her. he was not john. he had lied to her, and now she was going to die. there was no time to run.

    by cindy on 12.25.2009
  33. These thick warm mittens keep my hand nice and warm. Mittens is such a hard topic to write about, really. I think there should have been a better word for today (:

    by Heather. on 12.25.2009
  34. I never wore mittens. I never saw the point of putting my hands in prisons. I could be walking through the tundra and a bear could attack. I would be defenseless. My hands are incapacitated. No, mittens are not a viable choice if you wish to survive. I would, however, put mittens on my cat.

    by Mary on 12.25.2009
  35. insanely warm, i feel like most people who wear mittens have to be a bit insane. they give up their ability to use opposable digits plus a thumb. what’s the point of evolution if we’re just gonna entrap our fingers in wool? we can’t feel.

    by on 12.25.2009
  36. silly impracticle thigns because you cant use your fingers. they arent fun for littel kids either who i always find struggle greatly with out the use of their fingers. but they are rather nice and often can be pretty fashionable. avoids rude pointing too.

    by a graz on 12.25.2009
  37. some people like to wear mittens, and mittens on kittes are cute. they have olympic mittens out now, i cooked with them today. typing with mittens on siucks, unless they’re cool like giraffes or something. mittens in shapes keep you warm. its cool :) i love mittens. i’m wearing some now. thats all i have tp say about mittens

    by vicky on 12.25.2009
  38. keeps us warm and so cozy. cats live in them and little critters. snow day little kids and babies. cuter than gloves but not as convenient

    by goetti on 12.25.2009
  39. warm & fuzzy. I have two pairs of mittens pink and gray =) I like my mittens they are friggin awesome! everyone should have a pair of mittens. I want some more! The cool ones with removable tops

    by saphyre on 12.25.2009
  40. one time i had some mittens. i loved to wear them because they were very warm. I don’t like those mittens with the fingers because i find them to be pointless. I mean, who really needs to have their fingers exposed half the time? Just wear gloves if you really think it’s that important. You have got to be so cold when you try to wear mittens and your fingers are still left in the winter air. I don’t see how it could get any worse than that.

    by KIMBERRRRRRRRRR on 12.25.2009