
December 25th, 2009 | 269 Entries

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269 Entries for “mittens”

  1. “W-Wah, but my hands aren’t cold, really!”

    “Take them, Inoue.”

    “Your fingers are going to to fall off Kurosaki-kun!!”

    “… Inoue, take them before I do something I won’t regret.”

    “…. Fine.”

    by chips on 12.25.2009
  2. they jeep me warm, i love mittens, ahhh who am i kidding this sucks i have nothing to fucking say about mittens, like seriously, who cares, i have more to type about how i hate mittens then how i want to talk about them.

    by owen stroll on 12.25.2009
  3. I really am not a fan of mittens. They are such a pain. I don’t think I’ve ever owned a pair. Well, that’s not true. I have but I didn’t use them. I had a pair of fingerless gloves that had a flap that made them mittens. I cut the flap off. And then randomly it had a thumb as well so I cut the tip of the thumb off too.

    by Colin Hart on 12.25.2009
  4. if it’s cold and wet i us ehtese to warm my hands from the snowball that is forming in my small vainey hands. as my fingers grasp the frozen rain i feel no wet tears.

    by bob on 12.25.2009
  5. covering of the hands, plenty of warmth, don’t go out without them, childish, fuzzy, rhymes with kittens, i need my fingers!!!

    by on 12.25.2009
  6. mittens are adorable. they keep the hands warm like a glove, except you can free your fingers at any time.

    by Kellie on 12.25.2009
  7. I don’t know what mittens are, but will certainly eat one if I’m hungry.

    by Pablo on 12.25.2009
  8. I used to be reminded of clams whenever I saw them on her tiny hands. They came in soft yellow, pink, blue. Chuyito doesn’t use them, his hands are bare and they curl into tiny fists when the pangs travel up and down his little body. When my face is close enough I can feel his little nails sink into my nose, the slow pulse in his premature veins.

    by Mittens on 12.25.2009
  9. snow cold skii warmth cotton fuzzy

    by callie Holeman on 12.25.2009
  10. I fucking love mittens! they are not quite gloves and yet they keep your fingers so toastie and arm. sometimes mittens can be frustrating because they have little wiggle room, but all in all mittens are truly the way to go.

    by BZ on 12.25.2009
  11. Sometimes you can forget something simple when you get up and get ready to go for the day. Sometimes you can forget and not know how important an item it is to forget, such as underware, or for example, mittens. When you rush for the bus and you know there is no

    by Rose on 12.25.2009
  12. dfg

    by asdf on 12.25.2009
  13. The mittens were dark red yarn. She had crocheted them for her daughter while sitting in her study. Each one had a felt snowman stitched into the center with a kind face. They fit Sarah naturally.

    by pla on 12.25.2009
  14. winter time it’s very cold I don’t know mittens sound like kittens don’t they? mittens I think I read a book about it when I was in preschool. kittens that wear mittens.

    by Jane on 12.25.2009
  15. mittens are blue with a white stripe around the top. my brother won’t take them because they are girls and that is good. He looses everything. I like mittens.

    by Jan B on 12.25.2009
  16. it is cold and I have to wonder who took my mittens I have the gloves but I wan t my mittens the kitten has mittens where are mine.

    by on 12.25.2009
  17. cat in the snow in a song thats reminds me of my childhood mitens that are in a soft tissue that is a gift for christmas i like the time of the yeaR WHERE I GET TOGETHER WITH my family its fun and relaxing and not cold like the winter where i have to whear mitens

    by g on 12.25.2009
  18. knit of comfort and delight
    fuzzy hand warming godesses of the cold
    beautiful finger covering artsy crafts
    give us warm in the dead of winter
    mittens mittens mittens
    oh how I am smitten

    by bean on 12.25.2009
  19. are just like the kittens i was handling except, of course, wearable. lol. so soft and warm was the breath of my favoritee kitty. her paws sharp and always prancing about. so warm. and times’ up

    by first tymer on 12.25.2009
  20. I was watching “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” and there’s an episode called “Kitten Mittons.” It’s so funny. That show brings a smile to my face and a laugh to my gut. I also think of it as a terrible cat name. Or what my friends are apt to losing.

