
April 23rd, 2010 | 206 Entries

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206 Entries for “mineral”

  1. Not sure what to do with this word, mineral. I take vitamins and minerals in the morning. I’ve seen commercials for Bare Minerals makeup but I don’t use it. Opps times up.

    by Nancy* on 04.24.2010
  2. like a drink but in the ground are you this or animal or nothing my favourite is coke I think and probably zinc they come with vitamins which come in food of every kind and you should get them all into you

    by Naomi O'Farrell on 04.24.2010
  3. Mineral water is all I can come up with. Water is important for proper growth and health. Clean water is needed all over the world. Water should not be a commodity.

    by noke on 04.24.2010
  4. water! Why are there minerals in water” I’m pretty sure they were put there, but there is no difference in the taste at all… That’s all I have to say. Hm…

    by leanna on 04.24.2010
  5. Animal, mineral, vegetable
    Rabbit, gold, carrot
    Fox, purple, aubergine
    Cat, purple isn’t a colour, apple, apple isn’t a vegetable.

    by Sarah on 04.24.2010
  6. Mineral makeup is said to make a woman appear to be more beautiful. What is mineral makeup? Can one little thing like minerals instantly make someone beautiful?

    by Kathleen Harrison on 04.24.2010
  7. Mineral makeup is said to make a woman appear to be more beautiful. What is mineral makeup? Can one little thing like minerals instantly make someone beautiful?

    by Kathleen Harrison on 04.24.2010
  8. yo bro

    by Manish on 04.24.2010
  9. vitamin water is supposed to have minerals in it but i really don’t think they do. I mean, it almost tastes like nothing. The 50 cent one? Tastes like something he would like, it tastes like his horrible music.

    by brittany on 04.23.2010
  10. A clear brook, the fresh smell of spring and the tang of natural minerals in the water. Life is beginning to look up for me.

    by Sinead on 04.23.2010
  11. Mineral water is supposed to be good. They say it enhanced. They say that it’s better tasting than the tap water. When really it’s just been morphed with man-made things and masked behind its true evil. Drip tap water. Get over the self filled prophesy of taste. It’s in your head. It’s not real.

    by Michal Broussard on 04.23.2010
  12. minerals.
    mine are all small.
    minimal minerals.
    minutes of minimal minerals.
    maybe minerals might mine themselves.

    by allie sanchez on 04.23.2010
  13. Mining is a thing of the past. Or is it? Miners have always been around and probably always will be. They find things in the earth we couldn’t even dream of. The earth produces such a vast array of things that we haven’t even scratched the surface. Minerals come in so many varieties that it’s hard to know how many there really are. There are diamons and ru

    by Allegra on 04.23.2010
  14. A star stuck in the dirt; a duplicate of the glimmer in her eyes; an angel’s delicate smile.

    by Hannah on 04.23.2010
  15. that makes me whole and puts me in control, that binds me and you between us the earth and heaven falls around the dust of the past and brazen lust for the future. do you dare? do you wish the pain away?

    by Keatzi Gunmoney on 04.23.2010
  16. I think my interest in minreal is minimal…setidel,,,fritteral…earthy birth see how I hurt the with curse b?

    by barabuzz on 04.23.2010
  17. there were minerals everywhere just floating around in space like little dust particles swaying too and fro they just swirl around aoll day how nice it must be to be a mineral without responsibilities and what not.

    by erica on 04.23.2010
  18. mineral?! thats it?! can’t i get another word?! my mind draws a blank with this mineral crap! i want something interesting in my life.

    by emily Ortiz on 04.23.2010
  19. mineral water is supposedly good for you but it tastes disgusting to me. why is it that everything that is extremely healthy for you is bad tasting. with the exception of most fruit and veggies. other than that, id rather eat a tree.

    by emily ortiz on 04.23.2010
  20. Minerals keep our body supplied with the ability to fulfill their functions everyday. Without minerals, where would we be in the world? Probably rotting away in a heap somewhere, unable to actually be cemented into some kind of distinguishable form because, surprise! Fossils form in mineral deposits.

    by Rose on 04.23.2010
  21. Minerals are rocks. I also know there is mineral water. that’s about it… why are they chosing words I don’t know that much about? Hahaha. I feel like an idiot.