    by Katrina on 12.25.2009
  21. Whenever Tim is eavesdropping on my conversations at work, I make it a point to say “someone is wearing mittens.” That’s just code for “Tim is a nosy fuck!”

    by cat on 12.25.2009
  22. there once was this one guy, who was like idk all like cold and stuff, and he went to like the store and bought some gloves, but those were like too cold so he got mittens instead and they were like hella warm and he liked them so he kept them and wore them and stuff

    by Jim on 12.25.2009
  23. He was busy at the bar watching “POLKA TIME in Minnesota”.

    by @ on 12.25.2009
  24. mittens

    by Sam on 12.25.2009
  25. Rachel stood up, furiously, from the bar stool, pulled on her mittens, and hesitantly stepped back out into the cold. Shuffling and stomping through the snow, she made her way back to the car where she sat and waited for the asshole she’d arrived with.

    by RT on 12.25.2009
  26. i dont know what this means.

    by on 12.25.2009
  27. My bird doesn’t wear mittens.
    Neither do my sheep.
    Nor my granddaughter.
    Tell me, why does my wife insist our dog wear them?

    by @ on 12.25.2009
  28. mitttttttteens.
    A small cat had to pay the price for your fuzzy mittens. How do you know that they are warmer than gloves? Have you considered taking into account surface area? What then of your murderous accessories?

    by The littlest girl on 12.25.2009
  29. mittens. kittens with mittens. do you remember that book? or maybe the book about the animals that found a mitten in the woods. I suppose animals like mittens.

    by Kayla on 12.25.2009
  30. I love mitten. Mittens make me smitten. I hold kittens while wearing mittens on a brisk Monday morning.

    by Brittany on 12.25.2009
  31. i remember when it used to be cold out, cold enough that namas home-knit mittens were enough to cut the cold and fill out hands with the warmth her heart had to share with us. amen to grandma’s love.

    by nichole on 12.25.2009
  32. It was so frigid the night that you left me. I walked slowly down the path from the house thinking about how alone I was. How lonely I would be. I forgot my mittens, but I did not care. Let me hands be cold. Let me be cold.

    by Amanda on 12.25.2009
  33. Snow, three feet thick, beckoned the wiggly grinning elf, tugging on her bright mittens.

    by KaJA on 12.25.2009
  34. mittens are for cold weather. I always preferred gloves just because mittens are incrdeibly restriciting. It is difficult to do almost everything. It pisses me off. Then again, I live in florida so it’s never been such a big issue. Mittens remind me of kittens.

    by on 12.25.2009
  35. pulling off the mittens as we rushed into the house my dog Jack was already by the fire, begging me to join him in his daily relaxation (i.e. a belly rub from me)

    by erin on 12.25.2009
  36. Mittens. I have three pairs. Kittens wear mittens.
    They are cute as kittens, and warm as bitten.
    I do not thing I make sense.

    by Tasha on 12.25.2009
  37. i don’t know what to think about the cold weather anymore. it’s not even that cold outside, bu i’m dreading freezing. surprisingly, it’s christmas day and there’s no snow. Just left over snow… not enough to even cover up the grass. I wish it was summer all year long, but I do think I miss white on christmas.

    by on 12.25.2009
  38. cozy winter companion, childhood memories, lack of freedom of movement, lots of warmth. wool, soft. snow, cute, i love the word, the way it sounds when you say the Ts well, reminds me of british people.

    by Liz on 12.25.2009
  39. small children’s gloves covering their hands to protect from cold and to prevent them sucking their fingers!They come in different materials.

    by pavalamani pragasam on 12.25.2009
  40. why the crap did I get the word mittens again?!

    by Kathryn on 12.25.2009