    by TCC on 04.23.2010
  22. i don’t know what to write but i am writting but how i don’t know what to write

    by monique on 04.23.2010
  23. I dont want to see where this is going
    where that rock is going to land
    it’s her
    he always said…
    what a god damn lie
    don’t say it
    just don’t say it

    by sharent hernandez on 04.23.2010
  24. I held onto that bottle of mineral water so tightly that my hands began to ache. Being deprived of both food and water for 4 days was so excruciatingly painful. I hope that son of a bitch, goes away for a long time. Nobody deserves what happened to me, nobody.

    by Emma on 04.23.2010
  25. the mineral in me
    the mineral in you
    the minerals in all of us
    they keep us tied
    we’re all in them and they’re all in us

    by daria juck on 04.23.2010
  26. Minerals. Thats pretty much everything isn’t it. Just a bunch of differentyly arranged minerals milling along day to day? Interacting and whatnot, not thinking about our own self awareness.

    by Samual on 04.23.2010
  27. there are tons of minerals in water but minerals are like rocks too and its like omg rocks in my water like wtf but i know theyre different im not stupid LAWLS ok the minute is going by really slow uh rocks are really interesting i learned about them in 8th grade like conglomerate and sedimentary and etc. and miniernals are like simplified rocks and elements

    by Marilyn Shi on 04.23.2010
  28. There I saw, reflected
    in her eyes. The facet
    of pure sparkling mineral
    I knew her beauty there.

    Further in my glance, I
    saw her hair. A facet of
    earthen expression.

    by Dan Red Dred on 04.23.2010
  29. Diamonds are minerals, the most valuable in the world. They are made entirely of carbon, but are not an organic substance. Diamonds are also the hardest surface on the planet.

    by dlakfdj on 04.23.2010
  30. salt. necessary for living. and for taste. yum. mineral makeup is supposedly better for you. i don’t use make up so what do i know. i know there are other minerals but it’s late and the phillies suck. i know lucky charms have some vitamins and minerals.

    by alyssa on 04.23.2010
  31. A chemical compound formed from metals; ore; we want to drink mineral water to safeguard our health. The mines offer minerals which are refined to get pure metals.

    by pavalamani pragasam on 04.23.2010
  32. minerals are beautiful quiet things like water in the grass, like thae bug on my wall which i am going to kill . i killed it but it ran away

    by aldkfj on 04.23.2010
  33. Minerals ca be a lot of fun to have around if they’re in crystal form, like my lucky rock is. I put it in my pocket and so far, I haven’t noticed whether my luck has improved. My pocket’s luck has, though, because it often has a lucky rock in it. Pretty darned lucky.

    by Dukkie on 04.23.2010
  34. The word mineral reminds me too much of my junior high years and how they forced geography down our throats. After then, we never went over it again. No volcanoes. No rocks. No earth layers. Maybe it doesn’t really matter after all.

    by Jesse Flowers on 04.23.2010
  35. As a kid I would drink water right from the tap. Full of minerals and chemicals and god knows what. Now I am old and a complete germophobic.

    by eiramyllek73 on 04.23.2010
  36. Minerals in the earth take thousands of years to form. Like ice forming at a glacial pace, the heated molten rocks from volcanoes land and slowly cool, eventually reaching a hardened state of matter.

    by Spencer O'Brien on 04.23.2010
  37. minerals are hardcore as hell. i mean, literally (usually). without these badass mineral type objects, we wouldnt have half the nifty shit we have today. your ipod? bam. gone. computer? destroyed. minerals are the SHIT. you love them. you need them. caress them, love them…never leave them. god. i love minerals. sometimes i touch them.

    by mike on 04.23.2010
  38. Instantly I think about my geology classes. I took geology since I was a business major and geology was the science easiest for people like us. I did get to learn about “bookish layers” and “cleavage” (the mineral descriptor, not boobs). Good times, good times.

    by Sarah on 04.23.2010
  39. the new cover girl mineral powder foundation.

    by c chan on 04.23.2010
  40. I looked into the crevice and saw before me a glimmering bit rock. Reaching into the hole, I nicked my finger upon said rock. After the police arrived to investigate this aggressor, they reported to me that it was nothing other than an extremely hard mineral. Unfortunately, it wasn’t diamond.

    by Kevin Mitchell on 04.23.2010